431 research outputs found

    Performance of Bit Error Rate and Power Spectral Density of Ultra Wideband with Time Hopping Sequences.

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    This thesis focuses on several modulation methods for an ultra wideband (UWB) signal. These methods are pulse position modulation (PPM), binary phase shift keying (BPSK), on/off key shifting (OOK), and pulse amplitude modulation (PAM). In addition, time hopping is considered for these modulation schemes, where the capacity per time frame of time hopping PPM is studied using different spreading ratios. This thesis proves that with the addition of time hopping to all types of modulated UWB signals, the performance of power spectral density improves in all aspects, despite the increase of data per time frame. Note that despite the increase of data per frame, the bit error rate remains the same as standard non-time hopping UWB modulated signals

    Ultra-wideband technology for short-range wireless communication

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    The ultra-wideband (UWB) radio core idea is to open large amounts of spectrum to a variety of users with little mutual interference between them. While ultra-wideband is being championed by several commercial companies, this technology has not followed the conventional path where commercial interest is preceded by years of academic research. This work attempts to fill in some of the gap by studying fundamental properties of communications with impulse-based radio UWB signals. We study jam resistance and capacity of UWB. Jam resistance is analyzed for binary pulse position modulation (PPM) with the interference being modeled as correlated Gaussian. Closed-form expressions are provided for the jam resistance of a PPM UWB system utilizing rectangular pulses. Simple approximations are obtained for special cases (narrowband interference). Such analysis is extended to other practical UWB waveforms such as Gaussian and Rayleigh monocycles. It is shown that under some conditions, the UWB jam resistance is superior to that of direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS). In the second part of this work, we study the capacity of the single-user UWB communication systems utilizing M-ary PPM and bi-phase as well as on-off keying modulation scheme over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and multipath channels. Starting from the known capacity of M-ary modulated signals, the computation of UWB capacity over the AWGN channel takes into account UWB specific constraints. The constraints are the power spectrum density limitation under Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Part 15 rules and the spreading ratio required to achieve a specified jam resistance level. UWB capacity over AWGN channel is expressed as a function of spreading ratio and communication range. Trade-offs between capacity and range of communications and between capacity and spreading ratio are explored. We extend the study of capacity of UWB communications to the multipath channel using the modified S-V model proposed by the IEEE 802.15.3a task group. The complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) of the capacities, subject to the FCC power spectral density (PSD) limitation, are obtained for the all Rake (ARake) and selective Rake (SRake) receivers. In both of the cases, maximum ratio combining is employed. Finally, the capacity of multiple-access UWB communications is studied over the AWGN channel. Under certain assumptions, the multiple-access noise component at the receiver is modeled as Gaussian. An expression for the UWB capacity of the multiple-access channel is developed as a function of number of users

    Hard-input-hard-output capacity analysis of UWB BPSK systems with timing errors

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    The hard-input-hard-output capacity of a binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) ultrawideband system is analyzed for both additive white Gaussian noise and multipath fading channels with timing errors. Unlike previous works that calculate the capacity with perfect synchronization and/or multiple-access interference only, our analysis considers timing errors with different distributions, as well as the interpath (IPI), interchip (ICI), and intersymbol (ISI) interferences, as in practical systems. The sensitivity of the channel capacity to the timing error is examined. The effects of pulse shape, the multiple-access technique, the number of users, and the number of chips are studied. It is found that time hopping is less sensitive to the pulse shape and that the timing error has higher capacity than direct sequence due to its low duty of cycle. Using these results, one can choose appropriate system parameters for different applications

    Sub-optimal Ultra-wide Band Receivers

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    Ultra-wide Band (UWB) has sparked a lot of interest lately from the industry and academia. The growing capacity of the wireless industry is requires a new communication system that satisfies the high data rate which does not interfere with existing RF systems. UWB promises to be this new technology. UWB also promises low power, low cost and flexibility. The UWB Channel opens up a huge new wireless channel with Giga Hertz Capacities as well as the highest spatial capacities measured in bits per hertz per square meter. When properly implemented UWB channel can share spectrum with traditional radio systems without causing harmful interference. In this thesis we studied and compared several reduced complexity sub-optimal Ultra-Wide Band receivers. These receivers include auto correlation receiver, the square value detector and the absolute value detector are studied. We consider OOK and PPM modulation schemes. We examine these schemes and the receivers on Gaussian and UWB indoor channels. We compare the performance with optimal receivers. A transmitter receiver system using 0.1us pulses implemented using existing hardware. A packet consisting of 24 bits were transmitted and the received signal could be verified in real time using a vector signal analyzer. The results show sub-optimal receivers provide a better trade off between robust, complexity and performance

    Comparison of Bit Error Rate and Power Spectral Density on the Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio Systems

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    Ultra-Wideband (UWB) is defined as a wireless transmission scheme that occupies a bandwidth of more than 25% of its center frequency. UWB Impulse Radio (UWB-IR) is a popular implementation of the UWB technology. In UWB-IR, information is encoded in baseband without any carrier modulation. Pulse shaping and baseband modulation scheme are two of the determinants on the performance of the UWB-IR. In this thesis, both temporal and spectral characteristics of the UWB-IR are examined because all radio signals exist in both the time and frequency domains. Firstly, the bit error rate (BER) performance of the UWB-IR is investigated via simulation using three modulation schemes: Pulse position modulation (PPM), on-off shift keying (OOK), and binary phase shift keying (BPSK). The results are verified for three different pulse shaping named Gaussian first derivative, Gaussian second derivative, and return-to-zero (RZ) Manchester. Secondly, the effects of the UWB-IR parameters on the power spectral density (PSD) are investigated because PSD provides information on how the power is distributed over the radio frequency (RF) spectrum and determines the interference of UWB-IR and the existing systems to each other in the spectrum. The investigated UWB-IR parameters include pulse duration, pulse repetition rate, modulation scheme, and pseudorandom codes

    UWB communication systems acquisition at symbol rate sampling for IEEE standard channel models

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    For ultra-wideband (UWB) communications, acquisition is challenging. The reason is from the ultra short pulse shape and ultra dense multipath interference. Ultra short pulse indicates the acquisition region is very narrow. Sampling is another challenge for UWB design due to the need for ultra high speed analog-to digital converter.A sub-optimum and under-sampling scheme using pilot codes as transmitted reference is proposed here for acquisition. The sampling rate for the receiver is at the symbol rate. A new architecture, the reference aided matched filter is studied in this project. The reference aided matched filter method avoids using complex rake receiver to estimate channel parameters and high sampling rate for interpolation. A limited number of matched filters are used as a filter bank to search for the strongest path. Timing offset for acquisition is then estimated and passed to an advanced verification algorithm. For optimum performance of acquisition, the adaptive post detection integration is proposed to solve the problem from dense inter-symbol interference during the acquisition. A low-complex early-late gate tracking loop is one element of the adaptive post detection integration. This tracking scheme assists in improving acquisition accuracy. The proposed scheme is evaluated using Matlab Simulink simulations in term of mean acquisition time, system performance and false alarm. Simulation results show proposed algorithm is very effective in ultra dense multipath channels. This research proves reference aided acquisition with tracking loop is promising in UWB application

    A General Framework for Analyzing, Characterizing, and Implementing Spectrally Modulated, Spectrally Encoded Signals

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    Fourth generation (4G) communications will support many capabilities while providing universal, high speed access. One potential enabler for these capabilities is software defined radio (SDR). When controlled by cognitive radio (CR) principles, the required waveform diversity is achieved via a synergistic union called CR-based SDR. Research is rapidly progressing in SDR hardware and software venues, but current CR-based SDR research lacks the theoretical foundation and analytic framework to permit efficient implementation. This limitation is addressed here by introducing a general framework for analyzing, characterizing, and implementing spectrally modulated, spectrally encoded (SMSE) signals within CR-based SDR architectures. Given orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a 4G candidate signal, OFDM-based signals are collectively classified as SMSE since modulation and encoding are spectrally applied. The proposed framework provides analytic commonality and unification of SMSE signals. Applicability is first shown for candidate 4G signals, and resultant analytic expressions agree with published results. Implementability is then demonstrated in multiple coexistence scenarios via modeling and simulation to reinforce practical utility

    Performance Enhancement of DS-UWB Short Range Communication System Using Equalization Techniques

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    UWB is a major research area in the field of wireless communication. The IEEE 802.15.3a has been assigned the job of standardizing it. It is being considered as a breakthrough technology capable enough to revolutionize short range wireless communication. Ultra wideband communication as its name implies has large absolute bandwidth greater than 500 MHz and operating frequency band is 3.1 GHz- 10.6GHz. It is a rapidly growing technology that plays a very promising role in modern age wireless communication. It finds application in various sectors, for example in medical application to observe the status of patient using wireless health monitoring of life sustaining systems. In vehicular technology it can be used for obstacle avoidance and fast data transmission, and in military application as radar for detection behind walls and other blockages. Since it is based on short pulse carrier less transmission so hardware implementation becomes less complex and cheap. Thesis work has been done to study the BPSK modulation based DS-UWB communication system. Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) technique along with UWB signal and two types of equalization techniques has been incorporated to mitigate the multipath fading effect associated with S-V indoor channel. Rake receiver has been used to utilize the energy of various delayed multipath components to improve the performance of the system. In short range communication process, indoor channel model or UWB channel model has been studied with different transmitter receiver separation, using some fundamental parameters of channel. Inter symbol interference (ISI) is a major problem in frequency selective fading channels, to overcome this problem, RAKE-MMSE equalizer and single carrier frequency domain equalizer (SC-FDE) have been incorporated. Thesis comprises of the system performance study and design done by using the above said equalization techniques for DS-UWB communications system

    UWB Radio Wireless Communication System Design for Railway Tunnels

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    Railway is an economical and comfortable mode of transportation for long distances. Safety, reliability and good quality of service are the main concern of railway industries which are maintained by railway management and communication system. There are several existing management systems like CCCS, ATCS, PTC and many more. With increasing population, demand for railway services also increases. To full fill these demands railway infrastructure has been developing continuously. By implementing latest technologies for railway communication we can make railway transportation safer, efficient, and more accessible. Ultra wideband radio communication system is amongst those very latest and rapidly growing technologies. This research work focuses on the study of UWB radio based wireless communication system for railway tunnels, whose main task is to maintain an uninterrupted data transmission between train driver to wayside controller