3 research outputs found

    Multi criteria supplier selection from social aspects in Thai tyre rubber industry

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    One of the main issues for companies and organisations is choosing the most appropriate supplier regarding social issues. Besides traditional criteria, companies started to focus on social issues in supplier selection. The methods of group decision making are well established approaches to tackle this issue which could allow decision makers to determine socially selected suppliers' problems. Many existing researches, nonetheless, encompasses scant review of ambiguity which is involved in the process of selecting suppliers. Hence, this study aims to propose a method combines the strength of the Fuzzy sets to deal with an uncertainty or vagueness with AHP-TOPSIS approach to select suppliers by concerning social aspects. AHP method used to identify criteria weights and TOPSIS approach is utilized to sort and select the best appropriate supplier. According to the literature review and company requirements, the criteria in social perspectives was developed to eight criteria. This study uses the questionnaire to gather data from top five manager's judgements who had been chosen based on purpose and self-selection sampling in each department. A case study was carried out in Thailand in the Tyre rubber sector to validate result. The findings demonstrate that Job security (34%) is the most important criteria, following by Employees' health and safety (16%) and Training programs (12%) respectively. The study also presents that "Supplier D" is the most suitable supplier above other suppliers

    Combining fuzzy weight average with fuzzy inference system for material substitution selection in electric industry

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    [[abstract]]Material selection is a very important issue for an electronics company as it includes many qualitative or quantification factors. The material selection problem is associated with design and manufacturing problems which have been widely investigated. This study develops a hybrid fuzzy decision-making model which combines the fuzzy weight average (FWA) with the fuzzy inference system (FIS) for material substitution selection in the electronics industry. FWA is employed to select a substitute material in an uncertain environment, while FIS is used for reasoning purposes. FWA with alpha-cuts arithmetic (FWA(alpha-cut)) is a popularly technology in decision-making problems. However. FWA(alpha-cut) may result in the following unanticipated situations: (1) unclear decision situations; (2) undecided results expressed by fuzzy membership functions; and (3) high computational complexity. Therefore, a fuzzy weight average with the weakest t-norm (FWA(T omega)) is designed as an alternative method for group decision making. In contrast to traditional FWA methods, FWA(T omega) obtains more visible fuzzy results for decision makers with lower computational complexity, and can provide exacter estimation by the weakest t-norm operations in uncertain environment. Thus, the proposed hybrid fuzzy decision-making model imitates an expert's experiences and can estimate substitution purchasing in various statuses. A real material substitution selection case is employed to examine the feasibility of the proposed model; experimental results reveal that the proposed model performs better than the traditional FWA model in coping with material substitution selection problems. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.[[note]]SC


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    "Pemilihan supplier merupakan permasalahan yang komplek pada era Industri 4.0 sekarang ini. Banyaknya jumlah supplier dengan kualitas performansi yang berbeda-beda menyebabkan sulitnya pihak internal perusahaan untuk memilih supplier yang sesuai. Di sisi lain macam-macam bahan baku yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat produk jadi, sangat beragam. Kesesuaian supplier berkualitas yang diperlukan untuk memasok bahan baku yang dibutuhkan oleh industri menjadi hal yang penting untuk diselesaikan. Begitupun halnya dengan industri perakitan traktor tangan, industri kecil menengah ini juga sangat tergantung pada ketersediaan bahan pasokan, dan sudah pasti tergantung pula dengan pemilihan supplier itu sendiri. Penelitian disertasi ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh metode terbaru untuk memilih supplier pada industri manufaktur dengan studi kasus pada perakitan industri kecil traktor tangan. Penelitian disertasi ini diawali dengan kegiatan studi literatur melalui FGD, dan studi pustaka, kemudian diikuti dengan pembuatan desain prototipe aplikasi. Dimana untuk menyusun database bahan baku disusun menggunakan struktur produk pada Bill of Material, penentuan bobot kriteria optimal menggunakan Genetic Algorythms dan pemilihan supplier menggunakan metode multi criteria decision making. Studi kasus penelitian ini di sentra Industri Logam Ceper Klaten Solo, yaitu di Politeknik Manufaktur Ceper. Sedangkan pelaksanaan penelitiannya di Lab Komputasional dan Sistem Informasi serta Laboratorium Rekayasa Sistem Informasi Politeknik Negeri Jember. Uji coba aplikasi diimplementasikan pada studi kasus sesungguhnya, dengan data supplier 153, data bahan baku 70 bahan baku dengan variabel kriteria pemilihan supplier sebanyak 10 variabel. Pada tahap akhir diverifikasi menggunakan kuesioner online Google Form, dengan data responden sebanyak 101, banyaknya responden yg memilih “Sangat mudah” dan “Mudah” atau “Sangat lengkap” dan “Lengkap” atau “Sangat tepat” dan “Tepat” > 80 %, ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi / web yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini sesuai dengan harapan IKM pengguna (Verified). Kata kunci : Pemilihan pemasok, Computational intelegence, Bill of Material, Group Technology, Multi Criteria Decision Making dan Genetic Algorythms.