14 research outputs found

    A random hierarchical lattice: the series-parallel graph and its properties

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    We consider a sequence of random graphs constructed by a hierarchical procedure. The construction replaces existing edges by pairs of edges in series or parallel with probability pp and 1p1-p respectively. We investigate the effective resistance across the graphs, first-passage percolation on the graphs and the Cheeger constants of the graphs as the number of edges tends to infinity. In each case we find a phase transition at p=1/2p=1/2

    Sum of Us: Strategyproof Selection from the Selectors

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    We consider directed graphs over a set of n agents, where an edge (i,j) is taken to mean that agent i supports or trusts agent j. Given such a graph and an integer k\leq n, we wish to select a subset of k agents that maximizes the sum of indegrees, i.e., a subset of k most popular or most trusted agents. At the same time we assume that each individual agent is only interested in being selected, and may misreport its outgoing edges to this end. This problem formulation captures realistic scenarios where agents choose among themselves, which can be found in the context of Internet search, social networks like Twitter, or reputation systems like Epinions. Our goal is to design mechanisms without payments that map each graph to a k-subset of agents to be selected and satisfy the following two constraints: strategyproofness, i.e., agents cannot benefit from misreporting their outgoing edges, and approximate optimality, i.e., the sum of indegrees of the selected subset of agents is always close to optimal. Our first main result is a surprising impossibility: for k \in {1,...,n-1}, no deterministic strategyproof mechanism can provide a finite approximation ratio. Our second main result is a randomized strategyproof mechanism with an approximation ratio that is bounded from above by four for any value of k, and approaches one as k grows

    Optimal Impartial Selection

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics via http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/140995775We study a fundamental problem in social choice theory, the selection of a member of a set of agents based on impartial nominations by agents from that set. Studied previously by Alon et al. [Proceedings of TARK, 2011, pp. 101--110] and by Holzman and Moulin [Econometrica, 81 (2013), pp. 173--196], this problem arises when representatives are selected from within a group or when publishing or funding decisions are made based on a process of peer review. Our main result concerns a randomized mechanism that in expectation selects an agent with at least half the maximum number of nominations. This is best possible subject to impartiality and resolves a conjecture of Alon et al. Further results are given for the case where some agent receives many nominations and the case where each agent casts at least one nomination

    Optimally-secure Coin-tossing against a Byzantine Adversary

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    In their seminal work, Ben-Or and Linial (1985) introduced the full information model for collective coin-tossing protocols involving nn processors with unbounded computational power using a common broadcast channel for all their communications. The design and analysis of coin-tossing protocols in the full information model have close connections to diverse fields like extremal graph theory, randomness extraction, cryptographic protocol design, game theory, distributed protocols, and learning theory. Several works have focused on studying the asymptotically best attacks and optimal coin-tossing protocols in various adversarial settings. While one knows the characterization of the exact or asymptotically optimal protocols in some adversarial settings, for most adversarial settings, the optimal protocol characterization remains open. For the cases where the asymptotically optimal constructions are known, the exact constants or poly-logarithmic multiplicative factors involved are not entirely well-understood. In this work, we study nn-processor coin-tossing protocols where every processor broadcasts an arbitrary-length message once. Note that, in this setting, which processor speaks and its message distribution may depend on the messages broadcast so far. An adaptive Byzantine adversary, based on the messages broadcast so far, can corrupt k=1k=1 processor. A bias-XX coin-tossing protocol outputs 1 with probability XX; 0 with probability (1X)(1-X). For a coin-tossing protocol, its insecurity is the maximum change in the output distribution (in the statistical distance) that an adversarial strategy can cause. Our objective is to identify optimal bias-XX coin-tossing protocols with minimum insecurity, for every X[0,1]X\in[0,1]. Lichtenstein, Linial, and Saks (1989) studied bias-XX coin-tossing protocols in this adversarial model under the highly restrictive constraint that each party broadcasts an independent and uniformly random bit. The underlying message space is a well-behaved product space, and X[0,1]X\in[0,1] can only be integer multiples of 1/2n1/2^n, which is a discrete problem. The case where every processor broadcasts only an independent random bit admits simplifications, for example, the collective coin-tossing protocol must be monotone. Surprisingly, for this class of coin-tossing protocols, the objective of reducing an adversary’s ability to increase the expected output is equivalent to reducing an adversary’s ability to decrease the expected output. Building on these observations, Lichtenstein, Linial, and Saks proved that the threshold coin-tossing protocols are optimal for all nn and kk. In a sequence of works, Goldwasser, Kalai, and Park (2015), Kalai, Komargodski, and Raz (2018), and (independent of our work) Haitner and Karidi-Heller (2020) prove that k=\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt n\cdot \polylog{n}\right) corruptions suffice to fix the output of any bias-X coin-tossing protocol. These results consider parties who send arbitrary-length messages, and each processor has multiple turns to reveal its entire message. However, optimal protocols robust to a large number of corruptions do not have any apriori relation to the optimal protocol robust to k=1k=1 corruption. Furthermore, to make an informed choice of employing a coin-tossing protocol in practice, for a fixed target tolerance of insecurity, one needs a precise characterization of the minimum insecurity achieved by these coin-tossing protocols. We rely on an inductive approach to constructing coin-tossing protocols to study a proxy potential function measuring the susceptibility of any bias-XX coin-tossing protocol to attacks in our adversarial model. Our technique is inherently constructive and yields protocols that minimize the potential function. It happens to be the case that threshold protocols minimize the potential function. We demonstrate that the insecurity of these threshold protocols is 2-approximate of the optimal protocol in our adversarial model. For any other X[0,1]X\in[0,1] that threshold protocols cannot realize, we prove that an appropriate (convex) combination of the threshold protocols is a 4-approximation of the optimal protocol

    An Optimally Fair Coin Toss

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    We address one of the foundational problems in cryptography: the bias of coin-flipping protocols. Coin-flipping protocols allow mutually distrustful parties to generate a common unbiased random bit, guaranteeing that even if one of the parties is malicious, it cannot significantly bias the output of the honest party. A classical result by Cleve [STOC \u2786] showed that for any two-party rr-round coin-flipping protocol there exists an efficient adversary that can bias the output of the honest party by Ω(1/r)\Omega(1/r). However, the best previously known protocol only guarantees O(1/r)O(1/\sqrt{r}) bias, and the question of whether Cleve\u27s bound is tight has remained open for more than twenty years. In this paper we establish the optimal trade-off between the round complexity and the bias of two-party coin-flipping protocols. Under standard assumptions (the existence of oblivious transfer), we show that Cleve\u27s lower bound is tight: we construct an rr-round protocol with bias O(1/r)O(1/r)

    High Entropy Random Selection Protocols

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    We study the two party problem of randomly selecting a common string among all the strings of length n. We want the protocol to have the property that the output distribution has high Shannon entropy or high min entropy, even when one of the two parties is dishonest and deviates from the protocol. We develop protocols that achieve high, close to n, Shannon entropy and simultaneously min entropy close to n/2. In the literature the randomness guarantee is usually expressed in terms of “resilience”. The notion of Shannon entropy is not directly comparable to that of resilience, but we establish a connection between the two that allows us to compare our protocols with the existing ones. We construct an explicit protocol that yields Shannon entropy n- O(1) and has O(log ∗n) rounds, improving over the protocol of Goldreich et al. (SIAM J Comput 27: 506–544, 1998) that also achieves this entropy but needs O(n) rounds. Both these protocols need O(n2) bits of communication. Next we reduce the number of rounds and the length of communication in our protocols. We show the existence, non-explicitly, of a protocol that has 6 rounds, O(n) bits of communication and yields Shannon entropy n- O(log n) and min entropy n/ 2 - O(log n). Our protocol achieves the same Shannon entropy bound as, also non-explicit, protocol of Gradwohl et al. (in: Dwork (ed) Advances in Cryptology—CRYPTO ‘06, 409–426, Technical Report , 2006), however achieves much higher min entropy: n/ 2 - O(log n) versus O(log n). Finally we exhibit a very simple 3-round explicit “geometric” protocol with communication length O(n). We connect the security parameter of this protocol with the well studied Kakey

    Coin-flipping games immune against linear-sized coalitions

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    Perfect information coin-flipping and leader-election games arise naturally in the study of fault toler-ant distributed computing and have been con-sidered in many different scenarios. Answering a question of Ben-Or and Linial we prove that for every c < 1 there are such games on n players in which no coalition of cn players can influence the outcome with probability greater than some uni-versal constant times c. We show that a random protocol of a certain length has this property and give an explicit construction as well.

    SoK: Distributed Randomness Beacons

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    Motivated and inspired by the emergence of blockchains, many new protocols have recently been proposed for generating publicly verifiable randomness in a distributed yet secure fashion. These protocols work under different setups and assumptions, use various cryptographic tools, and entail unique trade-offs and characteristics. In this paper, we systematize the design of distributed randomness beacons (DRBs) as well as the cryptographic building blocks they rely on. We evaluate protocols on two key security properties, unbiasability and unpredictability, and discuss common attack vectors for predicting or biasing the beacon output and the countermeasures employed by protocols. We also compare protocols by communication and computational efficiency. Finally, we provide insights on the applicability of different protocols in various deployment scenarios and highlight possible directions for further research