16,268 research outputs found

    Collaborative Systems – Finite State Machines

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    In this paper the finite state machines are defined and formalized. There are presented the collaborative banking systems and their correspondence is done with finite state machines. It highlights the role of finite state machines in the complexity analysis and performs operations on very large virtual databases as finite state machines. It builds the state diagram and presents the commands and documents transition between the collaborative systems states. The paper analyzes the data sets from Collaborative Multicash Servicedesk application and performs a combined analysis in order to determine certain statistics. Indicators are obtained, such as the number of requests by category and the load degree of an agent in the collaborative system.Collaborative System, Finite State Machine, Inputs, States, Outputs

    Towards an Efficient Evaluation of General Queries

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    Database applications often require to evaluate queries containing quantifiers or disjunctions, e.g., for handling general integrity constraints. Existing efficient methods for processing quantifiers depart from the relational model as they rely on non-algebraic procedures. Looking at quantified query evaluation from a new angle, we propose an approach to process quantifiers that makes use of relational algebra operators only. Our approach performs in two phases. The first phase normalizes the queries producing a canonical form. This form permits to improve the translation into relational algebra performed during the second phase. The improved translation relies on a new operator - the complement-join - that generalizes the set difference, on algebraic expressions of universal quantifiers that avoid the expensive division operator in many cases, and on a special processing of disjunctions by means of constrained outer-joins. Our method achieves an efficiency at least comparable with that of previous proposals, better in most cases. Furthermore, it is considerably simpler to implement as it completely relies on relational data structures and operators

    OntoBrowse: A World of Knowledge

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    This paper describes the creation and function of OntoBrowse, a domain-independent ontology browser system that was developed to provide generic access to any triplestore ontology without the need to create a bespoke interface. It features support for accessing multiple triplestores in one query session, bookmarks, Rendezvous sharing of bookmarks, multiple tabs, multiple windows, namespace caching and automatic generation of RDQL queries. OntoBrowse automatically loads images when referenced by URI and has a fully customisable user interface. In addition, the CIA World Factbook was asserted into a triplestore in order to gain a conceptual understanding of knowledge systems and for use as a controllable testing ground for the ontology browser

    Idempotent I/O for safe time travel

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    Debuggers for logic programming languages have traditionally had a capability most other debuggers did not: the ability to jump back to a previous state of the program, effectively travelling back in time in the history of the computation. This ``retry'' capability is very useful, allowing programmers to examine in detail a part of the computation that they previously stepped over. Unfortunately, it also creates a problem: while the debugger may be able to restore the previous values of variables, it cannot restore the part of the program's state that is affected by I/O operations. If the part of the computation being jumped back over performs I/O, then the program will perform these I/O operations twice, which will result in unwanted effects ranging from the benign (e.g. output appearing twice) to the fatal (e.g. trying to close an already closed file). We present a simple mechanism for ensuring that every I/O action called for by the program is executed at most once, even if the programmer asks the debugger to travel back in time from after the action to before the action. The overhead of this mechanism is low enough and can be controlled well enough to make it practical to use it to debug computations that do significant amounts of I/O.Comment: In M. Ronsse, K. De Bosschere (eds), proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Automated Debugging (AADEBUG 2003), September 2003, Ghent. cs.SE/030902

    Real Exchange Rates, Commodity Prices and Structural Factors in Developing Countries

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    This paper provides new empirical evidence about the relationship that may exist between real exchange rates and commodity prices in developing countries that are specialized in the export of a main primary commodity. It investigates how structural factors like the exchange rate regime, the degree of financial and trade openness, the degree of export concentration and the type of the commodity exports affect the strength of the commodity price-real exchange rate dependence.Real exchange rates, commodity prices, exchange rate regime, financial openness, panel analysis
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