16 research outputs found

    Adaptive Channel Recommendation For Opportunistic Spectrum Access

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    We propose a dynamic spectrum access scheme where secondary users recommend "good" channels to each other and access accordingly. We formulate the problem as an average reward based Markov decision process. We show the existence of the optimal stationary spectrum access policy, and explore its structure properties in two asymptotic cases. Since the action space of the Markov decision process is continuous, it is difficult to find the optimal policy by simply discretizing the action space and use the policy iteration, value iteration, or Q-learning methods. Instead, we propose a new algorithm based on the Model Reference Adaptive Search method, and prove its convergence to the optimal policy. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithms achieve up to 18% and 100% performance improvement than the static channel recommendation scheme in homogeneous and heterogeneous channel environments, respectively, and is more robust to channel dynamics

    Asynchronous Channel-Hopping Scheme under Jamming Attacks

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    Spectrum and transmission range aware clustering for cognitive radio ad hoc networks

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    Cognitive radio network (CRN) is a promising technology to overcome the problem of spectrum shortage by enabling the unlicensed users to access the underutilization spectrum bands in an opportunistic manner. On the other hand, the hardness of establishing a fixed infrastructure in specific situations such as disaster recovery, and battlefield communication imposes the network to have an ad hoc structure. Thus, the emerging of Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Network (CRAHN) has accordingly become imperative. However, the practical implementation of CRAHN faced many challenges such as control channel establishment and the scalability problems. Clustering that divides the network into virtual groups is a reliable solution to handle these issues. However, previous clustering methods for CRAHNs seem to be impractical due to issues regarding the high number of constructed clusters and unfair load distribution among the clusters. Additionally, the homogeneous channel model was considered in the previous work despite channel heterogeneity is the CRN features. This thesis addressed these issues by proposing two clustering schemes, where the heterogeneous channel is considered in the clustering process. First, a distributed clustering algorithm called Spectrum and Transmission Range Aware Clustering (STRAC) which exploits the heterogeneous channel concept is proposed. Here, a novel cluster head selection function is formulated. An analytical model is derived to validate the STRAC outcomes. Second, in order to improve the bandwidth utilization, a Load Balanced Spectrum and Transmission Range Aware Clustering (LB-STRAC) is proposed. This algorithm jointly considers the channel heterogeneity and load balancing concepts. Simulation results show that on average, STRAC reduces the number of constructed clusters up to 51% compared to conventional clustering technique, Spectrum Opportunity based Clustering (SOC). In addition, STRAC significantly reduces the one-member cluster ratio and re-affiliation ratio in comparison to non-heterogeneity channel consideration schemes. LB-STRAC further improved the clustering performance by outperforming STRAC in terms of uniformity and equality of the traffic load distribution among all clusters with fair spectrum allocation. Moreover, LB-STRAC has been shown to be very effective in improving the bandwidth utilization. For equal traffic load scenario, LB-STRAC on average improves the bandwidth utilization by 24.3% compared to STRAC. Additionally, for varied traffic load scenario, LB-STRAC improves the bandwidth utilization by 31.9% and 25.4% on average compared with STRAC for non-uniform slot allocation and for uniform slot allocation respectively. Thus, LB-STRAC is highly recommended for multi-source scenarios such as continuous monitoring applications or situation awareness applications

    Intelligent spectrum management techniques for wireless cognitive radio networks

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis addresses many of the unique spectrum management chal- lenges in CR networks for the rst time. These challenges have a vital e ect on the network performance and are particularly di cult to solve due to the unique characteristics of CR networks. Speci cally, this thesis proposes and investigates three intelligent spectrum management tech- niques for CR networks. The issues investigated in this thesis have a fundamental impact on the establishment, functionality and security of CR networks. First, an intelligent primary receiver-aware message exchange protocol for CR ad hoc networks is proposed. It considers the problem of alleviat- ing the interference collision risk to primary user communication, explic- itly to protect primary receivers that are not detected during spectrum sensing. The proposed protocol achieves a higher measure of safeguard- ing. A practical scenario is considered where no global network topology is known and no common control channel is assumed to exist. Second, a novel CR broadcast protocol (CRBP) to reliably disseminate the broadcast messages to all or most of the possible CR nodes in the network is proposed. The CRBP formulates the broadcast problem as a bipartite-graph problem. Thus, CRBP achieves a signi cant successful delivery ratio by connecting di erent local topologies, which is a unique feature in CR ad hoc networks. Finally, a new defence strategy to defend against spectrum sensing data falsi cation attacks in CR networks is proposed. In order to identify malicious users, the proposed scheme performs multiple veri cations of sensory data with the assistance of trusted nodes.Higher Committee For Education Devel- opment in Iraq (HCED-Iraq

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWireless communications pervade all avenues of modern life. The rapid expansion of wireless services has increased the need for transmission schemes that are more spectrally efficient. Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) systems attempt to address this need by building a network where the spectrum is used opportunistically by all users based on local and regional measurements of its availability. One of the principal requirements in DSA systems is to initialize and maintain a control channel to link the nodes together. This should be done even before a complete spectral usage map is available. Additionally, with more users accessing the spectrum, it is important to maintain a stable link in the presence of significant interference in emergency first-responders, rescue, and defense applications. In this thesis, a new multicarrier spread spectrum (MC-SS) technique based on filter banks is presented. The new technique is called filter bank multicarrier spread spectrum (FB-MC-SS). A detailed theory of the underlying properties of this signal are given, with emphasis on the properties that lend themselves to synchronization at the receiver. Proposed algorithms for synchronization, channel estimation, and detection are implemented on a software-defined radio platform to complete an FB-MC-SS transceiver and to prove the practicality of the technique. FB-MC-SS is shown through physical experimentation to be significantly more robust to partial band interference compared to direct sequence spread spectrum. With a higher power interfering signal occupying 90% of its band, FB-MC-SS maintains a low bit error rate. Under the same interference conditions, DS-SS fails completely. This experimentation leads to a theoretical analysis that shows in a frequency selective channel with additive white noise, the FB-MC-SS system has performance that equals that obtained by a DS-SS system employing an optimal rake receiver. This thesis contains a detailed chapter on implementation and design, including lessons learned while prototyping the system. This is to assist future system designers to quickly gain proficiency in further development of this technology