19 research outputs found

    Some remarks on off-diagonal Ramsey numbers for vector spaces over F2\mathbb{F}_{2}

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    For every positive integer dd, we show that there must exist an absolute constant c>0c > 0 such that the following holds: for any integer nβ‰₯cd7n \geq cd^{7} and any red-blue coloring of the one-dimensional subspaces of F2n\mathbb{F}_{2}^{n}, there must exist either a dd-dimensional subspace for which all of its one-dimensional subspaces get colored red or a 22-dimensional subspace for which all of its one-dimensional subspaces get colored blue. This answers recent questions of Nelson and Nomoto, and confirms that for any even plane binary matroid NN, the class of NN-free, claw-free binary matroids is polynomially Ο‡\chi-bounded. Our argument will proceed via a reduction to a well-studied additive combinatorics problem, originally posed by Green: given a set AβŠ‚F2nA \subset \mathbb{F}_{2}^{n} with density α∈[0,1]\alpha \in [0,1], what is the largest subspace that we can find in A+AA+A? Our main contribution to the story is a new result for this problem in the regime where 1/Ξ±1/\alpha is large with respect to nn, which utilizes ideas from the recent breakthrough paper of Kelley and Meka on sets of integers without three-term arithmetic progressions

    A tight linear chromatic bound for (P3βˆͺP2,W4P_3\cup P_2, W_4)-free graphs

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    For two vertex disjoint graphs HH and FF, we use HβˆͺFH\cup F to denote the graph with vertex set V(H)βˆͺV(F)V(H)\cup V(F) and edge set E(H)βˆͺE(F)E(H)\cup E(F), and use H+FH+F to denote the graph with vertex set V(H)βˆͺV(F)V(H)\cup V(F) and edge set E(H)βˆͺE(F)βˆͺ{xyβ€…β€Šβˆ£β€…β€Šx∈V(H),y∈V(F)E(H)\cup E(F)\cup\{xy\;|\; x\in V(H), y\in V(F)}\}. A W4W_4 is the graph K1+C4K_1+C_4. In this paper, we prove that Ο‡(G)≀2Ο‰(G)\chi(G)\le 2\omega(G) if GG is a (P3βˆͺP2,W4P_3\cup P_2, W_4)-free graph. This bound is tight when Ο‰=2\omega =2 and 33, and improves the main result of Wang and Zhang. Also, this bound partially generalizes some results of Prashant {\em et al.}.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2308.05442, arXiv:2307.1194


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    Let GG and HH be two vertex disjoint graphs. The {\em union} GβˆͺHG\cup H is the graph with V(GβˆͺH)=V(G)βˆͺ(H)V(G\cup H)=V(G)\cup (H) and E(GβˆͺH)=E(G)βˆͺE(H)E(G\cup H)=E(G)\cup E(H). The {\em join} G+HG+H is the graph with V(G+H)=V(G)+V(H)V(G+H)=V(G)+V(H) and E(G+H)=E(G)βˆͺE(H)βˆͺ{xyβ€…β€Šβˆ£β€…β€Šx∈V(G),y∈V(H)E(G+H)=E(G)\cup E(H)\cup\{xy\;|\; x\in V(G), y\in V(H)}\}. We use PkP_k to denote a {\em path} on kk vertices, use {\em fork} to denote the graph obtained from K1,3K_{1,3} by subdividing an edge once, and use {\em crown} to denote the graph K1+K1,3K_1+K_{1,3}. In this paper, we show that (\romannumeral 1) Ο‡(G)≀32(Ο‰2(G)βˆ’Ο‰(G))\chi(G)\le\frac{3}{2}(\omega^2(G)-\omega(G)) if GG is (crown, P5P_5)-free, (\romannumeral 2) Ο‡(G)≀12(Ο‰2(G)+Ο‰(G))\chi(G)\le\frac{1}{2}(\omega^2(G)+\omega(G)) if GG is (crown, fork)-free, and (\romannumeral 3) Ο‡(G)≀12Ο‰2(G)+32Ο‰(G)+1\chi(G)\le\frac{1}{2}\omega^2(G)+\frac{3}{2}\omega(G)+1 if GG is (crown, P3βˆͺP2P_3\cup P_2)-free.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2302.0680

    Hardness of Approximating Bounded-Degree Max 2-CSP and Independent Set on k-Claw-Free Graphs

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    We consider the question of approximating Max 2-CSP where each variable appears in at most dd constraints (but with possibly arbitrarily large alphabet). There is a simple (d+12)(\frac{d+1}{2})-approximation algorithm for the problem. We prove the following results for any sufficiently large dd: - Assuming the Unique Games Conjecture (UGC), it is NP-hard (under randomized reduction) to approximate this problem to within a factor of (d2βˆ’o(d))\left(\frac{d}{2} - o(d)\right). - It is NP-hard (under randomized reduction) to approximate the problem to within a factor of (d3βˆ’o(d))\left(\frac{d}{3} - o(d)\right). Thanks to a known connection [Dvorak et al., Algorithmica 2023], we establish the following hardness results for approximating Maximum Independent Set on kk-claw-free graphs: - Assuming the Unique Games Conjecture (UGC), it is NP-hard (under randomized reduction) to approximate this problem to within a factor of (k4βˆ’o(k))\left(\frac{k}{4} - o(k)\right). - It is NP-hard (under randomized reduction) to approximate the problem to within a factor of (k3+22βˆ’o(k))β‰₯(k5.829βˆ’o(k))\left(\frac{k}{3 + 2\sqrt{2}} - o(k)\right) \geq \left(\frac{k}{5.829} - o(k)\right). In comparison, known approximation algorithms achieve (k2βˆ’o(k))\left(\frac{k}{2} - o(k)\right)-approximation in polynomial time [Neuwohner, STACS 2021; Thiery and Ward, SODA 2023] and (k3+o(k))(\frac{k}{3} + o(k))-approximation in quasi-polynomial time [Cygan et al., SODA 2013]

    Connected k-Partition of k-Connected Graphs and c-Claw-Free Graphs

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    w_k. In particular for the balanced version, i.e. w? = w? == w_k, this gives a partition with 1/3w_i ? w(T_i) ? 3w_i