7,065 research outputs found

    Characterization of color cross-talk of CCD detectors and its influence in multispectral quantitative phase imaging

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    Multi-spectral quantitative phase imaging (QPI) is an emerging imaging modality for wavelength dependent studies of several biological and industrial specimens. Simultaneous multi-spectral QPI is generally performed with color CCD cameras. However, color CCD cameras are suffered from the color crosstalk issue, which needed to be explored. Here, we present a new approach for accurately measuring the color crosstalk of 2D area detectors, without needing prior information about camera specifications. Color crosstalk of two different cameras commonly used in QPI, single chip CCD (1-CCD) and three chip CCD (3-CCD), is systematically studied and compared using compact interference microscopy. The influence of color crosstalk on the fringe width and the visibility of the monochromatic constituents corresponding to three color channels of white light interferogram are studied both through simulations and experiments. It is observed that presence of color crosstalk changes the fringe width and visibility over the imaging field of view. This leads to an unwanted non-uniform background error in the multi-spectral phase imaging of the specimens. It is demonstrated that the color crosstalk of the detector is the key limiting factor for phase measurement accuracy of simultaneous multi-spectral QPI systems.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Studies of a Lacustrine-Volcanic Mars Analog Field Site with Mars-2020-like Instruments

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    On the upcoming Mars‐2020 rover two remote sensing instruments, Mastcam‐Z and SuperCam, and two microscopic proximity science instruments, SHERLOC and PIXL, will collect compositional (mineralogy, chemistry, and organics) data essential for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. The synergies between and limitations of these instruments were evaluated via study of a Mars analog field site in the Mojave Desert, using instruments approximating the data that will be returned by Mars‐2020. A ground truth dataset was generated for comparison to validate the results. The site consists of a succession of clay‐rich mudstones of lacustrine origin, interbedded tuffs, a carbonate‐silica travertine deposit, and gypsiferous mudstone strata. The major geological units were mapped successfully using simulated Mars‐2020 data. Simulated Mastcam‐Z data identified unit boundaries and Fe‐bearing weathering products. Simulated SuperCam passive shortwave infrared and green Raman data were essential in identifying major mineralogical composition and changes in lacustrine facies at distance; this was possible even with spectrally downsampled passive IR data. LIBS and simulated PIXL data discriminated and mapped major element chemistry. Simulated PIXL revealed mm‐scale zones enriched in zirconium, of interest for age dating. SHERLOC‐like data mapped sulfate and carbonate at sub‐mm scale; silicates were identified with increased laser pulses/spot or by averaging of hundreds of spectra. Fluorescence scans detected and mapped varied classes of organics in all samples, characterized further with follow‐on spatially targeted deep‐UV Raman spectra. Development of dedicated organics spectral libraries is needed to aid interpretation. Given these observations, the important units in the outcrop would be sampled and cached for sample return

    Last generation instrument for agriculture multispectral data collection

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    In recent years, the acquisition and analysis of multispectral data are gaining a growing interest and importance in agriculture. On the other hand, new technologies are opening up for the possibility of developing and implementing sensors with relatively small size and featuring high technical performances. Thanks to low weights and high signal to noise ratios, such sensors can be transported by different type of means (terrestrial as well as aerial vehicles), giving new opportunities for assessment and monitoring of several crops at different growing stages or health conditions. The choice and specialization of individual bands within the electromagnetic spectrum ranging from the ultraviolet to the infrared, plays a fundamental role in the definition of the so-called vegetation indices (eg. NDVI, GNDVI, SAVI, and dozens of others), posing new questions and challenges in their effective implementation. The present paper firstly discusses the needs of low-distance based sensors for indices calculation, then focuses on development of a new multispectral instrument specially developed for agricultural multispectral analysis. Such instrument features high frequency and high resolution imaging through nine different sensors (1 RGB and 8 monochromes with relative band-pass filters, covering the 390 to 950 nm range). The instrument allows synchronized multiband imaging thanks to integrated global shutter technology, with a frame rate up to 5 Hz; exposure time can be as low as 1/5000 s. An applicative case study is eventually reported on an area featuring different materials (organic and non-organic), to show the new instrument potential. Last generation instrument for agriculture multispectral data collection. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317596952_Last_generation_instrument_for_agriculture_multispectral_data_collection [accessed Jul 11, 2017]

    Infrared imaging spectroscopy of skin cancer lesions

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    Skin cancer is a disease of the twenty-first century since, unfortunately, being tan is associated to be healthy and good looking. UV radiation produces one of the most aggressive kinds of skin cancer: melanoma; once the damage is done there is no other solution that a rapid and effective diagnosis. Clinical examination and biopsies have shown to be slow and costly in many ways, so the possibility of getting a non-invasive optical detection of skin melanomas became a hot topic in biophotonics. In this context, multispectral imaging systems have approached the problem, but none of them worked inside the infrared range. Hence, this work has been proposed as an interesting, long-term project to further investigate about the possibilities of infrared imaging spectroscopy for the early detection of skin cancer through the development of such a system based on an InGaAs camera
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