28 research outputs found

    An Audio-Based Vehicle Classifier Using Convolutional Neural Network

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    Audio-based event and scene classification are getting more attention in recent years. Many examples of environmental noise detection, vehicle classification, and soundscape analysis are developed using state of art deep learning techniques. The major noise source in urban and rural areas is road traffic noise. Environmental noise pa-rameters for urban and rural small roads have not been investigated due to some practical reasons. The purpose of this study is to develop an audio-based traffic classifier for rural and urban small roads which have limited or no traffic flow data to supply values for noise mapping and other noise metrics. An audio-based vehicle classifier a convolutional neural network-based algorithm was pro-posed using Mel spectrogram of audio signals as an input feature. Different variations of the network were generated by changing the parameters of the convolu-tional layers and the length of the network. Filter size, number of filters were tested with a dataset prepared with various real-life traffic records and audio extracts from traffic videos. The precision of the networks was evaluated with the common performance metrics. Further assessments were conducted with longer audio files and predictions of the system compared with actual traffic flow. The results showed that convolutional neural networks can be used to classify road traffic noise sources and perform outstandingly for single or double-lane roads

    Audiogmenter: a MATLAB Toolbox for Audio Data Augmentation

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    Audio data augmentation is a key step in training deep neural networks for solving audio classification tasks. In this paper, we introduce Audiogmenter, a novel audio data augmentation library in MATLAB. We provide 15 different augmentation algorithms for raw audio data and 8 for spectrograms. We efficiently implemented several augmentation techniques whose usefulness has been extensively proved in the literature. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest MATLAB audio data augmentation library freely available. We validate the efficiency of our algorithms evaluating them on the ESC-50 dataset. The toolbox and its documentation can be downloaded at https://github.com/LorisNanni/Audiogmenter

    Timage -- A Robust Time Series Classification Pipeline

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    Time series are series of values ordered by time. This kind of data can be found in many real world settings. Classifying time series is a difficult task and an active area of research. This paper investigates the use of transfer learning in Deep Neural Networks and a 2D representation of time series known as Recurrence Plots. In order to utilize the research done in the area of image classification, where Deep Neural Networks have achieved very good results, we use a Residual Neural Networks architecture known as ResNet. As preprocessing of time series is a major part of every time series classification pipeline, the method proposed simplifies this step and requires only few parameters. For the first time we propose a method for multi time series classification: Training a single network to classify all datasets in the archive with one network. We are among the first to evaluate the method on the latest 2018 release of the UCR archive, a well established time series classification benchmarking dataset.Comment: ICANN19, 28th International Conference on Artificial Neural Network