10 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of the Dynamic Spectrum Access on an Audio Stream in a Congested Environment

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    This paper aims to design and implement the dynamic spectrum access (DSA) on an audio stream in a congested environment. The test approach for the DSA protocol is based on the frequency of selection of five chosen stations and the size of the audio file saved. The implementation of the DSA protocol was done with an FM received coupled with the energy detector and channel selection algorithm using a non-coherent FM demodulation procedure and the register transfer level - software defined radio (RTL-SDR) in MATLAB environment (version 2018b). The analysis of the results for the DSA protocol implemented in the FM receiver showed that the 97.3MHz station is active compared to the remaining stations

    Spectrum Sensing and Security Challenges and Solutions: Contemporary Affirmation of the Recent Literature

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    Cognitive radio (CR) has been recently proposed as a promising technology to improve spectrum utilization by enabling secondary access to unused licensed bands. A prerequisite to this secondary access is having no interference to the primary system. This requirement makes spectrum sensing a key function in cognitive radio systems. Among common spectrum sensing techniques, energy detection is an engaging method due to its simplicity and efficiency. However, the major disadvantage of energy detection is the hidden node problem, in which the sensing node cannot distinguish between an idle and a deeply faded or shadowed band. Cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) which uses a distributed detection model has been considered to overcome that problem. On other dimension of this cooperative spectrum sensing, this is vulnerable to sensing data falsification attacks due to the distributed nature of cooperative spectrum sensing. As the goal of a sensing data falsification attack is to cause an incorrect decision on the presence/absence of a PU signal, malicious or compromised SUs may intentionally distort the measured RSSs and share them with other SUs. Then, the effect of erroneous sensing results propagates to the entire CRN. This type of attacks can be easily launched since the openness of programmable software defined radio (SDR) devices makes it easy for (malicious or compromised) SUs to access low layer protocol stacks, such as PHY and MAC. However, detecting such attacks is challenging due to the lack of coordination between PUs and SUs, and unpredictability in wireless channel signal propagation, thus calling for efficient mechanisms to protect CRNs. Here in this paper we attempt to perform contemporary affirmation of the recent literature of benchmarking strategies that enable the trusted and secure cooperative spectrum sensing among Cognitive Radios

    A Survey on the Communication Protocols and Security in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    A cognitive radio (CR) is a radio that can change its transmission parameters based on the perceived availability of the spectrum bands in its operating environment. CRs support dynamic spectrum access and can facilitate a secondary unlicensed user to efficiently utilize the available underutilized spectrum allocated to the primary licensed users. A cognitive radio network (CRN) is composed of both the secondary users with CR-enabled radios and the primary users whose radios need not be CR-enabled. Most of the active research conducted in the area of CRNs has been so far focused on spectrum sensing, allocation and sharing. There is no comprehensive review paper available on the strategies for medium access control (MAC), routing and transport layer protocols, and the appropriate representative solutions for CRNs. In this paper, we provide an exhaustive analysis of the various techniques/mechanisms that have been proposed in the literature for communication protocols (at the MAC, routing and transport layers), in the context of a CRN, as well as discuss in detail several security attacks that could be launched on CRNs and the countermeasure solutions that have been proposed to avoid or mitigate them. This paper would serve as a good comprehensive review and analysis of the strategies for MAC, routing and transport protocols and security issues for CRNs as well as would lay a strong foundation for someone to further delve onto any particular aspect in greater depth

    Opportunistic Spectrum Utilization by Cognitive Radio Networks: Challenges and Solutions

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    Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) is an emerging paradigm that makes use of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) to communicate opportunistically, in the un-licensed Industrial, Scientific and Medical bands or frequency bands otherwise licensed to incumbent users such as TV broadcast. Interest in the development of CRNs is because of severe under-utilization of spectrum bands by the incumbent Primary Users (PUs) that have the license to use them coupled with an ever-increasing demand for unlicensed spectrum for a variety of new mobile and wireless applications. The essence of Cognitive Radio (CR) operation is the cooperative and opportunistic utilization of licensed spectrum bands by the Secondary Users (SUs) that collectively form the CRN without causing any interference to PUs\u27 communications. CRN operation is characterized by factors such as network-wide quiet periods for cooperative spectrum sensing, opportunistic/dynamic spectrum access and non-deterministic operation of PUs. These factors can have a devastating impact on the overall throughput and can significantly increase the control overheads. Therefore, to support the same level of QoS as traditional wireless access technologies, very closer interaction is required between layers of the protocol stack. Opportunistic spectrum utilization without causing interference to the PUs is only possible if the SUs periodically sense the spectrum for the presence of PUs\u27 signal. To minimize the effects of hardware capabilities, terrain features and PUs\u27 transmission ranges, DSA is undertaken in a collaborative manner where SUs periodically carry out spectrum sensing in their respective geographical locations. Collaborative spectrum sensing has numerous security loopholes and can be favorable to malicious nodes in the network that may exploit vulnerabilities associated with DSA such as launching a spectrum sensing data falsification (SSDF) attack. Some CRN standards such as the IEEE 802.22 wireless regional area network employ a two-stage quiet period mechanism based on a mandatory Fast Sensing and an optional Fine Sensing stage for DSA. This arrangement is meant to strike a balance between the conflicting goals of proper protection of incumbent PUs\u27 signals and optimum QoS for SUs so that only as much time is spent for spectrum sensing as needed. Malicious nodes in the CRN however, can take advantage of the two-stage spectrum sensing mechanism to launch smart denial of service (DoS) jamming attacks on CRNs during the fast sensing stage. Coexistence protocols enable collocated CRNs to contend for and share the available spectrum. However, most coexistence protocols do not take into consideration the fact that channels of the available spectrum can be heterogeneous in the sense that they can vary in their characteristics and quality such as SNR or bandwidth. Without any mechanism to enforce fairness in accessing varying quality channels, ensuring coexistence with minimal contention and efficient spectrum utilization for CRNs is likely to become a very difficult task. The cooperative and opportunistic nature of communication has many challenges associated with CRNs\u27 operation. In view of the challenges described above, this dissertation presents solutions including cross-layer approaches, reputation system, optimization and game theoretic approaches to handle (1) degradation in TCP\u27s throughput resulting from packet losses and disruptions in spectrum availability due non-deterministic use of spectrum by the PUs (2) presence of malicious SUs in the CRN that may launch various attacks on CRNs\u27 including SSDF and jamming and (3) sharing of heterogeneous spectrum resources among collocated CRNs without a centralized mechanism to enforce cooperation among otherwise non-cooperative CRN

    Collaborative jamming and collaborative defense in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) is one of the prominent communication technologies that is touted to drive the next generations of digital communications. In this paper, we address the vulnerabilities in such networks and analyze a common form of the Denial-of-Service attack, i.e., collaborative jamming. In particular, we model and analyze the channel availability when different jamming and defending schemes are employed by the attackers and legitimate users. Cooperative defense strategy is proposed to exploit the temporal and spatial diversity for the legitimate secondary users. Illustrative results show how to improve the resiliency in CRN against jamming attacks. © 2011 IEEE

    Collaborative jamming and collaborative defense in cognitive radio networks

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    In cognitive radio networks, cognitive nodes operate on a common pool of spectrum where they opportunistically access and use parts of the spectrum not being used by others. Though cooperation among nodes is desirable for efficient network operations and performance, there might be some malicious nodes whose objective could be to hinder communications and disrupt network operations. The absence of a central authority or any policy enforcement mechanism makes these kinds of open-access network more vulnerable and susceptible to attacks. In this paper, we analyze a common form of denial-of-service attack, i.e., collaborative jamming. We consider a network in which a group of jammers tries to jam the channels being used by legitimate users who in turn try to evade the jammed channels. First, we compute the distribution of the jamming signal that a node experiences by considering a random deployment of jammers. Then, we propose different jamming and defending schemes that are employed by the jammers and legitimate users, respectively. In particular, we model and analyze the channel availability when the legitimate users randomly choose available channels and the jammers jam different channels randomly. We propose a multi-tier proxy-based cooperative defense strategy to exploit the temporal and spatial diversity for the legitimate secondary users in an infrastructure-based centralized cognitive radio network. Illustrative results on spectrum availability rates show how to improve resiliency in cognitive radio networks in the presence of jammers. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved

    Collaborative Jamming And Collaborative Defense In Cognitive Radio Networks

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    In cognitive radio networks, cognitive nodes operate on a common pool of spectrum where they opportunistically access and use parts of the spectrum not being used by others. Though cooperation among nodes is desirable for efficient network operations and performance, there might be some malicious nodes whose objective could be to hinder communications and disrupt network operations. The absence of a central authority or any policy enforcement mechanism makes these kinds of open-access network more vulnerable and susceptible to attacks. In this paper, we analyze a common form of denial-of-service attack, i.e., collaborative jamming. We consider a network in which a group of jammers tries to jam the channels being used by legitimate users who in turn try to evade the jammed channels. First, we compute the distribution of the jamming signal that a node experiences by considering a random deployment of jammers. Then, we propose different jamming and defending schemes that are employed by the jammers and legitimate users, respectively. In particular, we model and analyze the channel availability when the legitimate users randomly choose available channels and the jammers jam different channels randomly. We propose a multi-tier proxy-based cooperative defense strategy to exploit the temporal and spatial diversity for the legitimate secondary users in an infrastructure-based centralized cognitive radio network. Illustrative results on spectrum availability rates show how to improve resiliency in cognitive radio networks in the presence of jammers.© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved