94 research outputs found

    Non-orthogonal transmission techniques for multibeam satellite systems

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Non-orthogonal transmission is a promising technology enabler to meet the requirements of 5G communication systems. Seminal papers demonstrated that non-orthogonal multiplexing techniques outperform orthogonal schemes in terms of capacity, latency, and user fairness. Since it is envisioned that satellites will be an integral component of the 5G infrastructure, it is worth studying how satellite communication systems can benefit from the application of non-orthogonal transmission schemes as well. Contrary to common perception, current communications through a satellite present a different architecture and face different impairments than those in the wireless terrestrial links. In particular, this work aims to describe different non-orthogonal schemes that are suitable for the forward link (i.e., satellite to user). In contrast with the return link of the satellite (i.e., user to satellite), where the use of non-orthogonal transmission schemes has been widely studied, less effort has been devoted to the forward link. In light of this, this article provides an overview and a novel taxonomy that is based on the forward link of different non-orthogonal multibeam transmission schemes. Finally, guidelines that open new avenues for research in this topic are provided.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Throughput Enhancement and Power Optimization in NOMA-based Multiuser Multicast Systems

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    In recent years, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) has emerged as a promising technique for enhancing the capacity and throughput of wireless communication systems. This thesis investigates the potential of NOMA in improving the performance of multiuser multicast systems, focusing on multibeam satellite communication systems in the forward link, throughput enhancement, and power optimization. We propose a novel framework that combines a NOMA scheme with multibeam architecture and frequency reuse in multicast transmission. The proposed framework enhances system throughput by optimizing power allocation. First, we present a comprehensive review of the principles and techniques related to NOMA and multibeam multicast systems, highlighting their unique challenges and potential benefits. Next, we introduce our proposed framework in 4-color frequency reuse satellite systems. In 4-color frequency reuse, each user receives signals from other co-channel beams. However, the level of isolation is such that the interbeam interference can be treated as background noise without significant performance degradation. This means that there is no collaboration between beams, and each beam can be isolated from the rest. Therefore, NOMA is considered in single-beam multicast satellite communication systems. The optimum power allocation to maximize the minimum fairness rate and sum-rate is derived for a given user clustering in a single beam. Moreover, an optimum user clustering is derived, which improves the system throughput. Next, we investigate our proposed framework in full frequency reuse satellite systems under perfect channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). The proposed framework integrates the NOMA scheme in multicast multibeam architecture. Linear precoding techniques, such as zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum mean square error (MMSE), are used to cancel interbeam interference while NOMA is applied on a beam basis. NOMA and linear precoding are adopted for the proposed framework in multicast transmission. A low-complexity user scheduling is proposed to deal with the trade-offs between optimum user scheduling for linear precoding and the NOMA scheme. Moreover, a low-complexity linear precoding in multicast transmission is proposed based on unicast linear precoding methods and a mapper which deals with the lack of spatial degrees of freedom. To improve the performance of linear precoding, we present three mappers, where the proposed singular-value-decomposition (SVD) mapper demonstrates the best performance. To improve system throughput, power allocation should be optimized. In this thesis, we consider two objective functions: max-min fairness rate (MMF) and sum-rate. This thesis introduces a technique for addressing the non-convex MMF optimization issue in the proposed framework by employing auxiliary variables to convert it into a semi-definite programming problem, which can then be resolved using linear programming solvers. This thesis also suggests an approach to tackle the non-convex sum-rate maximization goal function in MB-MC-NOMA systems by constructing Lagrangian multipliers concerning the constraints. By employing quadratic transformations on the sum-of-ratios, the problem is restructured within an iterative sum-rate power optimization algorithm. This thesis considers a realistic scenario with imperfect CSIT. To combat the effect of imperfect CSIT in multibeam multicast satellite communication systems, a rate-splitting approach is proposed. An averaging rate (AR) framework for MMF rate and sum-rate optimization considering ICST is proposed. To render the formulated MMF and sum-rate problems convex, we utilize the Weighted Minimum Mean Square Error (WMMSE) method. We first derive a rate-WMMSE relationship and then, using this relationship along with a low-complexity solution based on Alternating Optimization (AO), we transform the problems into equivalent convex ones. To validate the effectiveness of our proposed frameworks, we conduct extensive simulations and comparisons with state-of-the-art schemes. The results demonstrate significant improvements in throughput and power efficiency, confirming the potential of NOMA-based multiuser multicast systems for future wireless communication networks. Finally, we discuss potential future research directions, including the integration of the proposed frameworks in the cellular networks, calculating the transmitter and receiver complexity of the proposed techniques, considering higher layers of RS. This thesis contributes to the ongoing development of next-generation wireless communication systems, paving the way for more efficient and reliable data transmission in multiuser multicast environments

    Improved Graph-Based User Scheduling For Sum-Rate Maximization in LEO-NTN Systems

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    In this paper, we study the problem of user scheduling for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Multi-User (MU) Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN) systems with the objective of maximizing the sum-rate capacity while minimizing the total number of clusters. We propose an iterative graph-based maximum clique scheduling approach with constant graph density. Users are grouped together based on the channel coefficient of correlation (CoC) as dissimilarity metric and served by the satellite via Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) by means of Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) digital beamforming on a cluster basis. Clusters are then served in different time slots via Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). The results, presented in terms of per-cluster sum-rate capacity and per-user throughput, show that the presented approach can significantly improve the system performance