421 research outputs found

    Computationally effective range migration compensation in PCL systems for maritime surveillance

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    In this paper, we consider the possibility of extending the coherent processing interval (CPI) as a way to improve target detection capability in passive radars for maritime surveillance applications. Despite the low velocity of the considered targets, range walk effects could limit the performance of the system when long CPIs are considered. To overcome these limitations while keeping the computational load controlled, we resort to a sub-optimal implementation of the Keystone Transform (KT), based on Lagrange polynomial interpolation, recently presented by the authors and successfully applied against aerial targets. Following those promising results, we extend the proposed approach to a coastal surveillance scenario. In the considered case, since longer CPI values are used, the proposed strategy appears to be even more attractive with respect to a conventional KT implementation based on the Chirp-Z Transform interpolation. In fact, comparable detection performance are obtained with a remarkable computational load saving. In detail, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated against experimental data provided by Leonardo S.p.A., using a DVB-T based passive radar

    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed Waveform Effects on Passive Bistatic Radar

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    Communication waveforms act as signals of opportunity for passive radars. However, these signals of opportunity suffer from range-Doppler processing losses due to their high range sidelobes and pulse-diverse waveform aspects. Signals such as the long term evolution (LTE) encode information within the phase and amplitude of the waveform. This research explores aspects of the LTE, such as the encoding scheme and bandwidth modes on passive bistatic Doppler radar. Signal space-time adaptive processing (STAP) performance is evaluated and parameters are compared with the signal to interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) metric

    NetRAD: Monostatic and Bistatic Sea clutter Texture and Doppler Spectra Characterisation at S-Band

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    This work describes the analysis performed on coherent, simultaneously recorded, monostatic and bistatic sea clutter data. The data were generated using a networked pulsed radar system, NetRAD. This analysis is completed in both the temporal and Doppler domains, and the parameters characterised are compared between multiple bistatic angles and different polarisations. The K-distribution model is used to assess the variation in the clutter amplitude statistics between multiple bistatic data and the corresponding monostatic data. Key characteristics of the Doppler data such as the spectrum width, centre of gravity and variance of the spectral width, are evaluated as a function of bistatic angle allowing novel relationships to be defined. The results conclude that the bistatic Doppler data has a lower K-distribution shape parameter in the majority of bistatic angles compared to the simultaneous monostatic data. In addition, novel trends in the relationship between the clutter spectrum center of gravity and the clutter intensity are presented

    Wide-Angle Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar: Focused Image Formation and Aliasing Artifact Mitigation

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    Traditional monostatic Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) platforms force the user to choose between two image types: larger, low resolution images or smaller, high resolution images. Switching to a Wide-Angle Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar (WAM-SAR) approach allows formation of large high-resolution images. Unfortunately, WAM-SAR suffers from two significant implementation problems. First, wavefront curvature effects, non-linear flight paths, and warped ground planes lead to image defocusing with traditional SAR processing methods. A new 3-D monostatic/bistatic image formation routine solves the defocusing problem, correcting for all relevant wide-angle effects. Inverse SAR (ISAR) imagery from a Radar Cross Section (RCS) chamber validates this approach. The second implementation problem stems from the large Doppler spread in the wide-angle scene, leading to severe aliasing problems. This research effort develops a new anti-aliasing technique using randomized Stepped-Frequency (SF) waveforms to form Doppler filter nulls coinciding with aliasing artifact locations. Both simulation and laboratory results demonstrate effective performance, eliminating more than 99% of the aliased energy

    Investigating Spatial and Temporal Structuring of E-Region Coherent Scattering Regions Over Northern Norway

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    Recently, it has been shown that the Spread Spectrum Interferometric Multistatic meteor radar Observing Network radar system located in northern Norway is capable of measuring ionospheric E-region coherent scatter with spatial and temporal resolutions on the order of 1.5 km and 2 s, respectively. Four different events from June and July of 2022 are examined in the present study, where the coherent scatter measurements are used as a tracer for large-scale ionospheric phenomena such as plasma density enhancements and ionospheric electric fields. By applying a two-dimensional Fourier analysis to range-time-intensity data, we perform a multi-scale spatial and temporal investigation to determine the change in range over time of large-scale ionospheric structures (>3 km) which are compared with line-of-sight velocities of the small scale structures (∼5 m) determined from the Doppler shift of the coherent scatter. The spectral characteristics of the large-scale structures are also investigated and logarithmic spectral slopes for scale sizes of 100–10 km were found to be between −3.0 and −1.5. This agrees with much of the previous work on the spatial spectra scaling for ionospheric electric fields. This analysis aids in characterizing the source of the plasma turbulence and provides crucial information about how energy is redistributed from large to small scales in the E-region ionosphere

    Performance prediction and improvement of a Bistatic Passive coherent location Radar.

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    Passive Coherent Location (PCL) radar has proved to be feasible in a number of experimental systems, but the lack of comprehensive, published flight trials detracts somewhat from serious consideration of these PCL systems for operational applications, such as Air Traffic Control (ATC). The carrying out of flight trials is, in any case, difficult and very expensive. This dissertation presents a method for accurately predicting the performance of a bistatic passive coherent location radar with the effects of the environment taken into account. The effect of the environement on a propagating electromagnetic wave is obtained from the Advanced Refractive Effects Prediction System (AREPS) model. The resulting performance predictions, in the form of spatial signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) and signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio (SNIR) maps, provide a powerful planning tool for the application of systems such as ATC. Furthermore, the spatial coverage maps, based on the bistatic radar equation, can be related to a particular probability of detection and false alarm as well as to a required dynamic range of the receiver ADC. Overall, the method provides a visual, as well as a quantitative measure of radar coverage with region-specific atmospheric and terrain effects taken into account. The method proposed in this dissertation offers a marked improvement over traditional performance prediction methods based on the bistatic radar equation within a free space or flat terrain environment. It is understood that the direct path signal of the illuminating transmitter is the cause of some severe limitations within a PCL system. In the interest of suppressing the strong direct signal before the ADC and to complement the development of the prediction method, an antenna pattern was synthesised and applied to an array of folded dipoles in order to place a null in the direction of the strong transmitter. The synthesised antenna pattern and its improvement on the performance of the PCL system was then evaluated using the proposed prediction method presented in this dissertation

    Comparison of DVB-T Passive Radar Simulated and Measured Bistatic RCS Values for a Pilatus PC-12 Aircraft

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    Passive radar is a technology that has huge potential for airspace monitoring, taking advantage of existing transmissions. However, to predict whether particular targets can be measured in a particular scenario, it is necessary to be able to model the received signal. In this paper, we present the results of a campaign in which a Pilatus PC-12 single-engine aircraft was measured with a passive radar system relying on DVB-T transmission from a single transmitter. We then present our work to simulate the bistatic RCS of the aircraft along its flight track, using both the method of moments and the shooting and bouncing ray solvers, assess the uncertainty in the simulations, and compare against the measurements. We find that our simulated RCS values are useful in predicting whether or not detection occurs. However, we see poor agreement between simulated and measured RCS values where measurements are available, which we attribute primarily to the difficulties in extracting RCS measurements from the data and to unmodeled transmission and received path effects

    Statistical Analysis of Coherent Monostatic and Bistatic Radar Sea Clutter

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    Radar sea clutter analysis has been an important area of radar research for many years. Very limited research has been carried out on coherent monostatic sea clutter analysis and even less on bistatic sea clutter. This has left a significant gap in the global scientific knowledge within this area. This thesis describes research carried out to analyse, quantify and model coherent sea clutter statistics from multiple radar sources. The ultimate goal of the research is to improve maritime radars' ability to compensate for clutter and achieve effective detection of targets on or over the sea surface. The first analyses used monostatic data gathered during the fight trials of the Thales Searchwater 2000 AEW radar. A further sea clutter trials database from CSIR was then used to investigate the variation of clutter statistics with look angle and grazing angle. Finally simultaneous monostatic and bistatic sea clutter data recorded in South Africa using the S-band UCL radar system NetRAD were analysed. No simultaneous monostatic and bistatic coherent analysis has ever been reported before in the open literature. The datasets recorded included multiple bistatic angles at both horizontal and vertical polarisations. Throughout the analysis real data have been compared to accepted theoretic models of sea clutter. An additional metric of comparison was investigated relating to the area of information theoretic techniques. Information theory is a significant subject area, and some concepts from it have been applied in this research. In summary this research has produced quantifiable and novel results on the characteristics of sea clutter statistics as a function of Doppler. Analysis has been carried out on a wide range of monostatic and bistatic data. The results of this research will be extremely valuable in developing sea clutter suppression algorithms and thus improving detection performance in future maritime radar designs

    On the Use of Reciprocal Filter against WiFi Packets for Passive Radar

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    This paper aims at a critical review of the signal processing scheme used in WiFi-based passive radar in order to limit its complexity and enhance its suitability for short range civilian applications. To this purpose the exploitation of a reciprocal filtering strategy is investigated as an alternative to conventional matched filtering at the range compression stage. Along with the well-known advantage of a remarkable sidelobes control capability for the resulting range-Doppler response, the use of a reciprocal filter is shown to provide additional benefits for the specific sensor subject of this study. Specifically, it allows to streamline the disturbance cancellation stage and to implement a unified signal processing architecture which is capable to handle the different modulation schemes typically adopted in WiFi transmissions. Appropriate adjustments are also proposed to the theoretical reciprocal filter in order to cope with the inherent loss in term of signal-to-noise power ratio. The effectiveness of the revised signal processing scheme encompassing the reciprocal filtering strategy is proved against both simulated and experimental datasets
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