262 research outputs found

    Ranking algorithms for implicit feedback

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    This report presents novel algorithms to use eye movements as an implicit relevance feedback in order to improve the performance of the searches. The algorithms are evaluated on "Transport Rank Five" Dataset which were previously collected in Task 8.3. We demonstrated that simple linear combination or tensor product of eye movement and image features can improve the retrieval accuracy

    Learning to rank using privileged information

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    Many computer vision problems have an asymmetric distribution of information between training and test time. In this work, we study the case where we are given additional information about the training data, which however will not be available at test time. This situation is called learning using privileged information (LUPI). We introduce two maximum-margin techniques that are able to make use of this additional source of information, and we show that the framework is applicable to several scenarios that have been studied in computer vision before. Experiments with attributes, bounding boxes, image tags and rationales as additional information in object classification show promising results


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    The standard approach to recognizing text in images consists in first classifying local image regions into candidate characters and then combining them with high-level word models such as conditional random fields (CRF). This paper explores a new paradigm that departs from this bottom-up view. We propose to embed word labels and word images into a common Euclidean space. Given a word image to be recognized, the text recognition problem is cast as one of retrieval: find the closest word label in this space. This common space is learned using the Structured SVM (SSVM) framework by enforcing matching label-image pairs to be closer than non-matching pairs. This method presents the following advantages: it does not require costly pre- or post-processing operations, it allows for the recognition of never-seen-before words and the recognition process is efficient. Experiments are performed on two challenging datasets (one of license plates and one of scene text) and show that the proposed method is competitive with standard bottom-up approaches to text recognition. 1 Introduction and related wor

    Deep Multi-view Learning to Rank

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    We study the problem of learning to rank from multiple information sources. Though multi-view learning and learning to rank have been studied extensively leading to a wide range of applications, multi-view learning to rank as a synergy of both topics has received little attention. The aim of the paper is to propose a composite ranking method while keeping a close correlation with the individual rankings simultaneously. We present a generic framework for multi-view subspace learning to rank (MvSL2R), and two novel solutions are introduced under the framework. The first solution captures information of feature mappings from within each view as well as across views using autoencoder-like networks. Novel feature embedding methods are formulated in the optimization of multi-view unsupervised and discriminant autoencoders. Moreover, we introduce an end-to-end solution to learning towards both the joint ranking objective and the individual rankings. The proposed solution enhances the joint ranking with minimum view-specific ranking loss, so that it can achieve the maximum global view agreements in a single optimization process. The proposed method is evaluated on three different ranking problems, i.e. university ranking, multi-view lingual text ranking and image data ranking, providing superior results compared to related methods.Comment: Published at IEEE TKD

    Collaborative Filtering with Preferences Inferred from Brain Signals

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    Collaborative filtering is a common technique in which interaction data from a large number of users are used to recommend items to an individual that the individual may prefer but has not interacted with. Previous approaches have achieved this using a variety of behavioral signals, from dwell time and clickthrough rates to self-reported ratings. However, such signals are mere estimations of the real underlying preferences of the users. Here, we use brain-computer interfacing to infer preferences directly from the human brain. We then utilize these preferences in a collaborative filtering setting and report results from an experiment where brain inferred preferences are used in a neural collaborative filtering framework. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that brain-computer interfacing can provide a viable alternative for behavioral and self-reported preferences in realistic recommendation scenarios. We also discuss the broader implications of our findings for personalization systems and user privacy.Peer reviewe
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