512,455 research outputs found

    Detection of Stomach Cancer by TV-Endoscope Colour Enhancement Image Processing

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    Using modern TV-endoscope equipment, we have experimented image processing in several ways. This time, we designed new image processing unit called “Color Subtracted Enhancement image processing unit”. This unit was made by combining the RGB-Subtraction image processing device with the color enhancement image processing device. The RGB-subtraction device is an analogue unit that enables us to remove the visible red, green and blue peaks from the image. We can subtract the images R-G, R-B, G-R, B-R, B-G simply by changing the switches. The color enhancement device (developed by Olympus optical corporation inc.) is a digital processing unit that lets us reinforce any of these colors. This unit let us enhance any of RGB colors on the image which is processed by RGB-subtraction device. 
 Using this unit, we tried to clarify the border between normal and diseased mucosa. We detected invasion of the lesion and compared the original image with the processed images. Moreover, we marked the border visualized by this unit and compared the marking point with histological border .
Result: Based on the R-G image (i.e. that was produced by subtracting green from red) and the R-B image, the processed images are more clearly than those based on the B-G image. The G-B image, the B-R image and the G-R image. The color subtracted enhancement image ocessing enabled us to detect the border between normal and diseased mucosa and showed us the concavity and convexity of early cancer and gastric ulcers.
Conclusions: Elevations, depressions and color changes of gastric mucosa were clearly 
visible by using the TV-endoscope color subtracted enhancement image processing unit. This technique will facilitate the treatment of gastric lesions with endoscopic surgery.


    Design of Novel Algorithm and Architecture for Gaussian Based Color Image Enhancement System for Real Time Applications

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    This paper presents the development of a new algorithm for Gaussian based color image enhancement system. The algorithm has been designed into architecture suitable for FPGA/ASIC implementation. The color image enhancement is achieved by first convolving an original image with a Gaussian kernel since Gaussian distribution is a point spread function which smoothen the image. Further, logarithm-domain processing and gain/offset corrections are employed in order to enhance and translate pixels into the display range of 0 to 255. The proposed algorithm not only provides better dynamic range compression and color rendition effect but also achieves color constancy in an image. The design exploits high degrees of pipelining and parallel processing to achieve real time performance. The design has been realized by RTL compliant Verilog coding and fits into a single FPGA with a gate count utilization of 321,804. The proposed method is implemented using Xilinx Virtex-II Pro XC2VP40-7FF1148 FPGA device and is capable of processing high resolution color motion pictures of sizes of up to 1600x1200 pixels at the real time video rate of 116 frames per second. This shows that the proposed design would work for not only still images but also for high resolution video sequences.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Image processing for smarter browsing of ocean color data products: investigating algal blooms

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    Remote sensing technology continues to play a significant role in the understanding of our environment and the investigation of the Earth. Ocean color is the water hue due to the presence of tiny plants containing the pigment chlorophyll, sediments, and colored dissolved organic material and so can provide valuable information on coastal ecosystems. We propose to make the browsing of Ocean Color data more efficient for users by using image processing techniques to extract useful information which can be accessible through browser searching. Image processing is applied to chlorophyll and sea surface temperature images. The automatic image processing of the visual level 1 and level 2 data allow us to investigate the occurrence of algal blooms. Images with colors in a certain range (red, orange etc.) are used to address possible algal blooms and allow us to examine the seasonal variation of algal blooms in Europe (around Ireland and in the Baltic Sea). Yearly seasonal variation of algal blooms in Europe based on image processing for smarting browsing of Ocean Color are presented

    Advancement in Color Image Processing using Geometric Algebra

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    This paper describes an advancement in color image processing, using geometric algebra. This is achieved using a compact representation of vectors within nn dimensional space. Geometric Algebra (GA) is a preferred framework for signal representation and image representation. In this context the R, G, B color channels are not defined separately but as a single entity. As GA provides a rich set of operations, the signal and image processing operations becomes straightforward and the algorithms intuitive. From the experiments described in this paper, it is also possible to conclude that the convolution operation with the rotor masks within GA belong to a class of linear vector filters and can be applied to image or speech signals. The usefulness of the introduced approach has been demonstrated by analyzing and implementing two different types of edge detection schemes

    Color image processing and object tracking workstation

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    A system is described for automatic and semiautomatic tracking of objects on film or video tape which was developed to meet the needs of the microgravity combustion and fluid science experiments at NASA Lewis. The system consists of individual hardware parts working under computer control to achieve a high degree of automation. The most important hardware parts include 16 mm film projector, a lens system, a video camera, an S-VHS tapedeck, a frame grabber, and some storage and output devices. Both the projector and tapedeck have a computer interface enabling remote control. Tracking software was developed to control the overall operation. In the automatic mode, the main tracking program controls the projector or the tapedeck frame incrementation, grabs a frame, processes it, locates the edge of the objects being tracked, and stores the coordinates in a file. This process is performed repeatedly until the last frame is reached. Three representative applications are described. These applications represent typical uses and include tracking the propagation of a flame front, tracking the movement of a liquid-gas interface with extremely poor visibility, and characterizing a diffusion flame according to color and shape

    An automatic and efficient foreground object extraction scheme

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    This paper presents a method to differentiate the foreground objects from the background of a color image. Firstly a color image of any size is input for processing. The algorithm converts it to a grayscale image. Next we apply canny edge detector to find the boundary of the foreground object. We concentrate to find the maximum distance between each boundary pixel column wise and row wise and we fill the region that is bound by the edges. Thus we are able to extract the grayscale values of pixels that are in the bounded region and convert the grayscale image back to original color image containing only the foreground object

    Fast Color Space Transformations Using Minimax Approximations

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    Color space transformations are frequently used in image processing, graphics, and visualization applications. In many cases, these transformations are complex nonlinear functions, which prohibits their use in time-critical applications. In this paper, we present a new approach called Minimax Approximations for Color-space Transformations (MACT).We demonstrate MACT on three commonly used color space transformations. Extensive experiments on a large and diverse image set and comparisons with well-known multidimensional lookup table interpolation methods show that MACT achieves an excellent balance among four criteria: ease of implementation, memory usage, accuracy, and computational speed