3,098 research outputs found

    Exact and efficient top-K inference for multi-target prediction by querying separable linear relational models

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    Many complex multi-target prediction problems that concern large target spaces are characterised by a need for efficient prediction strategies that avoid the computation of predictions for all targets explicitly. Examples of such problems emerge in several subfields of machine learning, such as collaborative filtering, multi-label classification, dyadic prediction and biological network inference. In this article we analyse efficient and exact algorithms for computing the top-KK predictions in the above problem settings, using a general class of models that we refer to as separable linear relational models. We show how to use those inference algorithms, which are modifications of well-known information retrieval methods, in a variety of machine learning settings. Furthermore, we study the possibility of scoring items incompletely, while still retaining an exact top-K retrieval. Experimental results in several application domains reveal that the so-called threshold algorithm is very scalable, performing often many orders of magnitude more efficiently than the naive approach

    A Comparative Study of Pairwise Learning Methods based on Kernel Ridge Regression

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    Many machine learning problems can be formulated as predicting labels for a pair of objects. Problems of that kind are often referred to as pairwise learning, dyadic prediction or network inference problems. During the last decade kernel methods have played a dominant role in pairwise learning. They still obtain a state-of-the-art predictive performance, but a theoretical analysis of their behavior has been underexplored in the machine learning literature. In this work we review and unify existing kernel-based algorithms that are commonly used in different pairwise learning settings, ranging from matrix filtering to zero-shot learning. To this end, we focus on closed-form efficient instantiations of Kronecker kernel ridge regression. We show that independent task kernel ridge regression, two-step kernel ridge regression and a linear matrix filter arise naturally as a special case of Kronecker kernel ridge regression, implying that all these methods implicitly minimize a squared loss. In addition, we analyze universality, consistency and spectral filtering properties. Our theoretical results provide valuable insights in assessing the advantages and limitations of existing pairwise learning methods.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1606.0427

    Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-aware Food Recommendation

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    Food recommender systems play an important role in assisting users to identify the desired food to eat. Deciding what food to eat is a complex and multi-faceted process, which is influenced by many factors such as the ingredients, appearance of the recipe, the user's personal preference on food, and various contexts like what had been eaten in the past meals. In this work, we formulate the food recommendation problem as predicting user preference on recipes based on three key factors that determine a user's choice on food, namely, 1) the user's (and other users') history; 2) the ingredients of a recipe; and 3) the descriptive image of a recipe. To address this challenging problem, we develop a dedicated neural network based solution Hierarchical Attention based Food Recommendation (HAFR) which is capable of: 1) capturing the collaborative filtering effect like what similar users tend to eat; 2) inferring a user's preference at the ingredient level; and 3) learning user preference from the recipe's visual images. To evaluate our proposed method, we construct a large-scale dataset consisting of millions of ratings from AllRecipes.com. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms several competing recommender solutions like Factorization Machine and Visual Bayesian Personalized Ranking with an average improvement of 12%, offering promising results in predicting user preference for food. Codes and dataset will be released upon acceptance

    Multi-Target Prediction: A Unifying View on Problems and Methods

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    Multi-target prediction (MTP) is concerned with the simultaneous prediction of multiple target variables of diverse type. Due to its enormous application potential, it has developed into an active and rapidly expanding research field that combines several subfields of machine learning, including multivariate regression, multi-label classification, multi-task learning, dyadic prediction, zero-shot learning, network inference, and matrix completion. In this paper, we present a unifying view on MTP problems and methods. First, we formally discuss commonalities and differences between existing MTP problems. To this end, we introduce a general framework that covers the above subfields as special cases. As a second contribution, we provide a structured overview of MTP methods. This is accomplished by identifying a number of key properties, which distinguish such methods and determine their suitability for different types of problems. Finally, we also discuss a few challenges for future research

    Neural Collaborative Ranking

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    Recommender systems are aimed at generating a personalized ranked list of items that an end user might be interested in. With the unprecedented success of deep learning in computer vision and speech recognition, recently it has been a hot topic to bridge the gap between recommender systems and deep neural network. And deep learning methods have been shown to achieve state-of-the-art on many recommendation tasks. For example, a recent model, NeuMF, first projects users and items into some shared low-dimensional latent feature space, and then employs neural nets to model the interaction between the user and item latent features to obtain state-of-the-art performance on the recommendation tasks. NeuMF assumes that the non-interacted items are inherent negative and uses negative sampling to relax this assumption. In this paper, we examine an alternative approach which does not assume that the non-interacted items are necessarily negative, just that they are less preferred than interacted items. Specifically, we develop a new classification strategy based on the widely used pairwise ranking assumption. We combine our classification strategy with the recently proposed neural collaborative filtering framework, and propose a general collaborative ranking framework called Neural Network based Collaborative Ranking (NCR). We resort to a neural network architecture to model a user's pairwise preference between items, with the belief that neural network will effectively capture the latent structure of latent factors. The experimental results on two real-world datasets show the superior performance of our models in comparison with several state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Managemen

    A two-step learning approach for solving full and almost full cold start problems in dyadic prediction

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    Dyadic prediction methods operate on pairs of objects (dyads), aiming to infer labels for out-of-sample dyads. We consider the full and almost full cold start problem in dyadic prediction, a setting that occurs when both objects in an out-of-sample dyad have not been observed during training, or if one of them has been observed, but very few times. A popular approach for addressing this problem is to train a model that makes predictions based on a pairwise feature representation of the dyads, or, in case of kernel methods, based on a tensor product pairwise kernel. As an alternative to such a kernel approach, we introduce a novel two-step learning algorithm that borrows ideas from the fields of pairwise learning and spectral filtering. We show theoretically that the two-step method is very closely related to the tensor product kernel approach, and experimentally that it yields a slightly better predictive performance. Moreover, unlike existing tensor product kernel methods, the two-step method allows closed-form solutions for training and parameter selection via cross-validation estimates both in the full and almost full cold start settings, making the approach much more efficient and straightforward to implement