31 research outputs found

    Joint Network and Gelfand-Pinsker Coding for 3-Receiver Gaussian Broadcast Channels with Receiver Message Side Information

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    The problem of characterizing the capacity region for Gaussian broadcast channels with receiver message side information appears difficult and remains open for N >= 3 receivers. This paper proposes a joint network and Gelfand-Pinsker coding method for 3-receiver cases. Using the method, we establish a unified inner bound on the capacity region of 3-receiver Gaussian broadcast channels under general message side information configuration. The achievability proof of the inner bound uses an idea of joint interference cancelation, where interference is canceled by using both dirty-paper coding at the encoder and successive decoding at some of the decoders. We show that the inner bound is larger than that achieved by state of the art coding schemes. An outer bound is also established and shown to be tight in 46 out of all 64 possible cases.Comment: Author's final version (presented at the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory [ISIT 2014]

    On The Three-Receiver Multilevel Broadcast Channel with Random Parameters

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    In this paper we extend the analysis of tworeceiver broadcast channels with random parameters to the three-receivers case. Specifically we base our work on Nair and El Gamal's results for the three-receiver discrete memoryless multilevel broadcast channel and assume that state information is available non-causally at the transmitter.We provide an achievable rate region for this setting and acknowledge its importance in the study of multiuser cognitive radio configurations

    Cooperative Relaying with State Available at the Relay

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    We consider a state-dependent full-duplex relay channel with the state of the channel non-causally available at only the relay. In the framework of cooperative wireless networks, some specific terminals can be equipped with cognition capabilities, i.e, the relay in our model. In the discrete memoryless (DM) case, we derive lower and upper bounds on channel capacity. The lower bound is obtained by a coding scheme at the relay that consists in a combination of codeword splitting, Gel'fand-Pinsker binning, and a decode-and-forward scheme. The upper bound is better than that obtained by assuming that the channel state is available at the source and the destination as well. For the Gaussian case, we also derive lower and upper bounds on channel capacity. The lower bound is obtained by a coding scheme which is based on a combination of codeword splitting and Generalized dirty paper coding. The upper bound is also better than that obtained by assuming that the channel state is available at the source, the relay, and the destination. The two bounds meet, and so give the capacity, in some special cases for the degraded Gaussian case.Comment: Corrected typos and added references w.r.t. the first version. Paper also published in proc. of IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2008 (6 pages, 3 figures