3 research outputs found

    Combining Recency of Information with Selective Random and a Victim Cache in Last-Level Caches

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    Memory latency has become an important performance bottleneck in current microprocessors. This problem aggravates as the number of cores sharing the same memory controller increases. To palliate this problem, a common solution is to implement cache hierarchies with large or huge Last-Level Cache (LLC) organizations. LLC memories are implemented with a high number of ways (e.g., 16) to reduce conflict misses. Typically, caches have implemented the LRU algorithm to exploit temporal locality, but its performance goes away from the optimal as the number of ways increases. In addition, the implementation of a strict LRU algorithm is costly in terms of area and power. This article focuses on a family of low-cost replacement strategies, whose implementation scales with the number of ways while maintaining the performance. The proposed strategies track the accessing order for just a few blocks, which cannot be replaced. The victim is randomly selected among those blocks exhibiting poor locality. Although, in general, the random policy helps improving the performance, in some applications the scheme fails with respect to the LRU policy leading to performance degradation. This drawback can be overcome by the addition of a small victim cache of the large LLC. Experimental results show that, using the best version of the family without victim cache, MPKI reduction falls in between 10% and 11% compared to a set of the most representative state-of-the-art algorithms, whereas the reduction grows up to 22% with respect to LRU. The proposal with victim cache achieves speedup improvements, on average, by 4% compared to LRU. In addition, it reduces dynamic energy, on average, up to 8%. Finally, compared to the studied algorithms, hardware complexity is largely reduced by the baseline algorithm of the family.This work was supported by the Spanish MICINN, Consolider Programme, and Plan E funds, as well as European Commission FEDER funds, under Grants CSD2006-00046 and TIN2009-14475-C04-01.Valero Bresó, A.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Petit Martí, SV.; López Rodríguez, PJ.; Duato Marín, JF. (2012). Combining Recency of Information with Selective Random and a Victim Cache in Last-Level Caches. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization. 9(3):1-20. doi:10.1145/2355585.2355589S1209

    FOS: a low-power cache organization for multicores

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    [EN] The cache hierarchy of current multicore processors typically consists of one or two levels of private caches per core and a large shared last-level cache. This approach incurs area and energy wasting due to oversizing the private cache space, data replication through the inclusive cache levels, as well as the use of highly set-associative caches. In this paper, we claim that although this is the commonly adopted approach, it presents important design issues that can be addressed by a more energy efficient organization. This work proposes Flat On-chip Storage (FOS), a novel cache organization that, aimed at addressing energy and area on low-power processors, resolves the mentioned issues. For this purpose, FOS combines L2 and L3 cache levels into a single one, organized as a flat space, and composed of a pool of private small cache slices. These slices are initially powered off to save energy, and they are powered on and assigned to cores provided that the system performance is expected to improve. To provide fast and uniform access from the private L1 caches to the FOS's cache slices, multiple architectural challenges are overcome, which entails the design of a custom optical network-on-chip. Experimental results show that FOS achieves significant energy savings on both static and dynamic energy over conventional cache organizations with the same storage capacity. FOS static energy savings are as much as 60% over an electrically connected shared cache; these savings grow up to 75% compared to optically connected baselines. Moreover, despite deactivating part of the cache space, FOS achieves similar performance values as those achieved by conventional approaches.Puche-Lara, J.; Petit Martí, SV.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Gómez Requena, ME. (2019). FOS: a low-power cache organization for multicores. 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    An efficient cache flat storage organization for multithreaded workloads for low power processors

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    [EN] The cache hierarchy of current multicores typically consists of three levels, ranging from the faster and smaller L1 level to the slower and larger L3 level. This approach has been demonstrated to be effective in high performance processors, since it reduces the average memory access time. However, when implemented in devices where energy efficiency becomes critical, like low power or embedded processors, conventional cache hierarchies may present some concerns. These concerns, which incur a waste of area and energy, are multiple cache lookups, block replication, block migration and private cache space overprovisioning. To deal with these issues, in this work we propose FOS-Mt, a new cache organization aimed at addressing energy savings in current multicores for multithreaded applications. FOS-Mt's cache hierarchy consists of only two levels: the L1 cache level located in the core pipeline, and a single and flattened second level which conforms an aggregated cache space which is accessible by all the execution cores. This level is sliced into multiple small buffers, which are dynamically assigned to any of the running thread when they are expected to improve the system performance. Those buffers that are not allocated to any core are powered off to save energy. Experimental results show that FOS-Mt significantly reduces both static and dynamic energy consumption over other conventional cache organizations like NUCA or shared caches with the same storage capacity. Compared to the widely known cache decay approach, FOS-Mt achieves an improvement in the energy delay product by 19.3% on average. Moreover, despite the fact that FOS-Mt is an energy-aware architecture, performance is scarcely affected, since it is kept similar to that one achieved by conventional and cache decay approaches.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under grant RTI2018-098156-B-C51, and by the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain under grant AICO/2019/317.Puche, J.; Petit Martí, SV.; Gómez Requena, ME.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J. (2020). An efficient cache flat storage organization for multithreaded workloads for low power processors. Future Generation Computer Systems. 110:1037-1054. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2019.11.024S10371054110S. Kaxiras, Z. Hu, M. Martonosi, Cache decay: exploiting generational behavior to reduce cache leakage power, in: Procs. of the 28th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA’01, 2001, pp. 240–251.Sinharoy, B., Kalla, R. N., Tendler, J. M., Eickemeyer, R. J., & Joyner, J. B. (2005). 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Workshop on NoC Architectures, NoCArc ’13, pp. 53–58.Soref, R., & Bennett, B. (1987). Electrooptical effects in silicon. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 23(1), 123-129. doi:10.1109/jqe.1987.1073206García-Guirado, A., Fernández-Pascual, R., García, J. M., & Bartolini, S. (2014). Managing resources dynamically in hybrid photonic-electronic networks-on-chip. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 26(15), 2530-2550. doi:10.1002/cpe.3332D. Vantrease, N. Binkert, R. Schreiber, M. Lipasti, Light speed arbitration and flow control for nanophotonic interconnects, in: Microarchitecture, 2009. MICRO-42. 42nd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium, pp. 304–315.S. Werner, J. Navaridas, M. Lujan, Designing low-power, low-latency networks-on-chip by optimally combining electrical and optical Links, in: 2017 IEEE Int. Symp. of High Performance Computer Architecture, IEEE, Manchester, UK.Bahirat, S., & Pasricha, S. (2014). METEOR. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 13(3s), 1-33. doi:10.1145/2567940R. Morris, A.K. Kodi, A. Louri, Dynamic reconfiguration of 3D photonic networks-on-chip for maximizing performance and improving fault tolerance, in: 2012 45th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, pp. 282–293. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MICRO.2012.34.R. Ubal, J. Sahuquillo, S. Petit, P. Lopez, Multi2Sim: A simulation framework to evaluate multicore-multithreaded processors, in: Int. Symp. on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, pp. 62–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SBAC-PAD.2007.17.Rosenfeld, P., Cooper-Balis, E., & Jacob, B. (2011). DRAMSim2: A Cycle Accurate Memory System Simulator. IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 10(1), 16-19. doi:10.1109/l-ca.2011.4N. Muralimanohar, R. Balasubramonian, N.P. Jouppi, CACTI 6.0: A tool to model large caches, in: HP Laboratories, 2009.. Man-Lap Li, R. Sasanka, S.V. Adve, . Yen-Kuang Chen, E. 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