102,002 research outputs found

    The Role of Digital Products Under the WTO: A New Framework for GATT and GATS Classification

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    This Comment provides a new system of classifying digital products as goods or services under international trade law. Under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), WTO member states have limited power to impose protectionist measures on the importation of goods. Under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), states face similar limitations on their ability to restrict international trade in services. But GATS only applies if states opt in, meaning that countries can choose which services are subject to trade liberalization. Within the GATT-GATS framework, digital products are notoriously difficult to classify because they possess traditional characteristics of both goods and services. Though this Comment applies to different types of digital products, it focuses on the international trade of 3D renderings used for additive manufacturing, as this is a type of digital product that has not received any attention in international trade literature. This Comment proposes a three-part taxonomy for distinguishing digital goods from digital services. To distinguish goods from services, I first look at formalistic definitions of good and services. Next, I look at practical concerns of consistency across international trade. Finally, I investigate the underlying goals of the WTO to identify which classification best suits digital products. I conclude that digital products should be treated as services and therefore be governed by the GATS

    Land cover map 2007: using OBIA for LCM2007

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    Land cover map 2007 (LCM2007) is an object-based land cover map for the UK containing around 10 million objects. The LCM2007 spatial framework is based on the generalisation of national cartography products (OS MasterMap for Great Britain and Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland for NI). 34 composite images (based on summer and winter data) were classified using a maximum likelihood classifier. Areas where composite data were not available were filled with classifications from single-date data. A set of knowledge-based enhancements (KBEs) were then applied to refine the classification using ancillary data sets, including soil and altitude data. The final product showed a correspondence of 83%, when compared to 9127 ground reference polygons. A range of LCM2007 data products are available ranging from the full vector data set, with 10 attributes per polygon, to a 25m raster data set and a series of 1km raster products

    Creative products in international trade statistics

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    Changes in international statistics relating to the methods of classifying trade transactions in goods and services are analyzed in the further part of this paper. The author of the study makes also an attempt to evaluate if these changes are aimed at increasing the inclusion of embodied services and services delivered electronically into the value of international trade in services.Celem publikacji jest wykazanie, iż większość produktów wytwarzanych przez "przemysły kreatywne", to w rzeczywistości kreatywne usługi zawarte w towarach, a w międzynarodowej wymianie produktami kreatywnymi dominują produkty usługowe. W dalszej części publikacji analizie poddano zmiany w statystykach międzynarodowych, dotyczące sposobu klasyfikacji transakcji w handlu towarami i usługami. Autor publikacji podejmuje również próbę oceny tych zmian, pod kątem tego czy zmierzają one w kierunku zwiększenia stopnia włączenia usług zawartych w towarach oraz usług przesyłanych w formie sygnału elektronicznego do wartości międzynarodowego handlu usługami

    A Study of SVM Kernel Functions for Sensitivity Classification Ensembles with POS Sequences

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    Freedom of Information (FOI) laws legislate that government documents should be opened to the public. However, many government documents contain sensitive information, such as confidential information, that is exempt from release. Therefore, government documents must be sensitivity reviewed prior to release, to identify and close any sensitive information. With the adoption of born-digital documents, such as email, there is a need for automatic sensitivity classification to assist digital sensitivity review. SVM classifiers and Part-of-Speech sequences have separately been shown to be promising for sensitivity classification. However, sequence classification methodologies, and specifically SVM kernel functions, have not been fully investigated for sensitivity classification. Therefore, in this work, we present an evaluation of five SVM kernel functions for sensitivity classification using POS sequences. Moreover, we show that an ensemble classifier that combines POS sequence classification with text classification can significantly improve sensitivity classification effectiveness (+6.09% F2) compared with a text classification baseline, according to McNemar's test of significance

    Automated post-fault diagnosis of power system disturbances

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    In order to automate the analysis of SCADA and digital fault recorder (DFR) data for a transmission network operator in the UK, the authors have developed an industrial strength multi-agent system entitled protection engineering diagnostic agents (PEDA). The PEDA system integrates a number of legacy intelligent systems for analyzing power system data as autonomous intelligent agents. The integration achieved through multi-agent systems technology enhances the diagnostic support offered to engineers by focusing the analysis on the most pertinent DFR data based on the results of the analysis of SCADA. Since November 2004 the PEDA system has been operating online at a UK utility. In this paper the authors focus on the underlying intelligent system techniques, i.e. rule-based expert systems, model-based reasoning and state-of-the-art multi-agent system technology, that PEDA employs and the lessons learnt through its deployment and online use