1 research outputs found

    Collaboratives tools for the main actors of a university - the first step to a "shared and broadcast information" culture.

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    The Pierre Mendès France University (Social Sciences - Grenoble, France) has set-up an intranet intended for its students, its teachers and its staff. To involve the main actors of the university, the first step of this project is the installation of collaboratives tools for the management team of the university. With these tools (mainly Lotus Notes and Quickplace), we supply the features of sharing calendars, joint edition of documents, of workflow and of publication of information. So as to create a shared and broadcast information culture to push data into the intranet (instigation to publish), the members of the university share these tools and the methods of work inferred by their use. From the start of the project, a policy of informing and accompanying the change facilitates the migration of the users towards these new methods of work. The methods of work and the flow of information are analyzed to find a balance between changing the way of working to fit the tools and the adaptation of tools to fit the methods of work. The display of the solutions is gradual, to ease the impact of the use of new tools, in a context where the computer knowledge of the actors and their level of motivation are heterogenous. We first rely on motivated and regular computer-user actors (secretaries) for whom the introduction of these tools brings an effective added value (shared diaries, organization of meetings, booking resource). The following phases of the display assume the appropriation of the first features, and by a very large majority of the actors. The personalized training is distributed on several sessions in small groups, and on individual sessions behind closed doors to protect the confidentiality of individual methods of work