43 research outputs found

    Coalgebraic Infinite Traces and Kleisli Simulations

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    Kleisli simulation is a categorical notion introduced by Hasuo to verify finite trace inclusion. They allow us to give definitions of forward and backward simulation for various types of systems. A generic categorical theory behind Kleisli simulation has been developed and it guarantees the soundness of those simulations with respect to finite trace semantics. Moreover, those simulations can be aided by forward partial execution (FPE)---a categorical transformation of systems previously introduced by the authors. In this paper, we give Kleisli simulation a theoretical foundation that assures its soundness also with respect to infinitary traces. There, following Jacobs' work, infinitary trace semantics is characterized as the "largest homomorphism." It turns out that soundness of forward simulations is rather straightforward; that of backward simulation holds too, although it requires certain additional conditions and its proof is more involved. We also show that FPE can be successfully employed in the infinitary trace setting to enhance the applicability of Kleisli simulations as witnesses of trace inclusion. Our framework is parameterized in the monad for branching as well as in the functor for linear-time behaviors; for the former we mainly use the powerset monad (for nondeterminism), the sub-Giry monad (for probability), and the lift monad (for exception).Comment: 39 pages, 1 figur

    Coalgebraic Infinite Traces and Kleisli Simulations

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    Kleisli simulation is a categorical notion introduced by Hasuo to verify finite trace inclusion. They allow us to give definitions of forward and backward simulation for various types of systems. A generic categorical theory behind Kleisli simulation has been developed and it guarantees the soundness of those simulations wrt. finite trace semantics. Moreover, those simulations can be aided by forward partial execution (FPE) - a categorical transformation of systems previously introduced by the authors. In this paper, we give Kleisli simulation a theoretical foundation that assures its soundness also wrt. infinite trace. There, following Jacobs\u27 work, infinite trace semantics is characterized as the "largest homomorphism." It turns out that soundness of forward simulations is rather straightforward; that of backward simulation holds too, although it requires certain additional conditions and its proof is more involved. We also show that FPE can be successfully employed in the infinite trace setting to enhance the applicability of Kleisli simulations as witnesses of trace inclusion. Our framework is parameterized in the monad for branching as well as in the functor for linear-time behaviors; for the former we use the powerset monad (for nondeterminism) as well as the sub-Giry monad (for probability)

    Generic Trace Semantics via Coinduction

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    Trace semantics has been defined for various kinds of state-based systems, notably with different forms of branching such as non-determinism vs. probability. In this paper we claim to identify one underlying mathematical structure behind these "trace semantics," namely coinduction in a Kleisli category. This claim is based on our technical result that, under a suitably order-enriched setting, a final coalgebra in a Kleisli category is given by an initial algebra in the category Sets. Formerly the theory of coalgebras has been employed mostly in Sets where coinduction yields a finer process semantics of bisimilarity. Therefore this paper extends the application field of coalgebras, providing a new instance of the principle "process semantics via coinduction."Comment: To appear in Logical Methods in Computer Science. 36 page

    Fair Simulation for Nondeterministic and Probabilistic Buechi Automata: a Coalgebraic Perspective

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    Notions of simulation, among other uses, provide a computationally tractable and sound (but not necessarily complete) proof method for language inclusion. They have been comprehensively studied by Lynch and Vaandrager for nondeterministic and timed systems; for B\"{u}chi automata the notion of fair simulation has been introduced by Henzinger, Kupferman and Rajamani. We contribute to a generalization of fair simulation in two different directions: one for nondeterministic tree automata previously studied by Bomhard; and the other for probabilistic word automata with finite state spaces, both under the B\"{u}chi acceptance condition. The former nondeterministic definition is formulated in terms of systems of fixed-point equations, hence is readily translated to parity games and is then amenable to Jurdzi\'{n}ski's algorithm; the latter probabilistic definition bears a strong ranking-function flavor. These two different-looking definitions are derived from one source, namely our coalgebraic modeling of B\"{u}chi automata. Based on these coalgebraic observations, we also prove their soundness: a simulation indeed witnesses language inclusion

    Coalgebraic Trace Semantics for Buechi and Parity Automata

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    Despite its success in producing numerous general results on state-based dynamics, the theory of coalgebra has struggled to accommodate the Buechi acceptance condition---a basic notion in the theory of automata for infinite words or trees. In this paper we present a clean answer to the question that builds on the "maximality" characterization of infinite traces (by Jacobs and Cirstea): the accepted language of a Buechi automaton is characterized by two commuting diagrams, one for a least homomorphism and the other for a greatest, much like in a system of (least and greatest) fixed-point equations. This characterization works uniformly for the nondeterministic branching and the probabilistic one; and for words and trees alike. We present our results in terms of the parity acceptance condition that generalizes Buechi\u27s

    Coalgebraic Weak Bisimulation from Recursive Equations over Monads

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    Strong bisimulation for labelled transition systems is one of the most fundamental equivalences in process algebra, and has been generalised to numerous classes of systems that exhibit richer transition behaviour. Nearly all of the ensuing notions are instances of the more general notion of coalgebraic bisimulation. Weak bisimulation, however, has so far been much less amenable to a coalgebraic treatment. Here we attempt to close this gap by giving a coalgebraic treatment of (parametrized) weak equivalences, including weak bisimulation. Our analysis requires that the functor defining the transition type of the system is based on a suitable order-enriched monad, which allows us to capture weak equivalences by least fixpoints of recursive equations. Our notion is in agreement with existing notions of weak bisimulations for labelled transition systems, probabilistic and weighted systems, and simple Segala systems.Comment: final versio

    Graded Monads and Graded Logics for the Linear Time - Branching Time Spectrum

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    State-based models of concurrent systems are traditionally considered under a variety of notions of process equivalence. In the case of labelled transition systems, these equivalences range from trace equivalence to (strong) bisimilarity, and are organized in what is known as the linear time - branching time spectrum. A combination of universal coalgebra and graded monads provides a generic framework in which the semantics of concurrency can be parametrized both over the branching type of the underlying transition systems and over the granularity of process equivalence. We show in the present paper that this framework of graded semantics does subsume the most important equivalences from the linear time - branching time spectrum. An important feature of graded semantics is that it allows for the principled extraction of characteristic modal logics. We have established invariance of these graded logics under the given graded semantics in earlier work; in the present paper, we extend the logical framework with an explicit propositional layer and provide a generic expressiveness criterion that generalizes the classical Hennessy-Milner theorem to coarser notions of process equivalence. We extract graded logics for a range of graded semantics on labelled transition systems and probabilistic systems, and give exemplary proofs of their expressiveness based on our generic criterion

    Generic Trace Semantics and Graded Monads

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    Models of concurrent systems employ a wide variety of semantics inducing various notions of process equivalence, ranging from linear-time semantics such as trace equivalence to branching-time semantics such as strong bisimilarity. Many of these generalize to system types beyond standard transition systems, featuring, for example, weighted, probabilistic, or game-based transitions; this motivates the search for suitable coalgebraic abstractions of process equivalence that cover these orthogonal dimensions of generality, i.e. are generic both in the system type and in the notion of system equivalence. In recent joint work with Kurz, we have proposed a parametrization of system equivalence over an embedding of the coalgebraic type functor into a monad. In the present paper, we refine this abstraction to use graded monads, which come with a notion of depth that corresponds, e.g., to trace length or bisimulation depth. We introduce a notion of graded algebras and show how they play the role of formulas in trace logics