3 research outputs found

    Associative Measures and Multi-word Unit Extraction in Turkish

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    Associative measures are "mathematical formulas determining the strength of association between two or more words based on their occurrences and cooccurrences in a text corpus" (Pecina, 2010, p. 138). The purpose of this paper is to test the 12 associative measures that Text-NSP (Banerjee & Pedersen, 2003) contains on a 10-million-word subcorpus of Turkish National Corpus (TNC) (Aksan et.al., 2012). A statistical comparison of those measures is out of the scope of the study, and the measures will be evaluated according to the linguistic relevance of the rankings they provide. The focus of the study is basically on optimizing the corpus data, before applying the measures and then, evaluating the rankings produced by these measures as a whole, not on the linguistic relevance of individual n-grams. The findings include intra-linguistically relevant associative measures for a comma delimited, sentence splitted, lower-cased, well-balanced, representative, 10-million-word corpus of Turkish

    A Matrix-Based Heuristic Algorithm for Extracting Multiword Expressions from a Corpus

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    This paper describes an algorithm for automatically extracting multiword expressions (MWEs) from a corpus. The algorithm is node-based, ie extracts MWEs that contain the item specified by the user, using a fixed window-size around the node. The main idea is to detect the frequency anomalies that occur at the starting and ending points of an ngram that constitutes a MWE. This is achieved by locally comparing matrices of observed frequencies to matrices of expected frequencies, and determining, for each individual input, one or more sub-sequences that have the highest probability of being a MWE. Top-performing sub-sequences are then combined in a score-aggregation and ranking stage, thus producing a single list of score-ranked MWE candidates, without having to indiscriminately generate all possible sub-sequences of the input strings. The knowledge-poor and computationally efficient algorithm attempts to solve certain recurring problems in MWE extraction, such as the inability to deal with MWEs of arbitrary length, the repetitive counting of nested ngrams, and excessive sensitivity to frequency. Evaluation results show that the best-performing version generates top-50 precision values between 0.71 and 0.88 on Turkish and English data, and performs better than the baseline method even at n= 1000

    Collocation extraction in Turkish texts using statistical methods

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    IZETeam;Microsoft Island;Post and Telecom Administration7th International Conference on NLP, IceTAL 2010 -- 16 August 2010 through 18 August 2010 -- Reykjavik -- 81659Collocation is the combination of words in which words appear together more often than by chance. Since collocations are blocks of meaning, they play an important role in natural language processing applications (word sense disambiguation, part of speech tagging, machine translation, etc). In this study, a corpus of Turkish is subjected to the following statistical techniques: frequency of occurrence, mutual information and hypothesis tests. We have utilized both stemmed and surface form of corpus to explore the effect of stemming in collocation extraction. The techniques are evaluated by recall and precision measures. Chi-square hypothesis test and mutual information methods have produced better results compared to other methods on Turkish corpus. In addition, we have found that a stemmed corpus facilitates discrimination between successful and unsuccessful collocation extraction methods. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg