871 research outputs found

    Coherent Pattern Prediction in Swarms of Delay-Coupled Agents

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    We consider a general swarm model of self-propelling agents interacting through a pairwise potential in the presence of noise and communication time delay. Previous work [Phys. Rev. E 77, 035203(R) (2008)] has shown that a communication time delay in the swarm induces a pattern bifurcation that depends on the size of the coupling amplitude. We extend these results by completely unfolding the bifurcation structure of the mean field approximation. Our analysis reveals a direct correspondence between the different dynamical behaviors found in different regions of the coupling-time delay plane with the different classes of simulated coherent swarm patterns. We derive the spatio-temporal scales of the swarm structures, and also demonstrate how the complicated interplay of coupling strength, time delay, noise intensity, and choice of initial conditions can affect the swarm. In particular, our studies show that for sufficiently large values of the coupling strength and/or the time delay, there is a noise intensity threshold that forces a transition of the swarm from a misaligned state into an aligned state. We show that this alignment transition exhibits hysteresis when the noise intensity is taken to be time dependent

    The chaotic milling behaviors of interacting swarms after collision

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    We consider the problem of characterizing the dynamics of interacting swarms after they collide and form a stationary center of mass. Modeling efforts have shown that the collision of near head-on interacting swarms can produce a variety of post-collision dynamics including coherent milling, coherent flocking, and scattering behaviors. In particular, recent analysis of the transient dynamics of two colliding swarms has revealed the existence of a critical transition whereby the collision results in a combined milling state about a stationary center of mass. In the present work we show that the collision dynamics of two swarms that form a milling state transitions from periodic to chaotic motion as a function of the repulsive force strength and its length scale. We used two existing methods as well as one new technique: Karhunen-Loeve decomposition to show the effective modal dimension chaos lives in, the 0-1 test to identify chaos, and then Constrained Correlation Embedding to show how each swarm is embedded in the other when both swarms combine to form a single milling state after collision. We expect our analysis to impact new swarm experiments which examine the interaction of multiple swarms
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