633 research outputs found

    A new class of two-channel biorthogonal filter banks and wavelet bases

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    We propose a novel framework for a new class of two-channel biorthogonal filter banks. The framework covers two useful subclasses: i) causal stable IIR filter banks. ii) linear phase FIR filter banks. There exists a very efficient structurally perfect reconstruction implementation for such a class. Filter banks of high frequency selectivity can be achieved by using the proposed framework with low complexity. The properties of such a class are discussed in detail. The design of the analysis/synthesis systems reduces to the design of a single transfer function. Very simple design methods are given both for FIR and IIR cases. Zeros of arbitrary multiplicity at aliasing frequency can be easily imposed, for the purpose of generating wavelets with regularity property. In the IIR case, two new classes of IIR maximally flat filters different from Butterworth filters are introduced. The filter coefficients are given in closed form. The wavelet bases corresponding to the biorthogonal systems are generated. the authors also provide a novel mapping of the proposed 1-D framework into 2-D. The mapping preserves the following: i) perfect reconstruction; ii) stability in the IIR case; iii) linear phase in the FIR case; iv) zeros at aliasing frequency; v) frequency characteristic of the filters

    A generalized, parametric PR-QMF/wavelet transform design approach for multiresolution signal decomposition

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    This dissertation aims to emphasize the interrelations and the linkages of the theories of discrete-time filter banks and wavelet transforms. It is shown that the Binomial-QMF banks are identical to the interscale coefficients or filters of the compactly supported orthonormal wavelet transform bases proposed by Daubechies. A generalized, parametric, smooth 2-band PR-QMF design approach based on Bernstein polynomial approximation is developed. It is found that the most regular compact support orthonormal wavelet filters, coiflet filters are only the special cases of the proposed filter bank design technique. A new objective performance measure called Non-aliasing Energy Ratio(NER) is developed. Its merits are proven with the comparative performance studies of the well known orthonormal signal decomposition techniques. This dissertation also addresses the optimal 2-band PR-QMF design problem. The variables of practical significance in image processing and coding are included in the optimization problem. The upper performance bounds of 2-band PR-QMF and their corresponding filter coefficients are derived. It is objectively shown that there are superior filter bank solutions available over the standard block transform, DCT. It is expected that the theoretical contributions of this dissertation will find its applications particularly in Visual Signal Processing and Coding

    Digital Filters

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    The new technology advances provide that a great number of system signals can be easily measured with a low cost. The main problem is that usually only a fraction of the signal is useful for different purposes, for example maintenance, DVD-recorders, computers, electric/electronic circuits, econometric, optimization, etc. Digital filters are the most versatile, practical and effective methods for extracting the information necessary from the signal. They can be dynamic, so they can be automatically or manually adjusted to the external and internal conditions. Presented in this book are the most advanced digital filters including different case studies and the most relevant literature

    A new class of two-channel biorthogonal filter banks and wavelet bases

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    Design of digital differentiators

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    A digital differentiator simply involves the derivation of an input signal. This work includes the presentation of first-degree and second-degree differentiators, which are designed as both infinite-impulse-response (IIR) filters and finite-impulse-response (FIR) filters. The proposed differentiators have low-pass magnitude response characteristics, thereby rejecting noise frequencies higher than the cut-off frequency. Both steady-state frequency-domain characteristics and Time-domain analyses are given for the proposed differentiators. It is shown that the proposed differentiators perform well when compared to previously proposed filters. When considering the time-domain characteristics of the differentiators, the processing of quantized signals proved especially enlightening, in terms of the filtering effects of the proposed differentiators. The coefficients of the proposed differentiators are obtained using an optimization algorithm, while the optimization objectives include magnitude and phase response. The low-pass characteristic of the proposed differentiators is achieved by minimizing the filter variance. The low-pass differentiators designed show the steep roll-off, as well as having highly accurate magnitude response in the pass-band. While having a history of over three hundred years, the design of fractional differentiator has become a ‘hot topic’ in recent decades. One challenging problem in this area is that there are many different definitions to describe the fractional model, such as the Riemann-Liouville and Caputo definitions. Through use of a feedback structure, based on the Riemann-Liouville definition. It is shown that the performance of the fractional differentiator can be improved in both the frequency-domain and time-domain. Two applications based on the proposed differentiators are described in the thesis. Specifically, the first of these involves the application of second degree differentiators in the estimation of the frequency components of a power system. The second example concerns for an image processing, edge detection application

    Cardinal Exponential Splines: Part II—Think Analog, Act Digital

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    By interpreting the Green-function reproduction property of exponential splines in signal processing terms, we uncover a fundamental relation that connects the impulse responses of allpole analog filters to their discrete counterparts. The link is that the latter are the B-spline coefficients of the former (which happen to be exponential splines). Motivated by this observation, we introduce an extended family of cardinal splines—the generalized E-splines—to generalize the concept for all convolution operators with rational transfer functions. We construct the corresponding compactly-supported B-spline basis functions, which are characterized by their poles and zeros, thereby establishing an interesting connection with analog filter design techniques. We investigate the properties of these new B-splines and present the corresponding signal processing calculus, which allows us to perform continuous-time operations, such as convolution, differential operators, and modulation, by simple application of the discrete version of these operators in the B-spline domain. In particular, we show how the formalism can be used to obtain exact, discrete implementations of analog filters. Finally, we apply our results to the design of hybrid signal processing systems that rely on digital filtering to compensate for the nonideal characteristics of real-world analog-to-digital (A-to-D) and D-to-A conversion systems

    Digital Filters and Signal Processing

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    Digital filters, together with signal processing, are being employed in the new technologies and information systems, and are implemented in different areas and applications. Digital filters and signal processing are used with no costs and they can be adapted to different cases with great flexibility and reliability. This book presents advanced developments in digital filters and signal process methods covering different cases studies. They present the main essence of the subject, with the principal approaches to the most recent mathematical models that are being employed worldwide
