417 research outputs found

    Prediction of protein secondary structure by mining structural fragment database

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    A new method for predicting protein secondary structure from amino acid sequence has been developed. The method is based on multiple sequence alignment of the query sequence with all other sequences with known structure from the protein data bank (PDB) by using BLAST. The fragments of the alignments belonging to proteins from the PBD are then used for further analysis. We have studied various schemes of assigning weights for matching segments and calculated normalized scores to predict one of the three secondary structures: α-helix, β-sheet, or coil. We applied several artificial intelligence techniques: decision trees (DT), neural networks (NN) and support vector machines (SVM) to improve the accuracy of predictions and found that SVM gave the best performance. Preliminary data show that combining the fragment mining approach with GOR V (Kloczkowski et al, Proteins 49 (2002) 154–166) for regions of low sequence similarity improves the prediction accuracy

    PSP_MCSVM: brainstorming consensus prediction of protein secondary structures using two-stage multiclass support vector machines

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    Secondary structure prediction is a crucial task for understanding the variety of protein structures and performed biological functions. Prediction of secondary structures for new proteins using their amino acid sequences is of fundamental importance in bioinformatics. We propose a novel technique to predict protein secondary structures based on position-specific scoring matrices (PSSMs) and physico-chemical properties of amino acids. It is a two stage approach involving multiclass support vector machines (SVMs) as classifiers for three different structural conformations, viz., helix, sheet and coil. In the first stage, PSSMs obtained from PSI-BLAST and five specially selected physicochemical properties of amino acids are fed into SVMs as features for sequence-to-structure prediction. Confidence values for forming helix, sheet and coil that are obtained from the first stage SVM are then used in the second stage SVM for performing structure-to-structure prediction. The two-stage cascaded classifiers (PSP_MCSVM) are trained with proteins from RS126 dataset. The classifiers are finally tested on target proteins of critical assessment of protein structure prediction experiment-9 (CASP9). PSP_MCSVM with brainstorming consensus procedure performs better than the prediction servers like Predator, DSC, SIMPA96, for randomly selected proteins from CASP9 targets. The overall performance is found to be comparable with the current state-of-the art. PSP_MCSVM source code, train-test datasets and supplementary files are available freely in public domain at: http://sysbio.icm.edu.pl/secstruct and http://code.google.com/p/cmater-bioinfo

    Impact of residue accessible surface area on the prediction of protein secondary structures

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The problem of accurate prediction of protein secondary structure continues to be one of the challenging problems in Bioinformatics. It has been previously suggested that amino acid relative solvent accessibility (RSA) might be an effective factor for increasing the accuracy of protein secondary structure prediction. Previous studies have either used a single constant threshold to classify residues into discrete classes (buries vs. exposed), or used the real-value predicted RSAs in their prediction method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We studied the effect of applying different RSA threshold types (namely, fixed thresholds vs. residue-dependent thresholds) on a variety of secondary structure prediction methods. With the consideration of DSSP-assigned RSA values we realized that improvement in the accuracy of prediction strictly depends on the selected threshold(s). Furthermore, we showed that choosing a single threshold for all amino acids is not the best possible parameter. We therefore used residue-dependent thresholds and most of residues showed improvement in prediction. Next, we tried to consider predicted RSA values, since in the real-world problem, protein sequence is the only available information. We first predicted the RSA classes by RVP-net program and then used these data in our method. Using this approach, improvement in prediction was also obtained.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The success of applying the RSA information on different secondary structure prediction methods suggest that prediction accuracy can be improved independent of prediction approaches. Thus, solvent accessibility can be considered as a rich source of information to help the improvement of these methods.</p

    Profiles and Majority Voting-Based Ensemble Method for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction

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    Machine learning techniques have been widely applied to solve the problem of predicting protein secondary structure from the amino acid sequence. They have gained substantial success in this research area. Many methods have been used including k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NNs), Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs), which have attracted attention recently. Today, the main goal remains to improve the prediction quality of the secondary structure elements. The prediction accuracy has been continuously improved over the years, especially by using hybrid or ensemble methods and incorporating evolutionary information in the form of profiles extracted from alignments of multiple homologous sequences. In this paper, we investigate how best to combine k-NNs, ANNs and Multi-class SVMs (M-SVMs) to improve secondary structure prediction of globular proteins. An ensemble method which combines the outputs of two feed-forward ANNs, k-NN and three M-SVM classifiers has been applied. Ensemble members are combined using two variants of majority voting rule. An heuristic based filter has also been applied to refine the prediction. To investigate how much improvement the general ensemble method can give rather than the individual classifiers that make up the ensemble, we have experimented with the proposed system on the two widely used benchmark datasets RS126 and CB513 using cross-validation tests by including PSI-BLAST position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) profiles as inputs. The experimental results reveal that the proposed system yields significant performance gains when compared with the best individual classifier

    Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Using Support Vector Machines, Nueral Networks and Genetic Algorithms

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    Bioinformatics techniques to protein secondary structure prediction mostly depend on the information available in amino acid sequence. Support vector machines (SVM) have shown strong generalization ability in a number of application areas, including protein structure prediction. In this study, a new sliding window scheme is introduced with multiple windows to form the protein data for training and testing SVM. Orthogonal encoding scheme coupled with BLOSUM62 matrix is used to make the prediction. First the prediction of binary classifiers using multiple windows is compared with single window scheme, the results shows single window not to be good in all cases. Two new classifiers are introduced for effective tertiary classification. This new classifiers use neural networks and genetic algorithms to optimize the accuracy of the tertiary classifier. The accuracy level of the new architectures are determined and compared with other studies. The tertiary architecture is better than most available techniques

    Fast learning optimized prediction methodology for protein secondary structure prediction, relative solvent accessibility prediction and phosphorylation prediction

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    Computational methods are rapidly gaining importance in the field of structural biology, mostly due to the explosive progress in genome sequencing projects and the large disparity between the number of sequences and the number of structures. There has been an exponential growth in the number of available protein sequences and a slower growth in the number of structures. There is therefore an urgent need to develop computed structures and identify the functions of these sequences. Developing methods that will satisfy these needs both efficiently and accurately is of paramount importance for advances in many biomedical fields, for a better basic understanding of aberrant states of stress and disease, including drug discovery and discovery of biomarkers. Several aspects of secondary structure predictions and other protein structure-related predictions are investigated using different types of information such as data obtained from knowledge-based potentials derived from amino acids in protein sequences, physicochemical properties of amino acids and propensities of amino acids to appear at the ends of secondary structures. Investigating the performance of these secondary structure predictions by type of amino acid highlights some interesting aspects relating to the influences of the individual amino acid types on formation of secondary structures and points toward ways to make further gains. Other research areas include Relative Solvent Accessibility (RSA) predictions and predictions of phosphorylation sites, which is one of the Post-Translational Modification (PTM) sites in proteins. Protein secondary structures and other features of proteins are predicted efficiently, reliably, less expensively and more accurately. A novel method called Fast Learning Optimized PREDiction (FLOPRED) Methodology is proposed for predicting protein secondary structures and other features, using knowledge-based potentials, a Neural Network based Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and advanced Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) techniques that yield better and faster convergence to produce more accurate results. These techniques yield superior classification of secondary structures, with a training accuracy of 93.33% and a testing accuracy of 92.24% with a standard deviation of 0.48% obtained for a small group of 84 proteins. We have a Matthew\u27s correlation-coefficient ranging between 80.58% and 84.30% for these secondary structures. Accuracies for individual amino acids range between 83% and 92% with an average standard deviation between 0.3% and 2.9% for the 20 amino acids. On a larger set of 415 proteins, we obtain a testing accuracy of 86.5% with a standard deviation of 1.38%. These results are significantly higher than those found in the literature. Prediction of protein secondary structure based on amino acid sequence is a common technique used to predict its 3-D structure. Additional information such as the biophysical properties of the amino acids can help improve the results of secondary structure prediction. A database of protein physicochemical properties is used as features to encode protein sequences and this data is used for secondary structure prediction using FLOPRED. Preliminary studies using a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for feature selection, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for feature reduction and FLOPRED for classification give promising results. Some amino acids appear more often at the ends of secondary structures than others. A preliminary study has indicated that secondary structure accuracy can be improved as much as 6% by including these effects for those residues present at the ends of alpha-helix, beta-strand and coil. A study on RSA prediction using ELM shows large gains in processing speed compared to using support vector machines for classification. This indicates that ELM yields a distinct advantage in terms of processing speed and performance for RSA. Additional gains in accuracies are possible when the more advanced FLOPRED algorithm and PSO optimization are implemented. Phosphorylation is a post-translational modification on proteins often controls and regulates their activities. It is an important mechanism for regulation. Phosphorylated sites are known to be present often in intrinsically disordered regions of proteins lacking unique tertiary structures, and thus less information is available about the structures of phosphorylated sites. It is important to be able to computationally predict phosphorylation sites in protein sequences obtained from mass-scale sequencing of genomes. Phosphorylation sites may aid in the determination of the functions of a protein and to better understanding the mechanisms of protein functions in healthy and diseased states. FLOPRED is used to model and predict experimentally determined phosphorylation sites in protein sequences. Our new PSO optimization included in FLOPRED enable the prediction of phosphorylation sites with higher accuracy and with better generalization. Our preliminary studies on 984 sequences demonstrate that this model can predict phosphorylation sites with a training accuracy of 92.53% , a testing accuracy 91.42% and Matthew\u27s correlation coefficient of 83.9%. In summary, secondary structure prediction, Relative Solvent Accessibility and phosphorylation site prediction have been carried out on multiple sets of data, encoded with a variety of information drawn from proteins and the physicochemical properties of their constituent amino acids. Improved and efficient algorithms called S-ELM and FLOPRED, which are based on Neural Networks and Particle Swarm Optimization are used for classifying and predicting protein sequences. Analysis of the results of these studies provide new and interesting insights into the influence of amino acids on secondary structure prediction. S-ELM and FLOPRED have also proven to be robust and efficient for predicting relative solvent accessibility of proteins and phosphorylation sites. These studies show that our method is robust and resilient and can be applied for a variety of purposes. It can be expected to yield higher classification accuracy and better generalization performance compared to previous methods

    Protein secondary structure prediction using neural networks and support vector machines

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    Predicting the secondary structure of proteins is important in biochemistry because the 3D structure can be determined from the local folds that are found in secondary structures. Moreover, knowing the tertiary structure of proteins can assist in determining their functions. The objective of this thesis is to compare the performance of Neural Networks (NN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) in predicting the secondary structure of 62 globular proteins from their primary sequence. For each NN and SVM, we created six binary classifiers to distinguish between the classes’ helices (H) strand (E), and coil (C). For NN we use Resilient Backpropagation training with and without early stopping. We use NN with either no hidden layer or with one hidden layer with 1,2,...,40 hidden neurons. For SVM we use a Gaussian kernel with parameter fixed at = 0.1 and varying cost parameters C in the range [0.1,5]. 10- fold cross-validation is used to obtain overall estimates for the probability of making a correct prediction. Our experiments indicate for NN and SVM that the different binary classifiers have varying accuracies: from 69% correct predictions for coils vs. non-coil up to 80% correct predictions for stand vs. non-strand. It is further demonstrated that NN with no hidden layer or not more than 2 hidden neurons in the hidden layer are sufficient for better predictions. For SVM we show that the estimated accuracies do not depend on the value of the cost parameter. As a major result, we will demonstrate that the accuracy estimates of NN and SVM binary classifiers cannot distinguish. This contradicts a modern belief in bioinformatics that SVM outperforms other predictors

    Machine Learning and Graph Theory Approaches for Classification and Prediction of Protein Structure

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    Recently, many methods have been proposed for the classification and prediction problems in bioinformatics. One of these problems is the protein structure prediction. Machine learning approaches and new algorithms have been proposed to solve this problem. Among the machine learning approaches, Support Vector Machines (SVM) have attracted a lot of attention due to their high prediction accuracy. Since protein data consists of sequence and structural information, another most widely used approach for modeling this structured data is to use graphs. In computer science, graph theory has been widely studied; however it has only been recently applied to bioinformatics. In this work, we introduced new algorithms based on statistical methods, graph theory concepts and machine learning for the protein structure prediction problem. A new statistical method based on z-scores has been introduced for seed selection in proteins. A new method based on finding common cliques in protein data for feature selection is also introduced, which reduces noise in the data. We also introduced new binary classifiers for the prediction of structural transitions in proteins. These new binary classifiers achieve much higher accuracy results than the current traditional binary classifiers

    Protein secondary structure prediction for a single-sequence using hidden semi-Markov models

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    BACKGROUND: The accuracy of protein secondary structure prediction has been improving steadily towards the 88% estimated theoretical limit. There are two types of prediction algorithms: Single-sequence prediction algorithms imply that information about other (homologous) proteins is not available, while algorithms of the second type imply that information about homologous proteins is available, and use it intensively. The single-sequence algorithms could make an important contribution to studies of proteins with no detected homologs, however the accuracy of protein secondary structure prediction from a single-sequence is not as high as when the additional evolutionary information is present. RESULTS: In this paper, we further refine and extend the hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM) initially considered in the BSPSS algorithm. We introduce an improved residue dependency model by considering the patterns of statistically significant amino acid correlation at structural segment borders. We also derive models that specialize on different sections of the dependency structure and incorporate them into HSMM. In addition, we implement an iterative training method to refine estimates of HSMM parameters. The three-state-per-residue accuracy and other accuracy measures of the new method, IPSSP, are shown to be comparable or better than ones for BSPSS as well as for PSIPRED, tested under the single-sequence condition. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that new dependency models and training methods bring further improvements to single-sequence protein secondary structure prediction. The results are obtained under cross-validation conditions using a dataset with no pair of sequences having significant sequence similarity. As new sequences are added to the database it is possible to augment the dependency structure and obtain even higher accuracy. Current and future advances should contribute to the improvement of function prediction for orphan proteins inscrutable to current similarity search methods
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