4,175 research outputs found

    Index Trees for Efficient Deformable Shape-based Retrieval

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    An improved method for deformable shape-based image indexing and retrieval is described. A pre-computed index tree is used to improve the speed of our previously reported on-line model fitting method; simple shape features are used as keys in a pre-generated index tree of model instances. In addition, a coarse to fine indexing scheme is used at different levels of the tree to further improve speed while maintaining matching accuracy. Experimental results show that the speedup is significant, while accuracy of shape-based indexing is maintained. A method for shape population-based retrieval is also described. The method allows query formulation based on the population distributions of shapes in each image. Results of population-based image queries for a database of blood cell micrographs are shown.Office of Naval Research (Young Investigator Award, N00014-96-1-066); National Science Foundation (IIS-9624168, EIA-9623865

    LOWA: Localize Objects in the Wild with Attributes

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    We present LOWA, a novel method for localizing objects with attributes effectively in the wild. It aims to address the insufficiency of current open-vocabulary object detectors, which are limited by the lack of instance-level attribute classification and rare class names. To train LOWA, we propose a hybrid vision-language training strategy to learn object detection and recognition with class names as well as attribute information. With LOWA, users can not only detect objects with class names, but also able to localize objects by attributes. LOWA is built on top of a two-tower vision-language architecture and consists of a standard vision transformer as the image encoder and a similar transformer as the text encoder. To learn the alignment between visual and text inputs at the instance level, we train LOWA with three training steps: object-level training, attribute-aware learning, and free-text joint training of objects and attributes. This hybrid training strategy first ensures correct object detection, then incorporates instance-level attribute information, and finally balances the object class and attribute sensitivity. We evaluate our model performance of attribute classification and attribute localization on the Open-Vocabulary Attribute Detection (OVAD) benchmark and the Visual Attributes in the Wild (VAW) dataset, and experiments indicate strong zero-shot performance. Ablation studies additionally demonstrate the effectiveness of each training step of our approach