402,973 research outputs found

    E-commerce evolution in Hungary: an investigation of critical succes factor

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    In this paper we highlight how the use of internet has changed from 2004 to 2009 among Hungarian companies, how their expectations about the role of e-commerce as a competitive advantage has evolved and whether perceived benefits of e-commerce show a shift from 2004 to 2009.We investigate the role of environmental factors and market orientation as two relevant types of critical success factors proposed by the management literature and measure their impacts on Internet usage, expectations about e-commerce and perceived benefits of ecommerce. Our findings suggest that market orientation has a positive effect on Internet usage and perceived benefits of e-commerce. Internet usage and expectations are dependent on the vulnerability of the company to its macroeconomic environment. The positive outcomes of joining the EU seem to influence whether a company is able to exploit e-commerce benefits


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    This paper analyzes the factors guiding Internet and e-commerce implementation by agribusiness firms. The relationship between Internet/e-commerce strategies and manager perceptions on the barriers and factors to e-commerce adoption are analyzed in a supply-chain management framework. Using factor analysis and an ordered Probit model, results indicate that the implementation of Internet/e-commerce strategies is more likely to be adopted in larger firms with a global scope. Also, manager perceptions regarding supply-chain functions influencing transaction costs are more strongly associated with Internet/e-commerce adoption than other functions influencing production costs.e-commerce, supply-chain, transaction costs, factor analysis, order Probit, Agribusiness, Marketing,

    Evolution of polish E-commerce - main trends and perspectives

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    The aim of this paper is to present main phases of Polish e-commerce development and to show its major trends. The author also tries to predict future directions of its development. The whole e-commerce process of development is divided into five phases. The first part of the paper presents the beginnings of Polish e-commerce. Then the following stages of development are discussed with presentation of some key figures e.g. percentage of individuals who ordered goods or services over the Internet. E-auctions phenomenon is analyzed and it’s influence on market is shown. WEB 2.0 philosophy in e-commerce is shortly described. Internet price comparison services are another occurrence which is analysed and specialization versus diversification of offer in Internet shops is discussed. The author shows the examples of Polish e-shops which changed their range of assortment. The last part of the paper shows future perspectives of Polish e-commerce and discusses probable ways of development into internationalization.e-commerce, Internet shop, Internet market

    An Architecture for Information Commerce Systems

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    The increasing use of the Internet in business and commerce has created a number of new business opportunities and the need for supporting models and platforms. One of these opportunities is information commerce (i-commerce), a special case of ecommerce focused on the purchase and sale of information as a commodity. In this paper we present an architecture for i-commerce systems using OPELIX (Open Personalized Electronic Information Commerce System) [11] as an example. OPELIX provides an open information commerce platform that enables enterprises to produce, sell, deliver, and manage information products and related services over the Internet. We focus on the notion of information marketplace, a virtual location that enables i-commerce, describe the business and domain model for an information marketplace, and discuss the role of intermediaries in this environment. The domain model is used as the basis for the software architecture of the OPELIX system. We discuss the characteristics of the OPELIX architecture and compare our approach to related work in the field

    Interferences Between e-Commerce and Insurance

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    Internet use grew faster than any other technology in the last few years and it has a powerful impact on international commerce development. New opportunities appear for small and medium companies which use the internet to make commerce across the borders. Citizens save their time and money making payments on the internet, ordering goods and services using their home computers. With all this advantages, a wide variety of barriers show up and disturb the internet activity. Using the internet, companies can be affected by the losses of revenues, losses of information, security dates, reputation damage, interruption of activity, theft of private information, etc. To cover all this internet risks, insurers develop new products in order to meet all the company and citizens expectations.electronic commerce, internet risks, insurance

    Internet economics and policy: An Australian perspective

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    Publicly available information indicates that the demand and supply of Internet and Internet-related services are continuing to expand at a rapid pace. Since 1997 the number of Internet service providers (facilities-based and resellers) has increased by nearly 40 per cent; the number of points-of-presence per Internet service provider has increased by five times; the number of hosts connected to the Internet has more than quadrupled; and Internet traffic has increased from six to 10 times. The emergence of electronic commerce (e-commerce), driven by this rapid adoption of Internet services and continual technological innovation, is likely to have profound economic and social impacts on Australian society. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the impact of the Internet and e-commerce, ranging from the changes in the market structure of the telecommunications industry, its role in changing the organisation of traditional markets, the emergence of new markets, and the structural shifts to employment, productivity and trade. The paper also analyses contemporary Australian regulatory responses. IIe-commerce; internet economics

    Ethical aspects of e-commerce: data subjects and content

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    This paper reflects on the ethical challenges posed by Internet commerce, with special emphasis on those involving the content and the users of the information. The paper discusses the main ethical issues in e-commerce, including security, privacy, identity and nonrefutability of transactions. It proposes measures which both governments and the private sector could adopt to address those issues on different levels. Finally, the paper reflects on the creation of value by leveraging trust and proposes two universal principles to be upheld in Internet commerce: online-offline consistency and technological neutrality.Security; privacy; identity; nonrefutability; e-commerce ethics;

    E-business Development Key Areas

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    At present e-business is standard alternative and its development is very fast. E-commerce is subset of e-business. E-commerce is implementation of the business transactions on the internet (internet stores, booking system, and so on). E-business and e-commerce have directly dependence on information and communication technology (ICT). Many conditions have to be satisfied to e-business systems operate all right and bring contribution. The fundamental element is e-business strategy. Aims, procedures, methods, inputs, outputs and the like have to be analyzed in e-business strategy. Individual parts may be under consideration and analyzed in singles steps or in parallel with regards to contexture. Once of the e-commerce key area is internet stores development. Internet stores are realized as a web sites published on internet. Web sites make possible communication between custom and operators information system. Internet store web sites have to fulfil the quite of number of conditions. Principal aim of the internet store web sites is effort to internet store web sites be displayed in one of the forefront in internet browser after request of user. To this goal for example Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or method of paid references can be used. Both methods are very important for internet marketing and they also can be used together. Data from internet store web sites are computing in firm information system. On this account we have to directly defined dataflow between internet store websites and information system. We can buy software for e-business support from provider or new software can be developed. In both cases we have to pay attention to risk areas. Conditions of successful implementation of e-business in firm are in the end of the article.e-business, e-commerce, e-business strategy, procedural and technological audit, internet stores, optimization, search engine optimization, paid links, information and communication technologies, return on investment

    SAFE: Secure-Roaming Agents for E-commerce

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    The development of the Internet has made a powerful impact on the concept of commerce. E-commerce, a new way to conduct business, is gaining more and more popularity. Despite its rapid growth, there are limitations that hinder the expansion of e-commerce. The primary concern for most people when talking about on-line shopping is security. Due to the open nature of the Internet, personal financial details necessary for on-line shopping can be stolen if sufficient security mechanism is not put in place. How to provide the necessary assurance of security to consumers remains a question mark despite various past efforts. Another concern is the lack of intelligence. The Internet is an ocean of information depository. It is rich in content but lacks the necessary intelligent tools to help one locate the correct piece of information. Intelligent agent, a piece of software that can act on behalf of its owner intelligently, is designed to fill this gap. However, no matter how intelligent an agent is, if it remains on its owner’s machine and does not have any roaming capability, its functionality is limited. With the roaming capability, more security concerns arise. In response to these concerns, SAFE, Secure roaming Agent For E-commerce, is designed to provide secure roaming capability to intelligent agents