124 research outputs found

    Estimation of Scribble Placement for Painting Colorization

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    Image colorization has been a topic of interest since the mid 70’s and several algorithms have been proposed that given a grayscale image and color scribbles (hints) produce a colorized image. Recently, this approach has been introduced in the field of art conservation and cultural heritage, where B&W photographs of paintings at previous stages have been colorized. However, the questions of what is the minimum number of scribbles necessary and where they should be placed in an image remain unexplored. Here we address this limitation using an iterative algorithm that provides insights as to the relationship between locally vs. globally important scribbles. Given a color image we randomly select scribbles and we attempt to color the grayscale version of the original.We define a scribble contribution measure based on the reconstruction error. We demonstrate our approach using a widely used colorization algorithm and images from a Picasso painting and the peppers test image. We show that areas isolated by thick brushstrokes or areas with high textural variation are locally important but contribute very little to the overall representation accuracy. We also find that for the case of Picasso on average 10% of scribble coverage is enough and that flat areas can be presented by few scribbles. The proposed method can be used verbatim to test any colorization algorithm

    PixColor: Pixel Recursive Colorization

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    We propose a novel approach to automatically produce multiple colorized versions of a grayscale image. Our method results from the observation that the task of automated colorization is relatively easy given a low-resolution version of the color image. We first train a conditional PixelCNN to generate a low resolution color for a given grayscale image. Then, given the generated low-resolution color image and the original grayscale image as inputs, we train a second CNN to generate a high-resolution colorization of an image. We demonstrate that our approach produces more diverse and plausible colorizations than existing methods, as judged by human raters in a "Visual Turing Test"

    A survey of comics research in computer science

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    Graphical novels such as comics and mangas are well known all over the world. The digital transition started to change the way people are reading comics, more and more on smartphones and tablets and less and less on paper. In the recent years, a wide variety of research about comics has been proposed and might change the way comics are created, distributed and read in future years. Early work focuses on low level document image analysis: indeed comic books are complex, they contains text, drawings, balloon, panels, onomatopoeia, etc. Different fields of computer science covered research about user interaction and content generation such as multimedia, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, etc. with different sets of values. We propose in this paper to review the previous research about comics in computer science, to state what have been done and to give some insights about the main outlooks

    Deep Video Color Propagation

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    Traditional approaches for color propagation in videos rely on some form of matching between consecutive video frames. Using appearance descriptors, colors are then propagated both spatially and temporally. These methods, however, are computationally expensive and do not take advantage of semantic information of the scene. In this work we propose a deep learning framework for color propagation that combines a local strategy, to propagate colors frame-by-frame ensuring temporal stability, and a global strategy, using semantics for color propagation within a longer range. Our evaluation shows the superiority of our strategy over existing video and image color propagation methods as well as neural photo-realistic style transfer approaches.Comment: BMVC 201

    Two Decades of Colorization and Decolorization for Images and Videos

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    Colorization is a computer-aided process, which aims to give color to a gray image or video. It can be used to enhance black-and-white images, including black-and-white photos, old-fashioned films, and scientific imaging results. On the contrary, decolorization is to convert a color image or video into a grayscale one. A grayscale image or video refers to an image or video with only brightness information without color information. It is the basis of some downstream image processing applications such as pattern recognition, image segmentation, and image enhancement. Different from image decolorization, video decolorization should not only consider the image contrast preservation in each video frame, but also respect the temporal and spatial consistency between video frames. Researchers were devoted to develop decolorization methods by balancing spatial-temporal consistency and algorithm efficiency. With the prevalance of the digital cameras and mobile phones, image and video colorization and decolorization have been paid more and more attention by researchers. This paper gives an overview of the progress of image and video colorization and decolorization methods in the last two decades.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figure
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