580 research outputs found

    The Open Research Web: A Preview of the Optimal and the Inevitable

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    The multiple online research impact metrics we are developing will allow the rich new database , the Research Web, to be navigated, analyzed, mined and evaluated in powerful new ways that were not even conceivable in the paper era – nor even in the online era, until the database and the tools became openly accessible for online use by all: by researchers, research institutions, research funders, teachers, students, and even by the general public that funds the research and for whose benefit it is being conducted: Which research is being used most? By whom? Which research is growing most quickly? In what direction? under whose influence? Which research is showing immediate short-term usefulness, which shows delayed, longer term usefulness, and which has sustained long-lasting impact? Which research and researchers are the most authoritative? Whose research is most using this authoritative research, and whose research is the authoritative research using? Which are the best pointers (“hubs”) to the authoritative research? Is there any way to predict what research will have later citation impact (based on its earlier download impact), so junior researchers can be given resources before their work has had a chance to make itself felt through citations? Can research trends and directions be predicted from the online database? Can text content be used to find and compare related research, for influence, overlap, direction? Can a layman, unfamiliar with the specialized content of a field, be guided to the most relevant and important work? These are just a sample of the new online-age questions that the Open Research Web will begin to answer

    A question-answering machine learning system for FAQs

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    With the increase in usage and dependence on the internet for gathering information, it’s now essential to efficiently retrieve information according to users’ needs. Question Answering (QA) systems aim to fulfill this need by trying to provide the most relevant answer for a user’s query expressed in natural language text or speech. Virtual assistants like Apple Siri and automated FAQ systems have become very popular and with this the constant rush of developing an efficient, advanced and expedient QA system is reaching new limits. In the field of QA systems, this thesis addresses the problem of finding the FAQ question that is most similar to a user’s query. Finding semantic similarities between database question banks and natural language text is its foremost step. The work aims at exploring unsupervised approaches for measuring semantic similarities for developing a closed domain QA system. To meet this objective modern sentence representation techniques, such as BERT and FLAIR GloVe, are coupled with various similarity measures (cosine, Euclidean and Manhattan) to identify the best model. The developed models were tested with three FAQs and SemEval 2015 datasets for English language; the best results were obtained from the coupling of BERT embedding with Euclidean distance similarity measure with a performance of 85.956% on a FAQ dataset. The model is also tested for Portuguese language with Portuguese Health support phone line SNS24 dataset; Sumário: Um sistema de pergunta-resposta de aprendizagem automatica para FAQs Com o aumento da utilização e da dependência da internet para a recolha de informação, tornou-se essencial recuperar a informação de forma eficiente de acordo com as necessidades dos utilizadores. Os Sistemas de Pergunta- Resposta (PR) visam responder a essa necessidade, tentando fornecer a resposta mais relevante para a consulta de um utilizador expressa em texto em linguagem natural escrita ou falada. Os assistentes virtuais como o Apple Siri e sistemas automatizados de perguntas frequentes tornaram-se muito populares aumentando a necessidade de desenvolver um sistema de controle de qualidade eficiente, avançado e conveniente. No campo dos sistemas de PR, esta dissertação aborda o problema de encontrar a pergunta que mais se assemelha à consulta de um utilizador. Encontrar semelhanças semânticas entre a base de dados de perguntas e o texto em linguagem natural é a sua etapa mais importante. Neste sentido, esta dissertação tem como objetivo explorar abordagens não supervisionadas para medir similaridades semânticas para o desenvolvimento de um sistema de pergunta-resposta de domínio fechado. Neste sentido, técnicas modernas de representação de frases como o BERT e FLAIR GloVe são utilizadas em conjunto com várias medidas de similaridade (cosseno, Euclidiana e Manhattan) para identificar os melhores modelos. Os modelos desenvolvidos foram testados com conjuntos de dados de três FAQ e o SemEval 2015; os melhores resultados foram obtidos da combinação entre modelos de embedding BERT e a distância euclidiana, tendo-se obtido um desempenho máximo de 85,956% num conjunto de dados FAQ. O modelo também é testado para a língua portuguesa com o conjunto de dados SNS24 da linha telefónica de suporte de saúde em português

    Matching Queries to Frequently Asked Questions: Search Functionality for the MRSA Web-Portal

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    As part of the long-term EUREGIO MRSA-net project a system was developed which enables health care workers and the general public to quickly find answers to their questions regarding the MRSA pathogen. This paper focuses on how these questions can be answered using Information Retrieval (IR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques on a Frequently-Asked-Questions-style (FAQ) database

    A document management methodology based on similarity contents

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    The advent of the WWW and distributed information systems have made it possible to share documents between different users and organisations. However, this has created many problems related to the security, accessibility, right and most importantly the consistency of documents. It is important that the people involved in the documents management process have access to the most up-to-date version of documents, retrieve the correct documents and should be able to update the documents repository in such a way that his or her document are known to others. In this paper we propose a method for organising, storing and retrieving documents based on similarity contents. The method uses techniques based on information retrieval, document indexation and term extraction and indexing. This methodology is developed for the E-Cognos project which aims at developing tools for the management and sharing of documents in the construction domain

    Query expansion based on relevance feedback and latent semantic analysis

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    Web search engines are one of the most popular tools on the Internet which are widely-used by expert and novice users. Constructing an adequate query which represents the best specification of users’ information need to the search engine is an important concern of web users. Query expansion is a way to reduce this concern and increase user satisfaction. In this paper, a new method of query expansion is introduced. This method which is a combination of relevance feedback and latent semantic analysis, finds the relative terms to the topics of user original query based on relevant documents selected by the user in relevance feedback step. The method is evaluated and compared with the Rocchio relevance feedback. The results of this evaluation indicate the capability of the method to better representation of user’s information need and increasing significantly user satisfaction

    A semi-automated FAQ retrieval system for HIV/AIDS

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    This thesis describes a semi-automated FAQ retrieval system that can be queried by users through short text messages on low-end mobile phones to provide answers on HIV/AIDS related queries. First we address the issue of result presentation on low-end mobile phones by proposing an iterative interaction retrieval strategy where the user engages with the FAQ retrieval system in the question answering process. At each iteration, the system returns only one question-answer pair to the user and the iterative process terminates after the user's information need has been satisfied. Since the proposed system is iterative, this thesis attempts to reduce the number of iterations (search length) between the users and the system so that users do not abandon the search process before their information need has been satisfied. Moreover, we conducted a user study to determine the number of iterations that users are willing to tolerate before abandoning the iterative search process. We subsequently used the bad abandonment statistics from this study to develop an evaluation measure for estimating the probability that any random user will be satisfied when using our FAQ retrieval system. In addition, we used a query log and its click-through data to address three main FAQ document collection deficiency problems in order to improve the retrieval performance and the probability that any random user will be satisfied when using our FAQ retrieval system. Conclusions are derived concerning whether we can reduce the rate at which users abandon their search before their information need has been satisfied by using information from previous searches to: Address the term mismatch problem between the users' SMS queries and the relevant FAQ documents in the collection; to selectively rank the FAQ document according to how often they have been previously identified as relevant by users for a particular query term; and to identify those queries that do not have a relevant FAQ document in the collection. In particular, we proposed a novel template-based approach that uses queries from a query log for which the true relevant FAQ documents are known to enrich the FAQ documents with additional terms in order to alleviate the term mismatch problem. These terms are added as a separate field in a field-based model using two different proposed enrichment strategies, namely the Term Frequency and the Term Occurrence strategies. This thesis thoroughly investigates the effectiveness of the aforementioned FAQ document enrichment strategies using three different field-based models. Our findings suggest that we can improve the overall recall and the probability that any random user will be satisfied by enriching the FAQ documents with additional terms from queries in our query log. Moreover, our investigation suggests that it is important to use an FAQ document enrichment strategy that takes into consideration the number of times a term occurs in the query when enriching the FAQ documents. We subsequently show that our proposed enrichment approach for alleviating the term mismatch problem generalise well on other datasets. Through the evaluation of our proposed approach for selectively ranking the FAQ documents, we show that we can improve the retrieval performance and the probability that any random user will be satisfied when using our FAQ retrieval system by incorporating the click popularity score of a query term t on an FAQ document d into the scoring and ranking process. Our results generalised well on a new dataset. However, when we deploy the click popularity score of a query term t on an FAQ document d on an enriched FAQ document collection, we saw a decrease in the retrieval performance and the probability that any random user will be satisfied when using our FAQ retrieval system. Furthermore, we used our query log to build a binary classifier for detecting those queries that do not have a relevant FAQ document in the collection (Missing Content Queries (MCQs))). Before building such a classifier, we empirically evaluated several feature sets in order to determine the best combination of features for building a model that yields the best classification accuracy in identifying the MCQs and the non-MCQs. Using a different dataset, we show that we can improve the overall retrieval performance and the probability that any random user will be satisfied when using our FAQ retrieval system by deploying a MCQs detection subsystem in our FAQ retrieval system to filter out the MCQs. Finally, this thesis demonstrates that correcting spelling errors can help improve the retrieval performance and the probability that any random user will be satisfied when using our FAQ retrieval system. We tested our FAQ retrieval system with two different testing sets, one containing the original SMS queries and the other containing the SMS queries which were manually corrected for spelling errors. Our results show a significant improvement in the retrieval performance and the probability that any random user will be satisfied when using our FAQ retrieval system

    Deep Learning based Classification of FDG-PET Data for Alzheimer's Disease

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    abstract: Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), a neurodegenerative disease is a progressive disease that affects the brain gradually with time and worsens. Reliable and early diagnosis of AD and its prodromal stages (i.e. Mild Cognitive Impairment(MCI)) is essential. Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) measures the decline in the regional cerebral metabolic rate for glucose, offering a reliable metabolic biomarker even on presymptomatic AD patients. PET scans provide functional information that is unique and unavailable using other types of imaging. The computational efficacy of FDG-PET data alone, for the classification of various Alzheimer’s Diagnostic categories (AD, MCI (LMCI, EMCI), Control) has not been studied. This serves as motivation to correctly classify the various diagnostic categories using FDG-PET data. Deep learning has recently been applied to the analysis of structural and functional brain imaging data. This thesis is an introduction to a deep learning based classification technique using neural networks with dimensionality reduction techniques to classify the different stages of AD based on FDG-PET image analysis. This thesis develops a classification method to investigate the performance of FDG-PET as an effective biomarker for Alzheimer's clinical group classification. This involves dimensionality reduction using Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis on max-pooled data and mean-pooled data, followed by a Multilayer Feed Forward Neural Network which performs binary classification. Max pooled features result into better classification performance compared to results on mean pooled features. Additionally, experiments are done to investigate if the addition of important demographic features such as Functional Activities Questionnaire(FAQ), gene information helps improve performance. Classification results indicate that our designed classifiers achieve competitive results, and better with the additional of demographic features.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201


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    Question and Answering (Q&A) systems are currently in use by a large number of Internet users. Q&A systems play a vital role in our daily life as an important platform for information and knowledge sharing. Hence, much research has been devoted to improving the performance of Q&A systems, with a focus on improving the quality of answers provided by users, reducing the wait time for users who ask questions, using a knowledge base to provide answers via text mining, and directing questions to appropriate users. Due to the growing popularity of Q&A systems, the number of questions in the system can become very large; thus, it is unlikely for an answer provider to simply stumble upon a question that he/she can answer properly. The primary objective of this research is to improve the quality of answers and to decrease wait times by forwarding questions to users who exhibit an interest or expertise in the area to which the question belongs. To that end, this research studies how to leverage social networks to enhance the performance of Q&A systems. We have proposed SocialQ&A, a social network based Q&A system that identifies and notifies the users who are most likely to answer a question. SocialQ&A incorporates three major components: User Interest Analyzer, Question Categorizer, and Question- User Mapper. The User Interest Analyzer associates each user with a vector of interest categories. The Question Categorizer algorithm associates a vector of interest categories to each question. Then, based on user interest and user social connectedness, the Question-User Mapper identifies a list of potential answer providers for each question. We have also implemented a real-world prototype for SocialQ&A and analyzed the data from questions/answers obtained from the prototype. Results suggest that social networks can be leveraged to improve the quality of answers and reduce the wait time for answers. Thus, this research provides a promising direction to improve the performance of Q&A systems
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