3 research outputs found

    Adaptive ML-based technique for renewable energy system power forecasting in hybrid PV-Wind farms power conversion systems

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    Large scale integration of renewable energy system with classical electrical power generation system requires a precise balance to maintain and optimize the supply–demand limitations in power grids operations. For this purpose, accurate forecasting is needed from wind energy conversion systems (WECS) and solar power plants (SPPs). This daunting task has limits with long-short term and precise term forecasting due to the highly random nature of environmental conditions. This paper offers a hybrid variational decomposition model (HVDM) as a revolutionary composite deep learning-based evolutionary technique for accurate power production forecasting in microgrid farms. The objective is to obtain precise short-term forecasting in five steps of development. An improvised dynamic group-based cooperative search (IDGC) mechanism with a IDGC-Radial Basis Function Neural Network (IDGC-RBFNN) is proposed for enhanced accurate short-term power forecasting. For this purpose, meteorological data with time series is utilized. SCADA data provide the values to the system. The improvisation has been made to the metaheuristic algorithm and an enhanced training mechanism is designed for the short term wind forecasting (STWF) problem. The results are compared with two different Neural Network topologies and three heuristic algorithms: particle swarm intelligence (PSO), IDGC, and dynamic group cooperation optimization (DGCO). The 24 h ahead are studied in the experimental simulations. The analysis is made using seasonal behavior for year-round performance analysis. The prediction accuracy achieved by the proposed hybrid model shows greater results. The comparison is made statistically with existing works and literature showing highly effective accuracy at a lower computational burden. Three seasonal results are compared graphically and statistically.publishedVersio

    Enhancing statistical wind speed forecasting models : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering at Massey University, Manawatū Campus, New Zealand

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    In recent years, wind speed forecasting models have seen significant development and growth. In particular, hybrid models have been emerging since the last decade. Hybrid models combine two or more techniques from several categories, with each model utilizing its distinct strengths. Mainly, data-driven models that include statistical and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) models are deployed in hybrid models for shorter forecasting time horizons (< 6hrs). Literature studies show that machine learning models have gained enormous potential owing to their accuracy and robustness. On the other hand, only a handful of studies are available on the performance enhancement of statistical models, despite the fact that hybrid models are incomplete without statistical models. To address the knowledge gap, this thesis identified the shortcomings of traditional statistical models while enhancing prediction accuracy. Three statistical models are considered for analyses: Grey Model [GM(1,1)], Markov Chain, and Holt’s Double Exponential Smoothing models. Initially, the problems that limit the forecasting models' applicability are highlighted. Such issues include negative wind speed predictions, failure of predetermined accuracy levels, non-optimal estimates, and additional computational cost with limited performance. To address these concerns, improved forecasting models are proposed considering wind speed data of Palmerston North, New Zealand. Several methodologies have been developed to improve the model performance and fulfill the necessary and sufficient conditions. These approaches include adjusting dynamic moving window, self-adaptive state categorization algorithm, a similar approach to the leave-one-out method, and mixed initialization method. Keeping in view the application of the hybrid methods, novel MODWT-ARIMA-Markov and AGO-HDES models are further proposed as secondary objectives. Also, a comprehensive analysis is presented by comparing sixteen models from three categories, each for four case studies, three rolling windows, and three forecasting horizons. Overall, the improved models showed higher accuracy than their counter traditional models. Finally, the future directions are highlighted that need subsequent research to improve forecasting performance further