6 research outputs found

    Textual Query Based Image Retrieval

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    As digital cameras becoming popular and mobile phones are increased very fast so that consumers photos are increased. So that retrieving the appropriate image depending on content or text based image retrieval techniques has become very vast. Content-based image retrieval, a technique which uses visual contents to search images from large scale image databases according to users interests, has been an active and fast advancing research area semantic gap between the low-level visual features and the high-level semantic concepts. Real-time textual query-based personal photo retrieval system by leveraging millions of Web images and their associated rich textual descriptions. Then user provides a textual query. Our system generates the inverted file to automatically find the positive Web images that are related to the textual query as well as the negative Web images that are irrelevant to the textual query. For that purpose we use k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN), Decision stumps, and linear SVM, to rank personal photos. For improvement of the photo retrieval performance, we have used two relevance feedback methods via cross-domain learning, which effectively utilize both the Web images and personal images. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15032

    Everyday concept detection in visual lifelogs: validation, relationships and trends

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    The Microsoft SenseCam is a small lightweight wearable camera used to passively capture photos and other sensor readings from a user's day-to-day activities. It can capture up to 3,000 images per day, equating to almost 1 million images per year. It is used to aid memory by creating a personal multimedia lifelog, or visual recording of the wearer's life. However the sheer volume of image data captured within a visual lifelog creates a number of challenges, particularly for locating relevant content. Within this work, we explore the applicability of semantic concept detection, a method often used within video retrieval, on the novel domain of visual lifelogs. A concept detector models the correspondence between low-level visual features and high-level semantic concepts (such as indoors, outdoors, people, buildings, etc.) using supervised machine learning. By doing so it determines the probability of a concept's presence. We apply detection of 27 everyday semantic concepts on a lifelog collection composed of 257,518 SenseCam images from 5 users. The results were then evaluated on a subset of 95,907 images, to determine the precision for detection of each semantic concept. We conduct further analysis on the temporal consistency, co-occurance and trends within the detected concepts to more extensively investigate the robustness of the detectors within this novel domain. We additionally present future applications of concept detection within the domain of lifelogging

    Reliability and effectiveness of clickthrough data for automatic image annotation

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    Automatic image annotation using supervised learning is performed by concept classifiers trained on labelled example images. This work proposes the use of clickthrough data collected from search logs as a source for the automatic generation of concept training data, thus avoiding the expensive manual annotation effort. We investigate and evaluate this approach using a collection of 97,628 photographic images. The results indicate that the contribution of search log based training data is positive despite their inherent noise; in particular, the combination of manual and automatically generated training data outperforms the use of manual data alone. It is therefore possible to use clickthrough data to perform large-scale image annotation with little manual annotation effort or, depending on performance, using only the automatically generated training data. An extensive presentation of the experimental results and the accompanying data can be accessed at http://olympus.ee.auth.gr/~diou/civr2009/

    Unsupervised video indexing on audiovisual characterization of persons

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    Cette thèse consiste à proposer une méthode de caractérisation non-supervisée des intervenants dans les documents audiovisuels, en exploitant des données liées à leur apparence physique et à leur voix. De manière générale, les méthodes d'identification automatique, que ce soit en vidéo ou en audio, nécessitent une quantité importante de connaissances a priori sur le contenu. Dans ce travail, le but est d'étudier les deux modes de façon corrélée et d'exploiter leur propriété respective de manière collaborative et robuste, afin de produire un résultat fiable aussi indépendant que possible de toute connaissance a priori. Plus particulièrement, nous avons étudié les caractéristiques du flux audio et nous avons proposé plusieurs méthodes pour la segmentation et le regroupement en locuteurs que nous avons évaluées dans le cadre d'une campagne d'évaluation. Ensuite, nous avons mené une étude approfondie sur les descripteurs visuels (visage, costume) qui nous ont servis à proposer de nouvelles approches pour la détection, le suivi et le regroupement des personnes. Enfin, le travail s'est focalisé sur la fusion des données audio et vidéo en proposant une approche basée sur le calcul d'une matrice de cooccurrence qui nous a permis d'établir une association entre l'index audio et l'index vidéo et d'effectuer leur correction. Nous pouvons ainsi produire un modèle audiovisuel dynamique des intervenants.This thesis consists to propose a method for an unsupervised characterization of persons within audiovisual documents, by exploring the data related for their physical appearance and their voice. From a general manner, the automatic recognition methods, either in video or audio, need a huge amount of a priori knowledge about their content. In this work, the goal is to study the two modes in a correlated way and to explore their properties in a collaborative and robust way, in order to produce a reliable result as independent as possible from any a priori knowledge. More particularly, we have studied the characteristics of the audio stream and we have proposed many methods for speaker segmentation and clustering and that we have evaluated in a french competition. Then, we have carried a deep study on visual descriptors (face, clothing) that helped us to propose novel approches for detecting, tracking, and clustering of people within the document. Finally, the work was focused on the audiovisual fusion by proposing a method based on computing the cooccurrence matrix that allowed us to establish an association between audio and video indexes, and to correct them. That will enable us to produce a dynamic audiovisual model for each speaker