5 research outputs found

    Study on the coordination between Cognitive image of the City and an Event ----a case study of Shenzhen Hi-Tech Fair

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    Events are regarded as an effective means to improve city’s image and develop its tourism. However, Could an event effectively publicize its city as people expect. In order to answer this question, the authors choose Shenzhen city and China Hi-Tech Fair as the objects to discuss how cognitive image of an event influences the cognitive image of the host city and its impact on participants’ behavioral intentions. The results reveal the cognitive image of an event is composed of two dimensions named feature elements and service elements. Participants’ cognitive event image will have significant influence on their cognitive city image, while feature elements of cognitive event image will affect event participants’ intentions to return to the host destination, and to recommend it. The results are expected to be used by destination managers to improve the image of events through a better selective communication of the positive aspects of the event to particular target groups so as to promote the image of a given tourist destination. Keywords: event, city, cognitive image, behavioral intentio

    Tourist Perceptions of Destination Branding: A Case Study of Saint Lucia

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    The intent of this research was to identify the effectiveness of a destination brand as determined by international tourists visiting the destination. The Caribbean can be viewed as a homogeneous region to many individuals seeking sun, sand, and sea; therefore, product differentiation is essential. Destination branding represents and distinguishes a country among competing nations. This concurrent mixed methods study set forth to investigate the effectiveness of the Saint Lucia destination brand. The following objectives underlie this research: i) to explore how the current destination brand was chosen, ii) to evaluate tourists’ perceptions and images of the destination, iii) to explore the relationship between tourists’ perceptions and destination choice, and iv) to evaluate the extent to which the destination brand influenced destination choice. The research findings indicate a lack of awareness concerning the new destination brand. A lack of brand communication and insufficient exposure has been detrimental to the overall success of the destination brand. A conceptual model for the development process of a destination brand was suggested to enhance destination brand effectiveness. The six essential stages include market research, destination image, targeting and positioning, brand identity, communication of the brand, and continuous monitoring and evaluation throughout. It is recommended to engage in monitoring and improvement initiatives of the brand to better gauge its effectiveness; to enhance exposure of the brand through effective niche marketing initiatives that showcase the diversity and unique attributes of Saint Lucia; and finally, to work towards transforming the destination brand into a national brand


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    China's World Heritage Sites have increasingly been developed to exploit local tourism and alleviate poverty. However, this destination brand may lack a vital destination branding process, which must combine brand components to increase tourist visitation and create loyalty. As a result, the destination image will be negatively affected, which would damage the financial gain needed for heritage conservation. This research contributed to the theory by establishing a novel conceptual framework of destination branding, deploying destination identification, attachment, and satisfaction to predict destination image and loyalty. Based on an objective perspective, this study adopted a positivist philosophy and the approach of a case study. Data were collected in two different years. A quantitative survey methodology used a sample of 714 including tourists and residents at the Humble Administrator’s Garden and 338 at the Lingering Garden in Suzhou, China. SPSS 25 and AMOS 25 were used to conduct data analysis. The Structural Equation Modelling technique was deployed in the analysis. Hypotheses were tested. The findings revealed that destination identification did not positively influence destination image in both Gardens but engendered a higher level of attachment and satisfaction. The factors associated with a heritage site, residents, and tourists were investigated to identify the relevant dimensions of destination identification. The study revealed residents’ participation in heritage tourism management increased destination attachment and satisfaction, and enhanced destination loyalty and image. Destination identification is an antecedent of destination branding without directly having a positive influence on destination image. Destination attachment and satisfaction are mediators in the relationship between identification and image. Destination identification can have a positive impact on destination loyalty when more residents are involved in engendering a higher level of destination attachment or satisfaction, confirmed in the findings of Lingering Garden. Unlike destination satisfaction, destination identification is not a guaranteed predictor of destination loyalty. This study contributed to knowledge by combining residents and tourists in destination branding whilst previous researchers focused on tourists. Heritage tourism management needs to involve residents in destination branding. The relationships between residents, tourists, and destinations can be manipulated by projecting the appropriate dimensions in destination identification, such as national and cultural identity, to improve destination attachment and satisfaction. Combing residents and tourists in destination branding, destination image and loyalty can be enhanced, strengthening the World Heritage Site destination brand

    La imagen del destino turístico como condicionante del comportamiento del turista rural: efectos en la satisfacción y la fidelidad

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    El turismo rural en nuestro país ha tenido un desarrollo espectacular en los últimos años, convirtiéndose en una alternativa más flexible e individualizada al tradicional turismo de sol y playa. Además, ha conseguido desestacionalizar el sector turístico debido a que no está supeditado a las condiciones meteorológicas. En lo que se refiere a la Provincia de Soria, objeto de nuestro estudio empírico, los malos datos del turismo general en la provincia contrastan con unas positivas y prometedoras cifras en lo que se refiere al turismo rural, lo que demuestra el enorme potencial que tiene esta provincia en este ámbito. En este trabajo, analizamos la imagen del destino, como aquél componente del comportamiento del consumidor que más influencia tiene en la decisión de llevar a cabo un viaje a un alojamiento de turismo rural. Esta investigación tiene como objeto analizar la influencia que tiene la imagen del destino en el comportamiento del consumidor y cómo influye tanto en la satisfacción global con el destino como en la lealtad al mismo. El estudio empírico fue llevado a cabo entre turistas de la provincia de Soria alojados en establecimientos de turismo rural, a través de 1658 encuestas directas. Las técnicas de análisis de datos utilizadas para llevar a cabo el estudio han sido el Análisis de Componentes Principales para factorizar algunos componentes de la imagen debido a las múltiples variables de estudio; el análisis de Clasificación Múltiple, para llevar a cabo un análisis multivariable de dependencias y, por último, una modelización con Ecuaciones Estructurales, basada en Mínimos Cuadrados Parciales, para establecer un análisis multidimensional y presentar un modelo de estudio. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian la importancia de la imagen del destino turístico en la formación de la nueva imagen y en el futuro comportamiento del turista, así como en la satisfacción con el viaje. A su vez, las motivaciones que mueven al turista a realizar este viaje tienen un peso muy importante en la formación de la imagen inicial del destino. Por último, la satisfacción con el destino tiene una influencia destacada en la lealtad para volver al destino