9 research outputs found

    Classification of Radiology Reports Using Neural Attention Models

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    The electronic health record (EHR) contains a large amount of multi-dimensional and unstructured clinical data of significant operational and research value. Distinguished from previous studies, our approach embraces a double-annotated dataset and strays away from obscure "black-box" models to comprehensive deep learning models. In this paper, we present a novel neural attention mechanism that not only classifies clinically important findings. Specifically, convolutional neural networks (CNN) with attention analysis are used to classify radiology head computed tomography reports based on five categories that radiologists would account for in assessing acute and communicable findings in daily practice. The experiments show that our CNN attention models outperform non-neural models, especially when trained on a larger dataset. Our attention analysis demonstrates the intuition behind the classifier's decision by generating a heatmap that highlights attended terms used by the CNN model; this is valuable when potential downstream medical decisions are to be performed by human experts or the classifier information is to be used in cohort construction such as for epidemiological studies

    Labelling imaging datasets on the basis of neuroradiology reports: a validation study

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    Natural language processing (NLP) shows promise as a means to automate the labelling of hospital-scale neuroradiology magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets for computer vision applications. To date, however, there has been no thorough investigation into the validity of this approach, including determining the accuracy of report labels compared to image labels as well as examining the performance of non-specialist labellers. In this work, we draw on the experience of a team of neuroradiologists who labelled over 5000 MRI neuroradiology reports as part of a project to build a dedicated deep learning-based neuroradiology report classifier. We show that, in our experience, assigning binary labels (i.e. normal vs abnormal) to images from reports alone is highly accurate. In contrast to the binary labels, however, the accuracy of more granular labelling is dependent on the category, and we highlight reasons for this discrepancy. We also show that downstream model performance is reduced when labelling of training reports is performed by a non-specialist. To allow other researchers to accelerate their research, we make our refined abnormality definitions and labelling rules available, as well as our easy-to-use radiology report labelling app which helps streamline this process


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    Radiology is experiencing an increased interest in machine learning with its ability to use a large amount of available data. However, it remains unclear how and to what extent machine learning will affect radiology businesses. Conducting a systematic literature review and expert interviews, we compile the opportunities and challenges of machine learning along the radiology value chain to discuss their implications for the radiology business. Machine learning can improve diagnostic quality by reducing human errors, accurately analysing large amounts of data, quantifying reports, and integrating data. Hence, it strengthens radiology businesses seeking product or service leadership. Machine learning fosters efficiency by automating accompanying activities such as generating study protocols or reports, avoiding duplicate work due to low image quality, and supporting radiologists. These efficiency improvements advance the operational excellence strategy. By providing personnel and proactive medical solutions beyond the radiology silo, machine learning supports a customer intimacy strategy. However, the opportunities face challenges that are technical (i.e., lack of data, weak labelling, and generalisation), legal (i.e., regulatory approval and privacy laws), and persuasive (i.e., radiologists’ resistance and patients’ distrust). Our findings shed light on the strategic positioning of radiology businesses, contributing to academic discourse and practical decision-making

    A systematic review of natural language processing applied to radiology reports

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    NLP has a significant role in advancing healthcare and has been found to be key in extracting structured information from radiology reports. Understanding recent developments in NLP application to radiology is of significance but recent reviews on this are limited. This study systematically assesses recent literature in NLP applied to radiology reports. Our automated literature search yields 4,799 results using automated filtering, metadata enriching steps and citation search combined with manual review. Our analysis is based on 21 variables including radiology characteristics, NLP methodology, performance, study, and clinical application characteristics. We present a comprehensive analysis of the 164 publications retrieved with each categorised into one of 6 clinical application categories. Deep learning use increases but conventional machine learning approaches are still prevalent. Deep learning remains challenged when data is scarce and there is little evidence of adoption into clinical practice. Despite 17% of studies reporting greater than 0.85 F1 scores, it is hard to comparatively evaluate these approaches given that most of them use different datasets. Only 14 studies made their data and 15 their code available with 10 externally validating results. Automated understanding of clinical narratives of the radiology reports has the potential to enhance the healthcare process but reproducibility and explainability of models are important if the domain is to move applications into clinical use. More could be done to share code enabling validation of methods on different institutional data and to reduce heterogeneity in reporting of study properties allowing inter-study comparisons. Our results have significance for researchers providing a systematic synthesis of existing work to build on, identify gaps, opportunities for collaboration and avoid duplication

    Automatic annotation of narrative radiology reports

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    Narrative texts in electronic health records can be efficiently utilized for building decision support systems in the clinic, only if they are correctly interpreted automatically in accordance with a specified standard. This paper tackles the problem of developing an automated method of labeling free-form radiology reports, as a precursor for building query-capable report databases in hospitals. The analyzed dataset consists of 1295 radiology reports concerning the condition of a knee, retrospectively gathered at the Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka, Croatia. Reports were manually labeled with one or more labels from a set of 10 most commonly occurring clinical conditions. After primary preprocessing of the texts, two sets of text classification methods were compared: (1) traditional classification models—Naive Bayes (NB), Logistic Regression (LR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Random Forests (RF)—coupled with Bag-of-Words (BoW) features (i.e., symbolic text representation) and (2) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) coupled with dense word vectors (i.e., word embeddings as a semantic text representation) as input features. We resorted to nested 10-fold cross-validation to evaluate the performance of competing methods using accuracy, precision, recall, and F 1 score. The CNN with semantic word representations as input yielded the overall best performance, having a micro-averaged F 1 score of 86 . 7 % . The CNN classifier yielded particularly encouraging results for the most represented conditions: degenerative disease ( 95 . 9 % ), arthrosis ( 93 . 3 % ), and injury ( 89 . 2 % ). As a data-hungry deep learning model, the CNN, however, performed notably worse than the competing models on underrepresented classes with fewer training instances such as multicausal disease or metabolic disease. LR, RF, and SVM performed comparably well, with the obtained micro-averaged F 1 scores of 84 . 6 % , 82 . 2 % , and 82 . 1 % , respectively

    A CNN-LSTM for predicting mortality in the ICU

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    An accurate predicted mortality is crucial to healthcare as it provides an empirical risk estimate for prognostic decision making, patient stratification and hospital benchmarking. Current prediction methods in practice are severity of disease scoring systems that usually involve a fixed set of admission attributes and summarized physiological data. These systems are prone to bias and require substantial manual effort which necessitates an updated approach which can account for most shortcomings. Clinical observation notes allow for recording highly subjective data on the patient that can possibly facilitate higher discrimination. Moreover, deep learning models can automatically extract and select features without human input.This thesis investigates the potential of a combination of a deep learning model and notes for predicting mortality with a higher accuracy. A custom architecture, called CNN-LSTM, is conceptualized for mapping multiple notes compiled in a hospital stay to a mortality outcome. It employs both convolutional and recurrent layers with the former capturing semantic relationships in individual notes independently and the latter capturing temporal relationships between concurrent notes in a hospital stay. This approach is compared to three severity of disease scoring systems with a case study on the MIMIC-III dataset. Experiments are set up to assess the CNN-LSTM for predicting mortality using only the notes from the first 24, 12 and 48 hours of a patient stay. The model is trained using K-fold cross-validation with k=5 and the mortality probability calculated by the three severity scores on the held-out set is used as the baseline. It is found that the CNN-LSTM outperforms the baseline on all experiments which serves as a proof-of-concept of how notes and deep learning can better outcome prediction

    A systematic review of natural language processing applied to radiology reports

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    Background: Natural language processing (NLP) has a significant role in advancing healthcare and has been found to be key in extracting structured information from radiology reports. Understanding recent developments in NLP application to radiology is of significance but recent reviews on this are limited. This study systematically assesses and quantifies recent literature in NLP applied to radiology reports. Methods: We conduct an automated literature search yielding 4836 results using automated filtering, metadata enriching steps and citation search combined with manual review. Our analysis is based on 21 variables including radiology characteristics, NLP methodology, performance, study, and clinical application characteristics. Results: We present a comprehensive analysis of the 164 publications retrieved with publications in 2019 almost triple those in 2015. Each publication is categorised into one of 6 clinical application categories. Deep learning use increases in the period but conventional machine learning approaches are still prevalent. Deep learning remains challenged when data is scarce and there is little evidence of adoption into clinical practice. Despite 17% of studies reporting greater than 0.85 F1 scores, it is hard to comparatively evaluate these approaches given that most of them use different datasets. Only 14 studies made their data and 15 their code available with 10 externally validating results. Conclusions: Automated understanding of clinical narratives of the radiology reports has the potential to enhance the healthcare process and we show that research in this field continues to grow. Reproducibility and explainability of models are important if the domain is to move applications into clinical use. More could be done to share code enabling validation of methods on different institutional data and to reduce heterogeneity in reporting of study properties allowing inter-study comparisons. Our results have significance for researchers in the field providing a systematic synthesis of existing work to build on, identify gaps, opportunities for collaboration and avoid duplication