99 research outputs found

    Recursive formulas generating power moments of multi-dimensional Kloosterman sums and m-multiple power moments of Kloosterman sums

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    In this paper, we construct two binary linear codes associated with multi-dimensional and m-multiple power Kloosterman sums (for any fixed m) over the finite field Fq. Here q is a power of two. The former codes are dual to a subcode of the binary hyper-Kloosterman code. Then we obtain two recursive formulas for the power moments of multi-dimensional Kloosterman sums and for the m-multiple power moments of Kloosterman sums in terms of the frequencies of weights in the respective codes. This is done via Pless power moment identity and yields, in the case of power moments of multi-dimensional Kloosterman sums, much simpler recursive formulas than those associated with finite special linear groups obtained previously

    Ternary codes associated with O(3,3r)O(3,3^r) and power moments of Kloosterman sums with trace nonzero square arguments

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    In this paper, we construct two ternary linear codes C(SO(3,q))C(SO(3,q)) and C(O(3,q))C(O(3,q)), respectively associated with the orthogonal groups SO(3,q)SO(3,q) and O(3,q)O(3,q). Here qq is a power of three. Then we obtain two recursive formulas for the power moments of Kloosterman sums with "trace nonzero square arguments\u27\u27 in terms of the frequencies of weights in the codes. This is done via Pless power moment identity and by utilizing the explicit expressions of Gauss sums for the orthogonal groups

    Gauss sums over some matrix groups

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    In this note, we give explicit expressions of Gauss sums for general (resp. special) linear groups over finite fields, which involves Gauss sums (resp. Kloosterman sums). The key ingredient is averaging such sums over Borel subgroups. As applications, we count the number of invertible matrices of zero-trace over finite fields and we also improve two bounds by Ferguson, Hoffman, Luca, Ostafe and Shparlinski in [ Some additive combinatorics problems in matrix rings, Rev. Mat. Complut. (23) 2010, 501--513 ].Comment: 9 page

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