16 research outputs found

    The fundamentals of unimodal palmprint authentication based on a biometric system: A review

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    Biometric system can be defined as the automated method of identifying or authenticating the identity of a living person based on physiological or behavioral traits. Palmprint biometric-based authentication has gained considerable attention in recent years. Globally, enterprises have been exploring biometric authorization for some time, for the purpose of security, payment processing, law enforcement CCTV systems, and even access to offices, buildings, and gyms via the entry doors. Palmprint biometric system can be divided into unimodal and multimodal. This paper will investigate the biometric system and provide a detailed overview of the palmprint technology with existing recognition approaches. Finally, we introduce a review of previous works based on a unimodal palmprint system using different databases

    Deep multimodal biometric recognition using contourlet derivative weighted rank fusion with human face, fingerprint and iris images

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    The goal of multimodal biometric recognition system is to make a decision by identifying their physiological behavioural traits. Nevertheless, the decision-making process by biometric recognition system can be extremely complex due to high dimension unimodal features in temporal domain. This paper explains a deep multimodal biometric system for human recognition using three traits, face, fingerprint and iris. With the objective of reducing the feature vector dimension in the temporal domain, first pre-processing is performed using Contourlet Transform Model. Next, Local Derivative Ternary Pattern model is applied to the pre-processed features where the feature discrimination power is improved by obtaining the coefficients that has maximum variation across pre-processed multimodality features, therefore improving recognition accuracy. Weighted Rank Level Fusion is applied to the extracted multimodal features, that efficiently combine the biometric matching scores from several modalities (i.e. face, fingerprint and iris). Finally, a deep learning framework is presented for improving the recognition rate of the multimodal biometric system in temporal domain. The results of the proposed multimodal biometric recognition framework were compared with other multimodal methods. Out of these comparisons, the multimodal face, fingerprint and iris fusion offers significant improvements in the recognition rate of the suggested multimodal biometric system

    The extract region of interest in high-resolution palmprint using 2d image histogram entropy function

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    The segmentation of high-resolution palmprint is has been challenged and the research in this filed is still limited because of variations in location and distortion of these images. To achieve superior recognition result, accurate segmentation of a region of interest is very crucial. Therefore, in this paper, a novel palmprint extraction method has been presented using a 2D image histogram entropy function and mathematical dilation. The proposed method has two phases. The first phase is the binarization image where the histogram of the image will be determined after applying a median filter to remove noise and then calculating the 2D image histogram entropy function. Finally, the maximum entropy that will be the adaptive threshold value to build a binary palmprint image will be selected. The second phase is to extract the ROI, apply a dilation method on the binary image, then dividing the dilate image into four regions and finding four reference points depending on the white percentage and finally the ROI will be extracted. The publically available high-resolution palmprint THUPALMLAB has been used for testing. The result indicates a high percentage of accuracy up to 93%. The findings strongly indicate that the proposed method was able to extract the palm's ROI more consistently. These ROIs will be used in the recognition system instead of whole palmprints and hence assists in improving the performance of a traditional palmprint system. High-resolution palmprint images are highly used in the forensic application

    Robust Face Recognition based on Color and Depth Information

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    One of the most important advantages of automatic human face recognition is its nonintrusiveness property. Face images can sometime be acquired without user's knowledge or explicit cooperation. However, face images acquired in an uncontrolled environment can appear with varying imaging conditions. Traditionally, researchers focus on tackling this problem using 2D gray-scale images due to the wide availability of 2D cameras and the low processing and storage cost of gray-scale data. Nevertheless, face recognition can not be performed reliably with 2D gray-scale data due to insu_cient information and its high sensitivity to pose, expression and illumination variations. Recent rapid development in hardware makes acquisition and processing of color and 3D data feasible. This thesis aims to improve face recognition accuracy and robustness using color and 3D information.In terms of color information usage, this thesis proposes several improvements over existing approaches. Firstly, the Block-wise Discriminant Color Space is proposed, which learns the discriminative color space based on local patches of a human face image instead of the holistic image, as human faces display different colors in different parts. Secondly, observing that most of the existing color spaces consist of at most three color components, while complementary information can be found in multiple color components across multiple color spaces and therefore the Multiple Color Fusion model is proposed to search and utilize multiple color components effectively. Lastly, two robust color face recognition algorithms are proposed. The Color Sparse Coding method can deal with face images with noise and occlusion. The Multi-linear Color Tensor Discriminant method harnesses multi-linear technique to handle non-linear data. Experiments show that all the proposed methods outperform their existing competitors.In terms of 3D information utilization, this thesis investigates the feasibility of face recognition using Kinect. Unlike traditional 3D scanners which are too slow in speed and too expensive in cost for broad face recognition applications, Kinect trades data quality for high speed and low cost. An algorithm is proposed to show that Kinect data can be used for face recognition despite its noisy nature. In order to fully utilize Kinect data, a more sophisticated RGB-D face recognition algorithm is developed which harnesses theColor Sparse Coding framework and 3D information to perform accurate face recognition robustly even under simultaneous varying conditions of poses, illuminations, expressionsand disguises

    Skin texture features for face recognition

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    Face recognition has been deployed in a wide range of important applications including surveillance and forensic identification. However, it still seems to be a challenging problem as its performance severely degrades under illumination, pose and expression variations, as well as with occlusions, and aging. In this thesis, we have investigated the use of local facial skin data as a source of biometric information to improve human recognition. Skin texture features have been exploited in three major tasks, which include (i) improving the performance of conventional face recognition systems, (ii) building an adaptive skin-based face recognition system, and (iii) dealing with circumstances when a full view of the face may not be avai'lable. Additionally, a fully automated scheme is presented for localizing eyes and mouth and segmenting four facial regions: forehead, right cheek, left cheek and chin. These four regions are divided into nonoverlapping patches with equal size. A novel skin/non-skin classifier is proposed for detecting patches containing only skin texture and therefore detecting the pure-skin regions. Experiments using the XM2VTS database indicate that the forehead region has the most significant biometric information. The use of forehead texture features improves the rank-l identification of Eigenfaces system from 77.63% to 84.07%. The rank-l identification is equal 93.56% when this region is fused with Kernel Direct Discriminant Analysis algorithm

    Design and Real-World Application of Novel Machine Learning Techniques for Improving Face Recognition Algorithms

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    Recent progress in machine learning has made possible the development of real-world face recognition applications that can match face images as good as or better than humans. However, several challenges remain unsolved. In this PhD thesis, some of these challenges are studied and novel machine learning techniques to improve the performance of real-world face recognition applications are proposed. Current face recognition algorithms based on deep learning techniques are able to achieve outstanding accuracy when dealing with face images taken in unconstrained environments. However, training these algorithms is often costly due to the very large datasets and the high computational resources needed. On the other hand, traditional methods for face recognition are better suited when these requirements cannot be satisfied. This PhD thesis presents new techniques for both traditional and deep learning methods. In particular, a novel traditional face recognition method that combines texture and shape features together with subspace representation techniques is first presented. The proposed method is lightweight and can be trained quickly with small datasets. This method is used for matching face images scanned from identity documents against face images stored in the biometric chip of such documents. Next, two new techniques to increase the performance of face recognition methods based on convolutional neural networks are presented. Specifically, a novel training strategy that increases face recognition accuracy when dealing with face images presenting occlusions, and a new loss function that improves the performance of the triplet loss function are proposed. Finally, the problem of collecting large face datasets is considered, and a novel method based on generative adversarial networks to synthesize both face images of existing subjects in a dataset and face images of new subjects is proposed. The accuracy of existing face recognition algorithms can be increased by training with datasets augmented with the synthetic face images generated by the proposed method. In addition to the main contributions, this thesis provides a comprehensive literature review of face recognition methods and their evolution over the years. A significant amount of the work presented in this PhD thesis is the outcome of a 3-year-long research project partially funded by Innovate UK as part of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between University of Hertfordshire and IDscan Biometrics Ltd (partnership number: 009547)

    Local quality-based matching of faces for watchlist screening applications

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    Video surveillance systems are often exploited by safety organizations for enhanced security and situational awareness. A key application in video surveillance is watchlist screening where target individuals are enrolled to a still-to-video Face Recognition (FR) system using single still images captured a priori under controlled conditions. Watchlist Screening is a very challenging application. Indeed, the latter must provide accurate decisions and timely recognition using limited number of reference faces for the system’s enrolment. This issue is often called the "Single Sample Per Person" (SSPP) problem. Added to that, uncontrolled factors such as variations in illumination pose and occlusion is unpreventable in real case video surveillance which causes the degradation of the FR system’s performance. Another major problem in such applications is the camera interoperability. This means that there is a huge gap between the camera used for taking the still images and the camera used for taking the video surveillance footage in terms of quality and resolution. This issue hinders the classification process then decreases the system‘s performance. Controlled and uniform lighting is indispensable for having good facial captures that contributes in the recognition performance of the system. However, in reality, facial captures are poor in illumination factor and are severely affecting the system’s performance. This is why it is important to implement a FR system which is invariant to illumination changes. The first part of this Thesis consists in investigating different illumination normalization (IN) techniques that are applied at the pre-processing level of the still-to-video FR. Afterwards IN techniques are compared to each other in order to pinpoint the most suitable technique for illumination invariance. In addition, patch-based methods for template matching extracts facial features from different regions which offers more discriminative information and deals with occlusion issues. Thus, local matching is applied for the still-to-video FR system. For that, a profound examination is needed on the manner of applying these IN techniques. Two different approaches were conducted: the global approach which consists in performing IN on the image then performs local matching and the local approach which consists in primarily dividing the images into non overlapping patches then perform on individually on each patch each IN technique. The results obtained after executing these experiments have shown that the Tan and Triggs (TT) and Multi ScaleWeberfaces are likely to offer better illumination invariance for the still-to-video FR system. In addition to that, these outperforming IN techniques applied locally on each patch have shown to improve the performance of the FR compared to the global approach. The performance of a FR system is good when the training data and the operation data are from the same distribution. Unfortunately, in still-to-video FR systems this is not satisfied. The training data are still, high quality, high resolution and frontal images. However, the testing data are video frames, low quality, low resolution and varying head pose images. Thus, the former and the latter do not have the same distribution. To address this domain shift, the second part of this Thesis consists in presenting a new technique of dynamic regional weighting exploiting unsupervised domain adaptation and contextual information based on quality. The main contribution consists in assigning dynamic weights that is specific to a camera domain.This study replaces the static and predefined manner of assigning weights. In order to assess the impact of applying local weights dynamically, results are compared to a baseline (no weights) and static weighting technique. This context based approach has proven to increase the system’s performance compared to the static weighting that is dependent on the dataset and the baseline technique which consists of having no weights. These experiments are conducted and validated using the ChokePoint Dataset. As for the performance of the still-to-video FR system, it is evaluated using performance measures, Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and Precision-Recall (PR) curve analysis

    Skin Texture as a Source of Biometric Information

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    Traditional face recognition systems have achieved remarkable performances when the whole face image is available. However, recognising people from partial view of their facial image is a challenging task. Face recognition systems' performances may also be degraded due to low resolution image quality. These limitations can restrict the practicality of such systems in real-world scenarios such as surveillance, and forensic applications. Therefore, there is a need to identify people from whatever information is available and one of the possible approaches would be to use the texture information from available facial skin regions for the biometric identification of individuals. This thesis presents the design, implementation and experimental evaluation of an automated skin-based biometric framework. The proposed system exploits the skin information from facial regions for person recognition. Such a system is applicable where only a partial view of a face is captured by imaging devices. The system automatically detects the regions of interest by using a set of facial landmarks. Four regions were investigated in this study: forehead, right cheek, left cheek, and chin. A skin purity assessment scheme determines whether the region of interest contains enough skin pixels for biometric analysis. Texture features were extracted from non-overlapping sub-regions and categorised using a number of classification schemes. To further improve the reliability of the system, the study also investigated various techniques to deal with the challenge where the face images may be acquired at different resolutions to that available at the time of enrolment or sub-regions themselves be partially occluded. The study also presented an adaptive scheme for exploiting the available information from the corrupt regions of interest. Extensive experiments were conducted using publicly available databases to evaluate both the performance of the prototype system and the adaptive framework for different operational conditions, such as level of occlusion and mixture of different resolution skin images. Results suggest that skin information can provide useful discriminative characteristics for individual identification. The comparison analyses with state-of-the-art methods show that the proposed system achieved a promising performance