12 research outputs found

    Playing Lottery Tickets in Style Transfer Models

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    Style transfer has achieved great success and attracted a wide range of attention from both academic and industrial communities due to its flexible application scenarios. However, the dependence on a pretty large VGG-based autoencoder leads to existing style transfer models having high parameter complexities, which limits their applications on resource-constrained devices. Compared with many other tasks, the compression of style transfer models has been less explored. Recently, the lottery ticket hypothesis (LTH) has shown great potential in finding extremely sparse matching subnetworks which can achieve on par or even better performance than the original full networks when trained in isolation. In this work, we for the first time perform an empirical study to verify whether such trainable matching subnetworks also exist in style transfer models. Specifically, we take two most popular style transfer models, i.e., AdaIN and SANet, as the main testbeds, which represent global and local transformation based style transfer methods respectively. We carry out extensive experiments and comprehensive analysis, and draw the following conclusions. (1) Compared with fixing the VGG encoder, style transfer models can benefit more from training the whole network together. (2) Using iterative magnitude pruning, we find the matching subnetworks at 89.2% sparsity in AdaIN and 73.7% sparsity in SANet, which demonstrates that style transfer models can play lottery tickets too. (3) The feature transformation module should also be pruned to obtain a much sparser model without affecting the existence and quality of the matching subnetworks. (4) Besides AdaIN and SANet, other models such as LST, MANet, AdaAttN and MCCNet can also play lottery tickets, which shows that LTH can be generalized to various style transfer models

    Knowledge Distillation Thrives on Data Augmentation

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    Knowledge distillation (KD) is a general deep neural network training framework that uses a teacher model to guide a student model. Many works have explored the rationale for its success, however, its interplay with data augmentation (DA) has not been well recognized so far. In this paper, we are motivated by an interesting observation in classification: KD loss can benefit from extended training iterations while the cross-entropy loss does not. We show this disparity arises because of data augmentation: KD loss can tap into the extra information from different input views brought by DA. By this explanation, we propose to enhance KD via a stronger data augmentation scheme (e.g., mixup, CutMix). Furthermore, an even stronger new DA approach is developed specifically for KD based on the idea of active learning. The findings and merits of the proposed method are validated by extensive experiments on CIFAR-100, Tiny ImageNet, and ImageNet datasets. We can achieve improved performance simply by using the original KD loss combined with stronger augmentation schemes, compared to existing state-of-the-art methods, which employ more advanced distillation losses. In addition, when our approaches are combined with more advanced distillation losses, we can advance the state-of-the-art performance even more. On top of the encouraging performance, this paper also sheds some light on explaining the success of knowledge distillation. The discovered interplay between KD and DA may inspire more advanced KD algorithms.Comment: Code will be updated soo

    CCPL: Contrastive Coherence Preserving Loss for Versatile Style Transfer

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    In this paper, we aim to devise a universally versatile style transfer method capable of performing artistic, photo-realistic, and video style transfer jointly, without seeing videos during training. Previous single-frame methods assume a strong constraint on the whole image to maintain temporal consistency, which could be violated in many cases. Instead, we make a mild and reasonable assumption that global inconsistency is dominated by local inconsistencies and devise a generic Contrastive Coherence Preserving Loss (CCPL) applied to local patches. CCPL can preserve the coherence of the content source during style transfer without degrading stylization. Moreover, it owns a neighbor-regulating mechanism, resulting in a vast reduction of local distortions and considerable visual quality improvement. Aside from its superior performance on versatile style transfer, it can be easily extended to other tasks, such as image-to-image translation. Besides, to better fuse content and style features, we propose Simple Covariance Transformation (SCT) to effectively align second-order statistics of the content feature with the style feature. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the resulting model for versatile style transfer, when armed with CCPL.Comment: Accepted by ECCV2022 as an oral paper; code url: https://github.com/JarrentWu1031/CCPL Video demo: https://youtu.be/scZuJCXhL1

    ArtFusion: Controllable Arbitrary Style Transfer using Dual Conditional Latent Diffusion Models

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    Arbitrary Style Transfer (AST) aims to transform images by adopting the style from any selected artwork. Nonetheless, the need to accommodate diverse and subjective user preferences poses a significant challenge. While some users wish to preserve distinct content structures, others might favor a more pronounced stylization. Despite advances in feed-forward AST methods, their limited customizability hinders their practical application. We propose a new approach, ArtFusion, which provides a flexible balance between content and style. In contrast to traditional methods reliant on biased similarity losses, ArtFusion utilizes our innovative Dual Conditional Latent Diffusion Probabilistic Models (Dual-cLDM). This approach mitigates repetitive patterns and enhances subtle artistic aspects like brush strokes and genre-specific features. Despite the promising results of conditional diffusion probabilistic models (cDM) in various generative tasks, their introduction to style transfer is challenging due to the requirement for paired training data. ArtFusion successfully navigates this issue, offering more practical and controllable stylization. A key element of our approach involves using a single image for both content and style during model training, all the while maintaining effective stylization during inference. ArtFusion outperforms existing approaches on outstanding controllability and faithful presentation of artistic details, providing evidence of its superior style transfer capabilities. Furthermore, the Dual-cLDM utilized in ArtFusion carries the potential for a variety of complex multi-condition generative tasks, thus greatly broadening the impact of our research.Comment: Code is available at https://github.com/ChenDarYen/ArtFusio

    Playing lottery tickets in style transfer models

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    Style transfer has achieved great success and attracted a wide range of attention from both academic and industrial communities due to its flexible application scenarios. However, the dependence on a pretty large VGG-based autoencoder leads to existing style transfer models having high parameter complexities, which limits their applications on resource-constrained devices. Compared with many other tasks, the compression of style transfer models has been less explored. Recently, the lottery ticket hypothesis (LTH) has shown great potential in finding extremely sparse matching subnetworks which can achieve on par or even better performance than the original full networks when trained in isolation. In this work, we for the first time perform an empirical study to verify whether such trainable matching subnetworks also exist in style transfer models. Specifically, we take two most popular style transfer models, i.e., AdaIN and SANet, as the main testbeds, which represent global and local transformation based style transfer methods respectively. We carry out extensive experiments and comprehensive analysis, and draw the following conclusions. (1) Compared with fixing the VGG encoder, style transfer models can benefit more from training the whole network together. (2) Using iterative magnitude pruning, we find the matching subnetworks at 89.2% sparsity in AdaIN and 73.7% sparsity in SANet, which demonstrates that Style transfer models can play lottery tickets too. (3) The feature transformation module should also be pruned to obtain a much sparser model without affecting the existence and quality of the matching subnetworks. (4) Besides AdaIN and SANet, other models such as LST, MANet, AdaAttN and MCCNet can also play lottery tickets, which shows that LTH can be generalized to various style transfer models

    Fast Coherent Video Style Transfer via Flow Errors Reduction

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    For video style transfer, naively applying still image techniques to process a video frame-by-frame independently often causes flickering artefacts. Some works adopt optical flow into the design of temporal constraint loss to secure temporal consistency. However, these works still suffer from incoherence (including ghosting artefacts) where large motions or occlusions occur, as optical flow fails to detect the boundaries of objects accurately. To address this problem, we propose a novel framework which consists of the following two stages: (1) creating new initialization images from proposed mask techniques, which are able to significantly reduce the flow errors; (2) process these initialized images iteratively with proposed losses to obtain stylized videos which are free of artefacts, which also increases the speed from over 3 min per frame to less than 2 s per frame for the gradient-based optimization methods. To be specific, we propose a multi-scale mask fusion scheme to reduce untraceable flow errors, and obtain an incremental mask to reduce ghosting artefacts. In addition, a multi-frame mask fusion scheme is designed to reduce traceable flow errors. In our proposed losses, the Sharpness Losses are used to deal with the potential image blurriness artefacts over long-range frames, and the Coherent Losses are performed to restrict the temporal consistency at both the multi-frame RGB level and Feature level. Overall, our approach produces stable video stylization outputs even in large motion or occlusion scenarios. The experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art video style transfer methods qualitatively and quantitatively on the MPI Sintel dataset