605 research outputs found

    Connection Matrices and the Definability of Graph Parameters

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    In this paper we extend and prove in detail the Finite Rank Theorem for connection matrices of graph parameters definable in Monadic Second Order Logic with counting (CMSOL) from B. Godlin, T. Kotek and J.A. Makowsky (2008) and J.A. Makowsky (2009). We demonstrate its vast applicability in simplifying known and new non-definability results of graph properties and finding new non-definability results for graph parameters. We also prove a Feferman-Vaught Theorem for the logic CFOL, First Order Logic with the modular counting quantifiers

    Algebraic Methods in the Congested Clique

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    In this work, we use algebraic methods for studying distance computation and subgraph detection tasks in the congested clique model. Specifically, we adapt parallel matrix multiplication implementations to the congested clique, obtaining an O(n12/ω)O(n^{1-2/\omega}) round matrix multiplication algorithm, where ω<2.3728639\omega < 2.3728639 is the exponent of matrix multiplication. In conjunction with known techniques from centralised algorithmics, this gives significant improvements over previous best upper bounds in the congested clique model. The highlight results include: -- triangle and 4-cycle counting in O(n0.158)O(n^{0.158}) rounds, improving upon the O(n1/3)O(n^{1/3}) triangle detection algorithm of Dolev et al. [DISC 2012], -- a (1+o(1))(1 + o(1))-approximation of all-pairs shortest paths in O(n0.158)O(n^{0.158}) rounds, improving upon the O~(n1/2)\tilde{O} (n^{1/2})-round (2+o(1))(2 + o(1))-approximation algorithm of Nanongkai [STOC 2014], and -- computing the girth in O(n0.158)O(n^{0.158}) rounds, which is the first non-trivial solution in this model. In addition, we present a novel constant-round combinatorial algorithm for detecting 4-cycles.Comment: This is work is a merger of arxiv:1412.2109 and arxiv:1412.266

    Evaluating Datalog via Tree Automata and Cycluits

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    We investigate parameterizations of both database instances and queries that make query evaluation fixed-parameter tractable in combined complexity. We show that clique-frontier-guarded Datalog with stratified negation (CFG-Datalog) enjoys bilinear-time evaluation on structures of bounded treewidth for programs of bounded rule size. Such programs capture in particular conjunctive queries with simplicial decompositions of bounded width, guarded negation fragment queries of bounded CQ-rank, or two-way regular path queries. Our result is shown by translating to alternating two-way automata, whose semantics is defined via cyclic provenance circuits (cycluits) that can be tractably evaluated.Comment: 56 pages, 63 references. Journal version of "Combined Tractability of Query Evaluation via Tree Automata and Cycluits (Extended Version)" at arXiv:1612.04203. Up to the stylesheet, page/environment numbering, and possible minor publisher-induced changes, this is the exact content of the journal paper that will appear in Theory of Computing Systems. Update wrt version 1: latest reviewer feedbac

    Quantum automata, braid group and link polynomials

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    The spin--network quantum simulator model, which essentially encodes the (quantum deformed) SU(2) Racah--Wigner tensor algebra, is particularly suitable to address problems arising in low dimensional topology and group theory. In this combinatorial framework we implement families of finite--states and discrete--time quantum automata capable of accepting the language generated by the braid group, and whose transition amplitudes are colored Jones polynomials. The automaton calculation of the polynomial of (the plat closure of) a link L on 2N strands at any fixed root of unity is shown to be bounded from above by a linear function of the number of crossings of the link, on the one hand, and polynomially bounded in terms of the braid index 2N, on the other. The growth rate of the time complexity function in terms of the integer k appearing in the root of unity q can be estimated to be (polynomially) bounded by resorting to the field theoretical background given by the Chern-Simons theory.Comment: Latex, 36 pages, 11 figure

    Polynomial Invariants for Affine Programs

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    We exhibit an algorithm to compute the strongest polynomial (or algebraic) invariants that hold at each location of a given affine program (i.e., a program having only non-deterministic (as opposed to conditional) branching and all of whose assignments are given by affine expressions). Our main tool is an algebraic result of independent interest: given a finite set of rational square matrices of the same dimension, we show how to compute the Zariski closure of the semigroup that they generate

    Colored operads, series on colored operads, and combinatorial generating systems

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    We introduce bud generating systems, which are used for combinatorial generation. They specify sets of various kinds of combinatorial objects, called languages. They can emulate context-free grammars, regular tree grammars, and synchronous grammars, allowing us to work with all these generating systems in a unified way. The theory of bud generating systems uses colored operads. Indeed, an object is generated by a bud generating system if it satisfies a certain equation in a colored operad. To compute the generating series of the languages of bud generating systems, we introduce formal power series on colored operads and several operations on these. Series on colored operads are crucial to express the languages specified by bud generating systems and allow us to enumerate combinatorial objects with respect to some statistics. Some examples of bud generating systems are constructed; in particular to specify some sorts of balanced trees and to obtain recursive formulas enumerating these.Comment: 48 page

    Weighted Automata and Monadic Second Order Logic

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    Let S be a commutative semiring. M. Droste and P. Gastin have introduced in 2005 weighted monadic second order logic WMSOL with weights in S. They use a syntactic fragment RMSOL of WMSOL to characterize word functions (power series) recognizable by weighted automata, where the semantics of quantifiers is used both as arithmetical operations and, in the boolean case, as quantification. Already in 2001, B. Courcelle, J.Makowsky and U. Rotics have introduced a formalism for graph parameters definable in Monadic Second order Logic, here called MSOLEVAL with values in a ring R. Their framework can be easily adapted to semirings S. This formalism clearly separates the logical part from the arithmetical part and also applies to word functions. In this paper we give two proofs that RMSOL and MSOLEVAL with values in S have the same expressive power over words. One proof shows directly that MSOLEVAL captures the functions recognizable by weighted automata. The other proof shows how to translate the formalisms from one into the other.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2013, arXiv:1307.416