371 research outputs found

    A multiscale hypothesis testing approach to anomaly detection and localization from noisy tomographic data

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    Structural Generative Descriptions for Temporal Data

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    In data mining problems the representation or description of data plays a fundamental role, since it defines the set of essential properties for the extraction and characterisation of patterns. However, for the case of temporal data, such as time series and data streams, one outstanding issue when developing mining algorithms is finding an appropriate data description or representation. In this thesis two novel domain-independent representation frameworks for temporal data suitable for off-line and online mining tasks are formulated. First, a domain-independent temporal data representation framework based on a novel data description strategy which combines structural and statistical pattern recognition approaches is developed. The key idea here is to move the structural pattern recognition problem to the probability domain. This framework is composed of three general tasks: a) decomposing input temporal patterns into subpatterns in time or any other transformed domain (for instance, wavelet domain); b) mapping these subpatterns into the probability domain to find attributes of elemental probability subpatterns called primitives; and c) mining input temporal patterns according to the attributes of their corresponding probability domain subpatterns. This framework is referred to as Structural Generative Descriptions (SGDs). Two off-line and two online algorithmic instantiations of the proposed SGDs framework are then formulated: i) For the off-line case, the first instantiation is based on the use of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Wavelet Density Estimators (WDE), while the second algorithm includes DWT and Finite Gaussian Mixtures. ii) For the online case, the first instantiation relies on an online implementation of DWT and a recursive version of WDE (RWDE), whereas the second algorithm is based on a multi-resolution exponentially weighted moving average filter and RWDE. The empirical evaluation of proposed SGDs-based algorithms is performed in the context of time series classification, for off-line algorithms, and in the context of change detection and clustering, for online algorithms. For this purpose, synthetic and publicly available real-world data are used. Additionally, a novel framework for multidimensional data stream evolution diagnosis incorporating RWDE into the context of Velocity Density Estimation (VDE) is formulated. Changes in streaming data and changes in their correlation structure are characterised by means of local and global evolution coefficients as well as by means of recursive correlation coefficients. The proposed VDE framework is evaluated using temperature data from the UK and air pollution data from Hong Kong.Open Acces

    MEMTO: Memory-guided Transformer for Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection

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    Detecting anomalies in real-world multivariate time series data is challenging due to complex temporal dependencies and inter-variable correlations. Recently, reconstruction-based deep models have been widely used to solve the problem. However, these methods still suffer from an over-generalization issue and fail to deliver consistently high performance. To address this issue, we propose the MEMTO, a memory-guided Transformer using a reconstruction-based approach. It is designed to incorporate a novel memory module that can learn the degree to which each memory item should be updated in response to the input data. To stabilize the training procedure, we use a two-phase training paradigm which involves using K-means clustering for initializing memory items. Additionally, we introduce a bi-dimensional deviation-based detection criterion that calculates anomaly scores considering both input space and latent space. We evaluate our proposed method on five real-world datasets from diverse domains, and it achieves an average anomaly detection F1-score of 95.74%, significantly outperforming the previous state-of-the-art methods. We also conduct extensive experiments to empirically validate the effectiveness of our proposed model's key components

    Functional singular value decomposition and multi-resolution anomaly detection

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    This dissertation has two major parts. The first part discusses the connections and differences between the statistical tool of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the related numerical method of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), and related visualization methods. The second part proposes a Multi-Resolution Anomaly Detection (MRAD) method for time series with long range dependence (LRD). PCA is a popular method in multivariate analysis and in Functional Data Analysis (FDA). Compared to PCA, SVD is more general, because it not only provides a direct approach to calculate the principal components (PCs), but also simultaneously yields the PCAs for both the row and the column spaces. SVD has been used directly to explore and analyze data sets, and has been shown to be an insightful analysis tool in many fields. However, the connection and differences between PCA and SVD have seldom been explored from a statistical view point. Here we explore the connections and differences between PCA and SVD, and extend the usual SVD method to variations including different centerings based on various types of means. A generalized scree plot is developed to provide a visual aid for selection of different centerings. Several matrix views of the SVD components are introduced to explore different features in data, including SVD surface plots, image plots, rotation movies, and curve movies. These methods visualize both column and row information of a two-way matrix simultaneously, relate the matrix to relevant curves, and show local variations and interactions between columns and rows. Several toy examples are designed iii to compare the different types of centerings, and three real applications are used to illustrate the matrix views. In the field of Internet traffic anomaly detection, different types of network anomalies exist at different time scales. This motivates anomaly detection methods that effectively exploit multiscale properties. Because time series of Internet measurements exhibit long range dependence (LRD) and self-similarity (SS), the classical outlier detection methods base on short-range dependent time series may not be suitable for identifying network anomalies. Based on a time series collected at a single scale (the finest scale), we aggregate to form time series of various scales, and propose a MRAD procedure to find anomalies which appear at different time scales. We show that this MRAD method is more conservative than a typical outlier detection method based on a given scale, and has larger power on average than any single scale outlier detection method based on some reasonable assumptions. Asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is developed as well. An MRAD map is developed to show candidate anomalies and the corresponding significance probabilities (p values). This method can be easily extended to be implemented in real time. Simulations and real examples are reported as well, to illustrate the usefulness of the MRAD method. Keywords: Principal Component Analysis, Functional Data Analysis, Exploratory Data Analysis, Network Intrusion Detection, Outlier detection, Level Shift, Multiscale analysis, Long Range Dependence, Multiple Comparison, p values, Time Series, false discovery rate

    Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Coherence for Video Object Detection in Robotics

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    This paper proposes a method to enhance video object detection for indoor environments in robotics. Concretely, it exploits knowledge about the camera motion between frames to propagate previously detected objects to successive frames. The proposal is rooted in the concepts of planar homography to propose regions of interest where to find objects, and recursive Bayesian filtering to integrate observations over time. The proposal is evaluated on six virtual, indoor environments, accounting for the detection of nine object classes over a total of ∼ 7k frames. Results show that our proposal improves the recall and the F1-score by a factor of 1.41 and 1.27, respectively, as well as it achieves a significant reduction of the object categorization entropy (58.8%) when compared to a two-stage video object detection method used as baseline, at the cost of small time overheads (120 ms) and precision loss (0.92).</p