3 research outputs found

    Multi-party Poisoning through Generalized pp-Tampering

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    In a poisoning attack against a learning algorithm, an adversary tampers with a fraction of the training data TT with the goal of increasing the classification error of the constructed hypothesis/model over the final test distribution. In the distributed setting, TT might be gathered gradually from mm data providers P1,…,PmP_1,\dots,P_m who generate and submit their shares of TT in an online way. In this work, we initiate a formal study of (k,p)(k,p)-poisoning attacks in which an adversary controls k∈[n]k\in[n] of the parties, and even for each corrupted party PiP_i, the adversary submits some poisoned data Ti′T'_i on behalf of PiP_i that is still "(1−p)(1-p)-close" to the correct data TiT_i (e.g., 1−p1-p fraction of Ti′T'_i is still honestly generated). For k=mk=m, this model becomes the traditional notion of poisoning, and for p=1p=1 it coincides with the standard notion of corruption in multi-party computation. We prove that if there is an initial constant error for the generated hypothesis hh, there is always a (k,p)(k,p)-poisoning attacker who can decrease the confidence of hh (to have a small error), or alternatively increase the error of hh, by Ω(p⋅k/m)\Omega(p \cdot k/m). Our attacks can be implemented in polynomial time given samples from the correct data, and they use no wrong labels if the original distributions are not noisy. At a technical level, we prove a general lemma about biasing bounded functions f(x1,…,xn)∈[0,1]f(x_1,\dots,x_n)\in[0,1] through an attack model in which each block xix_i might be controlled by an adversary with marginal probability pp in an online way. When the probabilities are independent, this coincides with the model of pp-tampering attacks, thus we call our model generalized pp-tampering. We prove the power of such attacks by incorporating ideas from the context of coin-flipping attacks into the pp-tampering model and generalize the results in both of these areas

    Adaptively Secure Coin-Flipping, Revisited

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    The full-information model was introduced by Ben-Or and Linial in 1985 to study collective coin-flipping: the problem of generating a common bounded-bias bit in a network of nn players with t=t(n)t=t(n) faults. They showed that the majority protocol can tolerate t=O(n)t=O(\sqrt n) adaptive corruptions, and conjectured that this is optimal in the adaptive setting. Lichtenstein, Linial, and Saks proved that the conjecture holds for protocols in which each player sends a single bit. Their result has been the main progress on the conjecture in the last 30 years. In this work we revisit this question and ask: what about protocols involving longer messages? Can increased communication allow for a larger fraction of faulty players? We introduce a model of strong adaptive corruptions, where in each round, the adversary sees all messages sent by honest parties and, based on the message content, decides whether to corrupt a party (and intercept his message) or not. We prove that any one-round coin-flipping protocol, regardless of message length, is secure against at most O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt n) strong adaptive corruptions. Thus, increased message length does not help in this setting. We then shed light on the connection between adaptive and strongly adaptive adversaries, by proving that for any symmetric one-round coin-flipping protocol secure against tt adaptive corruptions, there is a symmetric one-round coin-flipping protocol secure against tt strongly adaptive corruptions. Returning to the standard adaptive model, we can now prove that any symmetric one-round protocol with arbitrarily long messages can tolerate at most O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt n) adaptive corruptions. At the heart of our results lies a novel use of the Minimax Theorem and a new technique for converting any one-round secure protocol into a protocol with messages of polylog(n)polylog(n) bits. This technique may be of independent interest

    Quantum Weak Coin Flipping

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    We investigate weak coin flipping, a fundamental cryptographic primitive where two distrustful parties need to remotely establish a shared random bit. A cheating player can try to bias the output bit towards a preferred value. For weak coin flipping the players have known opposite preferred values. A weak coin-flipping protocol has a bias ϵ\epsilon if neither player can force the outcome towards their preferred value with probability more than 12+ϵ\frac{1}{2}+\epsilon. While it is known that all classical protocols have ϵ=12\epsilon=\frac{1}{2}, Mochon showed in 2007 [arXiv:0711.4114] that quantumly weak coin flipping can be achieved with arbitrarily small bias (near perfect) but the best known explicit protocol has bias 1/61/6 (also due to Mochon, 2005 [Phys. Rev. A 72, 022341]). We propose a framework to construct new explicit protocols achieving biases below 1/61/6. In particular, we construct explicit unitaries for protocols with bias approaching 1/101/10. To go below, we introduce what we call the Elliptic Monotone Align (EMA) algorithm which, together with the framework, allows us to numerically construct protocols with arbitrarily small biases.Comment: 98 pages split into 3 parts, 10 figures; For updates and contact information see https://atulsingharora.github.io/WCF. Version 2 has minor improvements. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1402.7166 by other author