2,779 research outputs found


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    Conflicts in several countries in Asia resulted in increasing number of refugees and asylum seekers. The need for protection and a decent life makes them willing to take any way to get protection in other countries, including by being illegal migrants. Australia, as a destination country for asylum seekers, imposed Operation Sovereign Borders by intercepting and returning ships carrying asylum seekers to protect the border while reducing the rate of illegal migrants coming into the country. In practice, this policy violates various provisions of international law, namely the principle of non-refoulement, human rights law, SAR obligation, the handling of migrant smuggling and violations of Indonesia sovereignty

    Latinos within Criminal Justice: Lawyers

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    The United States has an increasing number of Latinos coming into the country, but Latinos seem to remain under represented in the field of Criminal Justice. According to the Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA), the United States Latino population is 18 percent. Meanwhile, Latinos make up less than 2 percent of all lawyers in the United States. Does that mean Latinos are not becoming lawyers due to the high price of law school and/or discrimination? After researching sources such as NBC News, the ABA Journal, Equal Rights Advocates, and the Latin American Law Student Association (LALSA), Latinos have the opportunity to become a lawyer in the legal system. The problem that continues to arise for many Latinos wanting to pursue this career, is that it is lengthy process and the cost of tuition is high. It seems that this unfavorable factor of high tuition costs makes it challenging for Latinos wishing to pursue this career


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    The coming together of peoples divided along socio-political and ideological lines gave birth to the Nigerian state besieged with several socio-economic and political problems. The objective of the paper is to assess the effects of ethnic militia activities on Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria. Foreign direct investment occurs when foreigner along with local investors to establish a place in another country. This paper adopts the ex post facto research design which relies on secondary data from journals, newspaper, internet and books. The findings are that the emergence of ethnic militia groups and their activities has placed a fluctuation on foreign direct investment percentages over the years and put a strain on Nigeria's overall growth, development and presence in the economic world platform. It is against this backdrop the paper draws conclusions that ethnic militia activities have specific negative effects on Nigeria’s Foreign Direct investment with investors scared of coming into the country to invest and those who have invested over time fleeing due to fears on insecurity. The paper recommends that the government should place more attractive incentives which would lure investors into the country and also ensure insecurity is tackled for a swift economic boom

    The Role of Technology License Agreements in the Transfer and Domestication of Foreign Technologies in Nigeria

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    This paper is a comparative analysis between the capital importation coming into the country through Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) and the remittances made by local companies abroad, for the payment of technology license fees under technology transfer agreements.  The study uses data obtained from the central bank of Nigeria’s annual bulletin and the data of technology remittances from the quarterly releases of the National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (NOTAP) for the years 1999-2014.  The major aim of the analysis is to determine the benefit of FDIs to the Nigerian economy in comparison with the remittances made by the local companies.  The study also conducted a technology transfer analysis using the technology transfer agreements to determine the possibility of technology transfer process.  The findings of the investigations show that when compared with technology remittances FDIs have a win-win benefit to the Nigeria economy.  However, on the issue of technology transfer, the investigation reveals that technology transfer agreements are not playing the major role in the transfer and absorption of technological knowledge to the recipient local companies. Keywords: Technology transfer, FDIs, remittances, technology license agreement

    Plasmodium knowlesi and Wuchereria bancrofti: Their Vectors and Challenges for the Future

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    Malaria and filariasis still continue to pose public health problems in developing countries of the tropics. Although plans are in progress for the elimination of both these parasitic vector borne diseases, we are now faced with a daunting challenge as we have a fifth species, Plasmodium knowlesi a simian malaria parasite affecting humans. Similarly in peninsular Malaysia, filariasis was mainly due to Brugia malayi. However, we now see cases of Wuchereria bancrofti in immigrant workers coming into the country. In order to successfully eliminate both these diseases we need to know the vectors involved and introduce appropriate control measures to prevent the diseases occurring in the future. As for knowlesi malaria it is still uncertain if human to human transmission through mosquito bites is occurring. However, P. knowlesi in human is not a rare occurrence anymore and has all the characteristics of a pathogen spreading due to changes in the ecosystem, international travel, and cross border migration. This has created a more complex situation. In order to overcome these challenges we need to revamp our control measures. This paper reviews the vectors of malaria and filariasis in Southeast Asia with special emphasis on P. knowlesi and W. bancrofti in Malaysia and their control strategies

    Copyright for Couture

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    Fashion design in America has never been covered by the extensive intellectual property (IP) protections afforded to other categories of creative works or to the art in other countries. As a result, America has become a safe haven for design pirates. Piracy disproportionately harms young designers who do not have established trademarks for their brands and must rely purely on creativity to propel their designs into the market. H.R. 2511 is a bill that aims to extend copyright protection to fashion designs, albeit narrowly. Compared with previous proposals to extend effective IP protection to fashion design, H.R. 2511 is more of a sui generis protection aimed at the particularities of the fashion industry. It was the result of intensive negotiations between parties of conflicting interests, and has been tailored to address specific yet ubiquitous problems in the fashion industry


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    South Africa has seen increasing numbers of skilled and unskilled migrants coming into the country legally and illegally. Social work is a global profession and some of the skilled migrants coming to South Africa are social workers with foreign qualifications. This qualitative research was motivated by the need to understand the challenges faced by Zimbabwean social workers who are practising in a township in Gauteng province. Findings indicate that foreign social workers face challenges trying to navigate the work space in South Africa. This study makes a contribution to debates on the migration of professionals as an important policy issue for South Africa