24 research outputs found

    Positive co-degree density of hypergraphs

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    The minimum positive co-degree of a non-empty rr-graph H{H}, denoted δr1+(H)\delta_{r-1}^+( {H}), is the maximum kk such that if SS is an (r1)(r-1)-set contained in a hyperedge of H {H}, then SS is contained in at least kk distinct hyperedges of H {H}. Given a family F{F} of rr-graphs, we introduce the {\it positive co-degree Tur\'an number} co+ex(n,F)\mathrm{co^+ex}(n, {F}) as the maximum positive co-degree δr1+(H)\delta_{r-1}^+(H) over all nn-vertex rr-graphs HH that do not contain FF as a subhypergraph. In this paper we concentrate on the behavior of co+ex(n,F)\mathrm{co^+ex}(n, {F}) for 33-graphs FF. In particular, we determine asymptotics and bounds for several well-known concrete 33-graphs FF (e.g.\ K4K_4^- and the Fano plane). We also show that, for 33-graphs, the limit γ+(F):=lim supnco+ex(n,F)n \gamma^+(F) := \limsup_{n \rightarrow \infty} \frac{\mathrm{co^+ex}(n, {F})}{n} ``jumps'' from 00 to 1/31/3, i.e., it never takes on values in the interval (0,1/3)(0,1/3), and we characterize which 33-graphs FF have γ+(F)=0\gamma^+(F)=0. Our motivation comes primarily from the study of (ordinary) co-degree Tur\'an numbers where a number of results have been proved that inspire our results

    Positive co-degree Tur\'an number for C5C_5 and C5C_5^{-}

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    The \emph{minimum positive co-degree} δr1+(H)\delta^{+}_{r-1}(H) of a non-empty rr-graph HH is the maximum kk such that if SS is an (r1)(r-1)-set contained in a hyperedge of HH, then SS is contained in at least kk hyperedges of HH. For any rr-graph FF, the \emph{positive degree Tur\'an number} co+ex(n,F)\mathrm{co}^{+}\mathrm{ex}(n,F) is defined as the maximum value of δr1+(H)\delta^{+}_{r-1}(H) over all nn-vertex FF-free non-empty rr-graphs HH. In this paper, we determine the positive degree Tur\'an number for C5C_5 and C5C_5^{-}.Comment: 8 page

    An asymptotic bound for the strong chromatic number

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    The strong chromatic number χs(G)\chi_{\text{s}}(G) of a graph GG on nn vertices is the least number rr with the following property: after adding rn/rnr \lceil n/r \rceil - n isolated vertices to GG and taking the union with any collection of spanning disjoint copies of KrK_r in the same vertex set, the resulting graph has a proper vertex-colouring with rr colours. We show that for every c>0c > 0 and every graph GG on nn vertices with Δ(G)cn\Delta(G) \ge cn, χs(G)(2+o(1))Δ(G)\chi_{\text{s}}(G) \leq (2 + o(1)) \Delta(G), which is asymptotically best possible.Comment: Minor correction, accepted for publication in Combin. Probab. Compu

    Independence densities of hypergraphs

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    We consider the number of independent sets in hypergraphs, which allows us to define the independence density of countable hypergraphs. Hypergraph independence densities include a broad family of densities over graphs and relational structures, such as FF-free densities of graphs for a given graph F.F. In the case of kk-uniform hypergraphs, we prove that the independence density is always rational. In the case of finite but unbounded hyperedges, we show that the independence density can be any real number in [0,1].[0,1]. Finally, we extend the notion of independence density via independence polynomials

    Shadow of hypergraphs under a minimum degree condition

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    We prove a minimum degree version of the Kruskal--Katona theorem: given d1/4d\ge 1/4 and a triple system FF on nn vertices with minimum degree at least d(n2)d\binom n2, we obtain asymptotically tight lower bounds for the size of its shadow. Equivalently, for tn/21t\ge n/2-1, we asymptotically determine the minimum size of a graph on nn vertices, in which every vertex is contained in at least (t2)\binom t2 triangles. This can be viewed as a variant of the Rademacher--Tur\'an problem