11,474 research outputs found

    Parallel O(log(n)) time edge-colouring of trees and Halin graphs

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    We present parallel O(log(n))-time algorithms for optimal edge colouring of trees and Halin graphs with n processors on a a parallel random access machine without write conflicts (P-RAM). In the case of Halin graphs with a maximum degree of three, the colouring algorithm automatically finds every Hamiltonian cycle of the graph

    On-line list colouring of random graphs

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    In this paper, the on-line list colouring of binomial random graphs G(n,p) is studied. We show that the on-line choice number of G(n,p) is asymptotically almost surely asymptotic to the chromatic number of G(n,p), provided that the average degree d=p(n-1) tends to infinity faster than (log log n)^1/3(log n)^2n^(2/3). For sparser graphs, we are slightly less successful; we show that if d>(log n)^(2+epsilon) for some epsilon>0, then the on-line choice number is larger than the chromatic number by at most a multiplicative factor of C, where C in [2,4], depending on the range of d. Also, for d=O(1), the on-line choice number is by at most a multiplicative constant factor larger than the chromatic number

    Colouring random graphs and maximising local diversity

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    We study a variation of the graph colouring problem on random graphs of finite average connectivity. Given the number of colours, we aim to maximise the number of different colours at neighbouring vertices (i.e. one edge distance) of any vertex. Two efficient algorithms, belief propagation and Walksat are adapted to carry out this task. We present experimental results based on two types of random graphs for different system sizes and identify the critical value of the connectivity for the algorithms to find a perfect solution. The problem and the suggested algorithms have practical relevance since various applications, such as distributed storage, can be mapped onto this problem.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Graph properties, graph limits and entropy

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    We study the relation between the growth rate of a graph property and the entropy of the graph limits that arise from graphs with that property. In particular, for hereditary classes we obtain a new description of the colouring number, which by well-known results describes the rate of growth. We study also random graphs and their entropies. We show, for example, that if a hereditary property has a unique limiting graphon with maximal entropy, then a random graph with this property, selected uniformly at random from all such graphs with a given order, converges to this maximizing graphon as the order tends to infinity.Comment: 24 page

    Colouring random graphs: Tame colourings

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    Given a graph G, a colouring is an assignment of colours to the vertices of G so that no two adjacent vertices are coloured the same. If all colour classes have size at most t, then we call the colouring t-bounded, and the t-bounded chromatic number of G, denoted by χt(G)\chi_t(G), is the minimum number of colours in such a colouring. Every colouring of G is then α(G)\alpha(G)-bounded, where α(G)\alpha(G) denotes the size of a largest independent set. We study colourings of the random graph G(n, 1/2) and of the corresponding uniform random graph G(n,m) with m=⌊12(n2)⌋m=\left \lfloor \frac 12 {n \choose 2} \right \rfloor. We show that χt(G(n,m))\chi_t(G(n,m)) is maximally concentrated on at most two explicit values for t=α(G(n,m))−2t = \alpha(G(n,m))-2. This behaviour stands in stark contrast to that of the normal chromatic number, which was recently shown not to be concentrated on any sequence of intervals of length n1/2−o(1)n^{1/2-o(1)}. Moreover, when t=α(Gn,1/2)−1t = \alpha(G_{n, 1/2})-1 and if the expected number of independent sets of size tt is not too small, we determine an explicit interval of length n0.99n^{0.99} that contains χt(Gn,1/2)\chi_t(G_{n,1/2}) with high probability. Both results have profound consequences: the former is at the core of the intriguing Zigzag Conjecture on the distribution of χ(Gn,1/2)\chi(G_{n, 1/2}) and justifies one of its main hypotheses, while the latter is an important ingredient in the proof of a non-concentration result for χ(Gn,1/2)\chi(G_{n,1/2}) that is conjectured to be optimal. These two results are consequences of a more general statement. We consider a class of colourings that we call tame, and provide tight bounds for the probability of existence of such colourings via a delicate second moment argument. We then apply those bounds to the two aforementioned cases. As a further consequence of our main result, we prove two-point concentration of the equitable chromatic number of G(n,m).Comment: 75 page
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