3 research outputs found

    Knowledge Management for Informally Structured Domains: Challenges and Proposals

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    Eliciting requirements of products or solutions in informally structured domains is a highly creative and complex activity due to the inherent characteristics of these domains, such as the great quantities of tacit knowledge used by domain specialists, the dynamic interaction between domain specialists and their environment in order to solve problems, the necessity of these solutions of products to be developed by teams of specialists and the asymmetry of knowledge between domain specialists and requirements engineers. The knowledge management discipline promotes an integrated approach in order to face these challenges; therefore, a strategy for addressing requirements elicitation that incorporates techniques and methods of this discipline has been proposed as a serious approach to deal with those challenges. The valuable results of the application of the strategy in real cases prove empirical insights about its utility

    IMPROVE - Innovative Modelling Approaches for Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency

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    This open access work presents selected results from the European research and innovation project IMPROVE which yielded novel data-based solutions to enhance machine reliability and efficiency in the fields of simulation and optimization, condition monitoring, alarm management, and quality prediction

    Marco metodol贸gico y tecnol贸gico para la creaci贸n y adquisici贸n de conocimiento en las organizaciones

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    Desde hace varios a帽os se ha insistido en la importancia que tiene el conocimiento para las organizaciones que buscan sobrevivir en un mercado competitivo, habi茅ndose demostrado el claro v铆nculo que existe entre el conocimiento y el 茅xito de una organizaci贸n (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). Las organizaciones continuamente generan grandes cantidades de informaci贸n representada en especificaciones de procesos, procedimientos, datos de proyectos, experiencias acumuladas y lecciones aprendidas. Esta informaci贸n en su conjunto, constituye el principal activo intangible de la organizaci贸n: su conocimiento. En muchos casos, todo este conocimiento, no se encuentra documentado o forma parte de documentos almacenados en bases de datos y repositorios de informaci贸n poco consultados y con mucha informaci贸n acumulada con el paso del tiempo. El s贸lo hecho de que una organizaci贸n posea un alto nivel de conocimiento, no significa necesariamente que sea una organizaci贸n con garant铆a de 茅xito. Una organizaci贸n que se considere a si misma sostenible debe ser capaz de gestionar su conocimiento, incorporarlo adecuadamente en sus actividades y utilizarlo en su propio beneficio, de modo que esto la haga m谩s competitiva en el mercado. Las propias organizaciones reconocen que el conocimiento y su transferencia son la clave para su crecimiento, para la efectiva ejecuci贸n de su estrategia de negocio y para promover la innovaci贸n, todo esto, con el fin de desarrollar el capital humano e intelectual de la organizaci贸n (Ajmal and Koskinen, 2008) (Paradise and Patel, 2009) (Strong et al., 2008) (Viedma, 2004) (Argote et al., 2003). A pesar de la evidente necesidad que tienen las organizaciones de gestionar sus conocimientos, dichas organizaciones se enfrentan a varios inconvenientes debido a que su conocimiento no es f谩cilmente accesible, no es el adecuado para desempe帽ar las actividades de la organizaci贸n, o no es entendible en su representaci贸n. Bajo el contexto que nos plantea la nueva sociedad de la informaci贸n y el conocimiento en el que nos movemos d铆a a d铆a, es prioritario que las organizaciones dispongan de nuevos modelos y paradigmas que les faciliten gestionar su conocimiento (Fundaci贸n Telef贸nica, 2011) ( Lytras et a., 2008). Es por lo anterior, que la soluci贸n presentada en esta tesis doctoral identifica e integra en el marco metodol贸gico PROMISE -KEFramework, los mecanismos y estrategias de gesti贸n de conocimientos organizativos que faciliten la identificaci贸n, creaci贸n y adquisici贸n de los conocimientos, con el fin de contribuir con la mejora de las actividades de creaci贸n y adquisici贸n de conocimiento en una organizaci贸n. A lo largo de esta tesis doctoral se presenta una descripci贸n de cada uno de los componentes de PROMISE -KEFramework: 路 Proceso de Creaci贸n y Adquisici贸n de Conocimiento (PROMISE-EP): El cual aporta un proceso definido para guiar la creaci贸n y adquisici贸n de conocimiento organizativo. 路 Modelo de Competencias (PROMISE-Competency Model): El cual identifica las competencias clave en la ejecuci贸n de las actividades del proceso de creaci贸n y adquisici贸n de conocimiento. 路 Modelo Conceptual (PROMISE-CM): El cual integra todos los componentes de PROMISE-KEFramework y gu铆a a la organizaci贸n en su aplicaci贸n, mediante la aportaci贸n de una vista est谩tica y din谩mica de interrelaciones entre todos los componentes definidos. 路 Conjunto de recomendaciones y estrategias organizativas (PROMISE-Strategies): Este componente aporta mecanismos para soportar la aplicaci贸n de PROMISE-KEFramework. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Over the years emphasis has been placed on the importance of knowledge for the organizations that looking for survive in a competitive market. It has been shown the clear link between knowledge and organization麓s success (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). Organizations continually generate large amounts of information represented in process specifications, procedures, projects databases, accumulated experiences and lessons learned. This information as a whole is the principal intangible asset of the organization: its knowledge. In many cases, all this knowledge is not documented or is part of wider documents stored in little consulted databases and information麓s repositories with amounts of information available, accumulated over long periods of time. Just because an organization has a high level of knowledge it doesn麓t necessarily mean that it be an organization with a guarantee of success. Organization that considers itself as a sustainable must be able to manage its knowledge, properly incorporate it to its activities and use it to its own benefit, so it makes a more competitive organization in the market. The organizations themselves recognize that the knowledge and its transfer are keys for its growth, for the effective execution of its business strategy and for promoting innovation. All of this in order to develop human and intellectual capital of the organizations (Ajmal and Koskinen, 2008) (Paradise and Patel, 2009) (Strong et al., 2008) (Viedma, 2004) (Argote et al., 2003). Despite clear need of organizations to manage their knowledge, it face with number of inconveniences due to its knowledge it麓s not easily accessible, it麓s not a suitable knowledge to develop the activities of the organization or it麓s not a comprehensible representation. In the context of the new information and knowledge society, the priority is that organizations have new models and paradigms that allowed them to manage its knowledge (Fundaci贸n Telef贸nica, 2011) (Lytras et a., 2008). As a result of this situation, the solution presented in this doctoral thesis identifies and integrates in PROMISE-KEFramework the mechanisms and strategies of organizational knowledge management that facilities identification, creation and acquisition of knowledge, in order to contribute to improve activities of creation and acquisition knowledge in an organization. Throughout this doctoral thesis, a description of each components of PROMISE-KEFramework is presented: 路 Process of knowledge creation and acquisition (PROMISE-EP): It gives a defined process to guide creation and acquisition of organizational knowledge. 路 Competency Model (PROMISE-Competency Model): It identifies key competencies in execution of creation and acquisition knowledge process. 路 Conceptual Model (PROMISE-CM): It integrates all components of PROMISE-KEFramework and guides the organization in its application contributing a static and dynamic perspective of interrelation between all defined components. 路 Group of recommendations and organizational strategies (PROMISE-Strategies): This component contributes mechanism to support the application of PROMISE-KEFramework.Presidente: Ana Mar铆a Moreno S谩nchez-Capuchino; Vocal: Francisco Javier Gil Rubio; Secretario: Javier Garc铆a Guzm谩