10 research outputs found

    Dynamically allocating processor resources between nearby and distant ILP

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    Journal ArticleModern superscalar processors use wide instruction issue widths and out-of-order execution in order to increase instruction-level parallelism (ILP). Because instructions must be committed in order so as to guarantee precise exceptions, increasing ILP implies increasing the sizes of structures such as the register file, issue queue, and reorder buffer. Simultaneously, cycle time constraints limit the sizes of these structures, resulting in conflicting design requirements. In this paper, we present a novel microarchitecture designed to overcome the limitations of a register file size dictated by cycle time constraints. Available registers are dynamically allocated between the primary program thread and a future thread. The future thread executes instructions when the primary thread is limited by resource availability. The future thread is not constrained by in-order commit requirements. It is therefore able to examine a much larger instruction window and jump far ahead to execute ready instructions. Results are communicated back to the primary thread by warming up the register file, instruction cache, data cache, and instruction reuse buffer, and by resolving branch mispredicts early. The proposed microarchitecture is able to get an overall speedup of 1.17 over the base processor for our benchmark set, with speedups of up to 1.64

    Dynamic data shapers optimize performance in Dynamic Binary Optimization (DBO) environment

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    Processor hardware has been architected with the assumption that most data access patterns would be linearly spatial in nature. But, most applications involve algorithms that are designed with optimal efficiency in mind, which results in non-spatial, multi-dimensional data access. Moreover, this data view or access pattern changes dynamically in different program phases. This results in a mismatch between the processor hardware\u27s view of data and the algorithmic view of data, leading to significant memory access bottlenecks. This variation in data views is especially more pronounced in applications involving large datasets, leading to significantly increased latency and user response times. Previous attempts to tackle this problem were primarily targeted at execution time optimization. We present a dynamic technique piggybacked on the classical dynamic binary optimization (DBO) to shape the data view for each program phase differently resulting in program execution time reduction along with reductions in access energy. Our implementation rearranges non-adjacent data into a contiguous dataview. It uses wrappers to replace irregular data access patterns with spatially local dataview. HDTrans, a runtime dynamic binary optimization framework has been used to perform runtime instrumentation and dynamic data optimization to achieve this goal. This scheme not only ensures a reduced program execution time, but also results in lower energy use. Some of the commonly used benchmarks from the SPEC 2006 suite were profiled to determine irregular data accesses from procedures which contributed heavily to the overall execution time. Wrappers built to replace these accesses with spatially adjacent data led to a significant improvement in the total execution time. On average, 20% reduction in time was achieved along with a 5% reduction in energy

    Dynamic Data Shapers Optimize Performance in Dynamic Binary Optimization (DBO) Environment

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    A reconfigurable mixed-time-criticality SDRAM controller

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    Using Locality and Interleaving Information to Improve Shared Cache Performance

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    The cache interference is found to play a critical role in optimizing cache allocation among concurrent threads for shared cache. Conventional LRU policy usually works well for low interference workloads, while high cache interference among threads demands explicit allocation regulation, such as cache partitioning. Cache interference is shown to be tied to inter-thread memory reference interleaving granularity: high interference is caused by ne-grain interleaving while low interference is caused coarse-grain interleaving. Proling of real multi-program workloads shows that cache set mapping and temporal phase result in the variation of interleaving granularity. When memory references from dierent threads map to disjoint cache sets, or they occur in distinct time windows, they tend to cause little interference due to coarse-grain interleaving. The interleaving granularity measured by runlength in workloads is found to correlate with the preference of cache management policy: ne-grain interleaving workloads perform better with cache partitioning, and coarse-grain interleaving workloads perform better with LRU. Most existing shared cache management techniques are based on working set locality analysis. This dissertation studies the shared cache performance by taking both locality and interleaving information into consideration. Oracle algorithm which provides theoretical best performance is investigated to provide insight into how to design a better practical policy. Proling and analysis of Oracle algorithm lead to the proposal of probabilistic replacement (PR), a novel cache allocation policy. With aggressor threads information learned on-line, PR evicts the bad locality blocks of aggressor threads probabilistically while preserving good locality blocks of non-aggressor threads. PR is shown to be able to adapt to the different interleaving granularities in different sets over time. Its flexibility in tuning eviction probability also improves fairness among thread performance. Evaluation indicates that PR outperforms LRU, UCP, and ideal cache partitioning at moderate hardware cost. For single program cache management, this dissertation also proposes a novel technique: reuse distance last touch predictor (RD-LTP). RD-LTP is able to capture reuse distance information, which represents the intrinsic memory reference pattern. Based on this improved LT predictor, an MRU LT eviction policy is developed to select the right victim at the presence of incorrect LT prediction. In addition to LT predictor, another predictor: reuse distance predictors (RDPs) is proposed, which is able to predict actual reuse distance values. Compared to various existing cache management techniques, these two novel predictors deliver higher cache performance with higher prediction coverage and accuracy at moderate hardware cost

    Code Transformations to Improve Memory Parallelism

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    Journal PaperCurrent microprocessors incorporate techniques to exploit instruction-level parallelism (ILP). However, previous work has shown that these ILP techniques are less effective in removing memory stall time than CPU time, making the memory system a greater bottleneck in ILP-based systems than in previous-generation systems. These deficiencies arise largely because applications present limited opportunities for an out-of-order issue processor to overlap multiple read misses, the dominant source of memory stalls. This work proposes code transformations to increase parallelism in the memory system by overlapping multiple read misses within the same instruction window, while preserving cache locality. We present an analysis and transformation framework suitable for compiler implementation. Our simulation experiments show execution time reductions averaging 20% in a multiprocessor and 30% in a uniprocessor. A substantial part of these reductions comes from increases in memory parallelism. We see similar benefits on a Convex Exemplar