1,454 research outputs found

    Classifying spaces for commutativity of low-dimensional Lie groups

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    For each of the groups G=O(2),SU(2),U(2)G = O(2), SU(2), U(2), we compute the integral and F2\mathbb{F}_2-cohomology rings of BcomGB_\text{com} G (the classifying space for commutativity of GG), the action of the Steenrod algebra on the mod 2 cohomology, the homotopy type of EcomGE_\text{com} G (the homotopy fiber of the inclusion BcomG→BGB_\text{com} G \to BG), and some low-dimensional homotopy groups of BcomGB_\text{com} G.Comment: A shortened version, without the appendices, has been accepted in Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. So

    T-duality for torus bundles with H-fluxes via noncommutative topology, II: the high-dimensional case and the T-duality group

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    We use noncommutative topology to study T-duality for principal torus bundles with H-flux. We characterize precisely when there is a "classical" T-dual, i.e., a dual bundle with dual H-flux, and when the T-dual must be "non-classical," that is, a continuous field of noncommutative tori. The duality comes with an isomorphism of twisted KK-theories, required for matching of D-brane charges, just as in the classical case. The isomorphism of twisted cohomology which one gets in the classical case is replaced in the non-classical case by an isomorphism of twisted cyclic homology. An important part of the paper contains a detailed analysis of the classifying space for topological T-duality, as well as the T-duality group and its action. The issue of possible non-uniqueness of T-duals can be studied via the action of the T-duality group.Comment: Latex2e, 36 pages, 2 figures, uses xypic, few minor changes mad

    Niceness theorems

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    Many things in mathematics seem lamost unreasonably nice. This includes objects, counterexamples, proofs. In this preprint I discuss many examples of this phenomenon with emphasis on the ring of polynomials in a countably infinite number of variables in its many incarnations such as the representing object of the Witt vectors, the direct sum of the rings of representations of the symmetric groups, the free lambda ring on one generator, the homology and cohomology of the classifying space BU, ... . In addition attention is paid to the phenomenon that solutions to universal problems (adjoint functors) tend to pick up extra structure.Comment: 52 page

    Excision for deformation K-theory of free products

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    Associated to a discrete group GG, one has the topological category of finite dimensional (unitary) GG-representations and (unitary) isomorphisms. Block sums provide this category with a permutative structure, and the associated KK-theory spectrum is Carlsson's deformation KK-theory of G. The goal of this paper is to examine the behavior of this functor on free products. Our main theorem shows the square of spectra associated to G∗HG*H (considered as an amalgamated product over the trivial group) is homotopy cartesian. The proof uses a general result regarding group completions of homotopy commutative topological monoids, which may be of some independent interest.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure. Final version: The title has changed, and the paper has been substantially revised to improve clarit
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