53 research outputs found

    Image Quality Evaluation in Lossy Compressed Images

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    This research focuses on the quantification of image quality in lossy compressed images, exploring the impact of digital artefacts and scene characteristics upon image quality evaluation. A subjective paired comparison test was implemented to assess perceived quality of JPEG 2000 against baseline JPEG over a range of different scene types. Interval scales were generated for both algorithms, which indicated a subjective preference for JPEG 2000, particularly at low bit rates, and these were confirmed by an objective distortion measure. The subjective results did not follow this trend for some scenes however, and both algorithms were found to be scene dependent as a result of the artefacts produced at high compression rates. The scene dependencies were explored from the interval scale results, which allowed scenes to be grouped according to their susceptibilities to each of the algorithms. Groupings were correlated with scene measures applied in a linked study. A pilot study was undertaken to explore perceptibility thresholds of JPEG 2000 of the same set of images. This work was developed with a further experiment to investigate the thresholds of perceptibility and acceptability of higher resolution JPEG 2000 compressed images. A set of images was captured using a professional level full-frame Digital Single Lens Reflex camera, using a raw workflow and carefully controlled image-processing pipeline. The scenes were quantified using a set of simple scene metrics to classify them according to whether they were average, higher than, or lower than average, for a number of scene properties known to affect image compression and perceived image quality; these were used to make a final selection of test images. Image fidelity was investigated using the method of constant stimuli to quantify perceptibility thresholds and just noticeable differences (JNDs) of perceptibility. Thresholds and JNDs of acceptability were also quantified to explore suprathreshold quality evaluation. The relationships between the two thresholds were examined and correlated with the results from the scene measures, to identify more or less susceptible scenes. It was found that the level and differences between the two thresholds was an indicator of scene dependency and could be predicted by certain types of scene characteristics. A third study implemented the soft copy quality ruler as an alternative psychophysical method, by matching the quality of compressed images to a set of images varying in a single attribute, separated by known JND increments of quality. The imaging chain and image processing workflow were evaluated using objective measures of tone reproduction and spatial frequency response. An alternative approach to the creation of ruler images was implemented and tested, and the resulting quality rulers were used to evaluate a subset of the images from the previous study. The quality ruler was found to be successful in identifying scene susceptibilities and observer sensitivity. The fourth investigation explored the implementation of four different image quality metrics. These were the Modular Image Difference Metric, the Structural Similarity Metric, The Multi-scale Structural Similarity Metric and the Weighted Structural Similarity Metric. The metrics were tested against the subjective results and all were found to have linear correlation in terms of predictability of image quality

    BAND-2k: Banding Artifact Noticeable Database for Banding Detection and Quality Assessment

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    Banding, also known as staircase-like contours, frequently occurs in flat areas of images/videos processed by the compression or quantization algorithms. As undesirable artifacts, banding destroys the original image structure, thus degrading users' quality of experience (QoE). In this paper, we systematically investigate the banding image quality assessment (IQA) problem, aiming to detect the image banding artifacts and evaluate their perceptual visual quality. Considering that the existing image banding databases only contain limited content sources and banding generation methods, and lack perceptual quality labels (i.e. mean opinion scores), we first build the largest banding IQA database so far, named Banding Artifact Noticeable Database (BAND-2k), which consists of 2,000 banding images generated by 15 compression and quantization schemes. A total of 23 workers participated in the subjective IQA experiment, yielding over 214,000 patch-level banding class labels and 44,371 reliable image-level quality ratings. Subsequently, we develop an effective no-reference (NR) banding evaluator for banding detection and quality assessment by leveraging frequency characteristics of banding artifacts. A dual convolutional neural network is employed to concurrently learn the feature representation from the high-frequency and low-frequency maps, thereby enhancing the ability to discern banding artifacts. The quality score of a banding image is generated by pooling the banding detection maps masked by the spatial frequency filters. Experiments demonstrate that our banding evaluator achieves a remarkably high accuracy in banding detection and also exhibits high SRCC and PLCC results with the perceptual quality labels. These findings unveil the strong correlations between the intensity of banding artifacts and the perceptual visual quality, thus validating the necessity of banding quality assessment

    Computational inference and control of quality in multimedia services

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    Quality is the degree of excellence we expect of a service or a product. It is also one of the key factors that determine its value. For multimedia services, understanding the experienced quality means understanding how the delivered delity, precision and reliability correspond to the users' expectations. Yet the quality of multimedia services is inextricably linked to the underlying technology. It is developments in video recording, compression and transport as well as display technologies that enables high quality multimedia services to become ubiquitous. The constant evolution of these technologies delivers a steady increase in performance, but also a growing level of complexity. As new technologies stack on top of each other the interactions between them and their components become more intricate and obscure. In this environment optimizing the delivered quality of multimedia services becomes increasingly challenging. The factors that aect the experienced quality, or Quality of Experience (QoE), tend to have complex non-linear relationships. The subjectively perceived QoE is hard to measure directly and continuously evolves with the user's expectations. Faced with the diculty of designing an expert system for QoE management that relies on painstaking measurements and intricate heuristics, we turn to an approach based on learning or inference. The set of solutions presented in this work rely on computational intelligence techniques that do inference over the large set of signals coming from the system to deliver QoE models based on user feedback. We furthermore present solutions for inference of optimized control in systems with no guarantees for resource availability. This approach oers the opportunity to be more accurate in assessing the perceived quality, to incorporate more factors and to adapt as technology and user expectations evolve. In a similar fashion, the inferred control strategies can uncover more intricate patterns coming from the sensors and therefore implement farther-reaching decisions. Similarly to natural systems, this continuous adaptation and learning makes these systems more robust to perturbations in the environment, longer lasting accuracy and higher eciency in dealing with increased complexity. Overcoming this increasing complexity and diversity is crucial for addressing the challenges of future multimedia system. Through experiments and simulations this work demonstrates that adopting an approach of learning can improve the sub jective and objective QoE estimation, enable the implementation of ecient and scalable QoE management as well as ecient control mechanisms

    Scene-Dependency of Spatial Image Quality Metrics

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    This thesis is concerned with the measurement of spatial imaging performance and the modelling of spatial image quality in digital capturing systems. Spatial imaging performance and image quality relate to the objective and subjective reproduction of luminance contrast signals by the system, respectively; they are critical to overall perceived image quality. The Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) and Noise Power Spectrum (NPS) describe the signal (contrast) transfer and noise characteristics of a system, respectively, with respect to spatial frequency. They are both, strictly speaking, only applicable to linear systems since they are founded upon linear system theory. Many contemporary capture systems use adaptive image signal processing, such as denoising and sharpening, to optimise output image quality. These non-linear processes change their behaviour according to characteristics of the input signal (i.e. the scene being captured). This behaviour renders system performance “scene-dependent” and difficult to measure accurately. The MTF and NPS are traditionally measured from test charts containing suitable predefined signals (e.g. edges, sinusoidal exposures, noise or uniform luminance patches). These signals trigger adaptive processes at uncharacteristic levels since they are unrepresentative of natural scene content. Thus, for systems using adaptive processes, the resultant MTFs and NPSs are not representative of performance “in the field” (i.e. capturing real scenes). Spatial image quality metrics for capturing systems aim to predict the relationship between MTF and NPS measurements and subjective ratings of image quality. They cascade both measures with contrast sensitivity functions that describe human visual sensitivity with respect to spatial frequency. The most recent metrics designed for adaptive systems use MTFs measured using the dead leaves test chart that is more representative of natural scene content than the abovementioned test charts. This marks a step toward modelling image quality with respect to real scene signals. This thesis presents novel scene-and-process-dependent MTFs (SPD-MTF) and NPSs (SPDNPS). They are measured from imaged pictorial scene (or dead leaves target) signals to account for system scene-dependency. Further, a number of spatial image quality metrics are revised to account for capture system and visual scene-dependency. Their MTF and NPS parameters were substituted for SPD-MTFs and SPD-NPSs. Likewise, their standard visual functions were substituted for contextual detection (cCSF) or discrimination (cVPF) functions. In addition, two novel spatial image quality metrics are presented (the log Noise Equivalent Quanta (NEQ) and Visual log NEQ) that implement SPD-MTFs and SPD-NPSs. The metrics, SPD-MTFs and SPD-NPSs were validated by analysing measurements from simulated image capture pipelines that applied either linear or adaptive image signal processing. The SPD-NPS measures displayed little evidence of measurement error, and the metrics performed most accurately when they used SPD-NPSs measured from images of scenes. The benefit of deriving SPD-MTFs from images of scenes was traded-off, however, against measurement bias. Most metrics performed most accurately with SPD-MTFs derived from dead leaves signals. Implementing the cCSF or cVPF did not increase metric accuracy. The log NEQ and Visual log NEQ metrics proposed in this thesis were highly competitive, outperforming metrics of the same genre. They were also more consistent than the IEEE P1858 Camera Phone Image Quality (CPIQ) metric when their input parameters were modified. The advantages and limitations of all performance measures and metrics were discussed, as well as their practical implementation and relevant applications

    Video Quality Assessment

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    Predicting Multiple Target Tracking Performance for Applications on Video Sequences

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    This dissertation presents a framework to predict the performance of multiple target tracking (MTT) techniques. The framework is based on the mathematical descriptors of point processes, the probability generating functional (p.g.fl). It is shown that conceptually the p.g.fls of MTT techniques can be interpreted as a transform that can be marginalized to an expression that encodes all the information regarding the likelihood model as well as the underlying assumptions present in a given tracking technique. In order to use this approach for tracker performance prediction in video sequences, a framework that combines video quality assessment concepts and the marginalized transform is introduced. The multiple hypothesis tracker (MHT), Joint Probabilistic Data Association (JPDA), Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) data association, and the Probability Hypothesis Density filter (PHD) are used as a test cases. We introduce their transforms and perform a numerical comparison to predict their performance under identical conditions. We also introduce the concepts that present the base for estimation in general and for applications in computer vision

    Perceptual Image Similarity Metrics and Applications.

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    This dissertation presents research in perceptual image similarity metrics and applications, e.g., content-based image retrieval, perceptual image compression, image similarity assessment and texture analysis. The first part aims to design texture similarity metrics consistent with human perception. A new family of statistical texture similarity features, called Local Radius Index (LRI), and corresponding similarity metrics are proposed. Compared to state-of-the-art metrics in the STSIM family, LRI-based metrics achieve better texture retrieval performance with much less computation. When applied to the recently developed perceptual image coder, Matched Texture Coding (MTC), they enable similar performance while significantly accelerating encoding. Additionally, in photographic paper classification, LRI-based metrics also outperform pre-existing metrics. To fulfill the needs of texture classification and other applications, a rotation-invariant version of LRI, called Rotation-Invariant Local Radius Index (RI-LRI), is proposed. RI-LRI is also grayscale and illuminance insensitive. The corresponding similarity metric achieves texture classification accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art metrics. Moreover, its much lower dimensional feature vector requires substantially less computation and storage than other state-of-the-art texture features. The second part of the dissertation focuses on bilevel images, which are images whose pixels are either black or white. The contributions include new objective similarity metrics intended to quantify similarity consistent with human perception, and a subjective experiment to obtain ground truth for judging the performance of objective metrics. Several similarity metrics are proposed that outperform existing ones in the sense of attaining significantly higher Pearson and Spearman-rank correlations with the ground truth. The new metrics include Adjusted Percentage Error, Bilevel Gradient Histogram, Connected Components Comparison and combinations of such. Another portion of the dissertation focuses on the aforementioned MTC, which is a block-based image coder that uses texture similarity metrics to decide if blocks of the image can be encoded by pointing to perceptually similar ones in the already coded region. The key to its success is an effective texture similarity metric, such as an LRI-based metric, and an effective search strategy. Compared to traditional image compression algorithms, e.g., JPEG, MTC achieves similar coding rate with higher reconstruction quality. And the advantage of MTC becomes larger as coding rate decreases.PhDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113586/1/yhzhai_1.pd

    No-reference image and video quality assessment: a classification and review of recent approaches

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    Image Processing Using FPGAs

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    This book presents a selection of papers representing current research on using field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for realising image processing algorithms. These papers are reprints of papers selected for a Special Issue of the Journal of Imaging on image processing using FPGAs. A diverse range of topics is covered, including parallel soft processors, memory management, image filters, segmentation, clustering, image analysis, and image compression. Applications include traffic sign recognition for autonomous driving, cell detection for histopathology, and video compression. Collectively, they represent the current state-of-the-art on image processing using FPGAs

    Quality-aware Content Adaptation in Digital Video Streaming

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    User-generated video has attracted a lot of attention due to the success of Video Sharing Sites such as YouTube and Online Social Networks. Recently, a shift towards live consumption of these videos is observable. The content is captured and instantly shared over the Internet using smart mobile devices such as smartphones. Large-scale platforms arise such as YouTube.Live, YouNow or Facebook.Live which enable the smartphones of users to livestream to the public. These platforms achieve the distribution of tens of thousands of low resolution videos to remote viewers in parallel. Nonetheless, the providers are not capable to guarantee an efficient collection and distribution of high-quality video streams. As a result, the user experience is often degraded, and the needed infrastructure installments are huge. Efficient methods are required to cope with the increasing demand for these video streams; and an understanding is needed how to capture, process and distribute the videos to guarantee a high-quality experience for viewers. This thesis addresses the quality awareness of user-generated videos by leveraging the concept of content adaptation. Two types of content adaptation, the adaptive video streaming and the video composition, are discussed in this thesis. Then, a novel approach for the given scenario of a live upload from mobile devices, the processing of video streams and their distribution is presented. This thesis demonstrates that content adaptation applied to each step of this scenario, ranging from the upload to the consumption, can significantly improve the quality for the viewer. At the same time, if content adaptation is planned wisely, the data traffic can be reduced while keeping the quality for the viewers high. The first contribution of this thesis is a better understanding of the perceived quality in user-generated video and its influencing factors. Subjective studies are performed to understand what affects the human perception, leading to the first of their kind quality models. Developed quality models are used for the second contribution of this work: novel quality assessment algorithms. A unique attribute of these algorithms is the usage of multiple features from different sensors. Whereas classical video quality assessment algorithms focus on the visual information, the proposed algorithms reduce the runtime by an order of magnitude when using data from other sensors in video capturing devices. Still, the scalability for quality assessment is limited by executing algorithms on a single server. This is solved with the proposed placement and selection component. It allows the distribution of quality assessment tasks to mobile devices and thus increases the scalability of existing approaches by up to 33.71% when using the resources of only 15 mobile devices. These three contributions are required to provide a real-time understanding of the perceived quality of the video streams produced on mobile devices. The upload of video streams is the fourth contribution of this work. It relies on content and mechanism adaptation. The thesis introduces the first prototypically evaluated adaptive video upload protocol (LiViU) which transcodes multiple video representations in real-time and copes with changing network conditions. In addition, a mechanism adaptation is integrated into LiViU to react to changing application scenarios such as streaming high-quality videos to remote viewers or distributing video with a minimal delay to close-by recipients. A second type of content adaptation is discussed in the fifth contribution of this work. An automatic video composition application is presented which enables live composition from multiple user-generated video streams. The proposed application is the first of its kind, allowing the in-time composition of high-quality video streams by inspecting the quality of individual video streams, recording locations and cinematographic rules. As a last contribution, the content-aware adaptive distribution of video streams to mobile devices is introduced by the Video Adaptation Service (VAS). The VAS analyzes the video content streamed to understand which adaptations are most beneficial for a viewer. It maximizes the perceived quality for each video stream individually and at the same time tries to produce as little data traffic as possible - achieving data traffic reduction of more than 80%