2 research outputs found

    Pancyclicity of 4-connected {Claw, Generalized Bull}-free Graphs

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    A graph G is pancyclic if it contains cycles of each length ℓ, 3 ≤ ℓ ≤ |V (G)|. The generalized bull B(i, j) is obtained by associating one endpoint of each of the paths P i+1 and P j+1 with distinct vertices of a triangle. Gould, Luczak and Pfende

    Claw-free 3-connected P11-free graphs are hamiltonian

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    We show that every 3-connected claw-free graph which contains no induced copy of P_11 is hamiltonian. Since there exist non-hamiltonian 3-connected claw-free graphs without induced copies of P_-12 this result is, in a way, best possible