8,166 research outputs found

    Deep weakly-supervised learning methods for classification and localization in histology images: a survey

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    Using state-of-the-art deep learning models for cancer diagnosis presents several challenges related to the nature and availability of labeled histology images. In particular, cancer grading and localization in these images normally relies on both image- and pixel-level labels, the latter requiring a costly annotation process. In this survey, deep weakly-supervised learning (WSL) models are investigated to identify and locate diseases in histology images, without the need for pixel-level annotations. Given training data with global image-level labels, these models allow to simultaneously classify histology images and yield pixel-wise localization scores, thereby identifying the corresponding regions of interest (ROI). Since relevant WSL models have mainly been investigated within the computer vision community, and validated on natural scene images, we assess the extent to which they apply to histology images which have challenging properties, e.g. very large size, similarity between foreground/background, highly unstructured regions, stain heterogeneity, and noisy/ambiguous labels. The most relevant models for deep WSL are compared experimentally in terms of accuracy (classification and pixel-wise localization) on several public benchmark histology datasets for breast and colon cancer -- BACH ICIAR 2018, BreaKHis, CAMELYON16, and GlaS. Furthermore, for large-scale evaluation of WSL models on histology images, we propose a protocol to construct WSL datasets from Whole Slide Imaging. Results indicate that several deep learning models can provide a high level of classification accuracy, although accurate pixel-wise localization of cancer regions remains an issue for such images. Code is publicly available.Comment: 35 pages, 18 figure

    MCUa: Multi-level Context and Uncertainty aware Dynamic Deep Ensemble for Breast Cancer Histology Image Classification

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    Breast histology image classification is a crucial step in the early diagnosis of breast cancer. In breast pathological diagnosis, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have demonstrated great success using digitized histology slides. However, tissue classification is still challenging due to the high visual variability of the large-sized digitized samples and the lack of contextual information. In this paper, we propose a novel CNN, called Multilevel Context and Uncertainty aware (MCUa) dynamic deep learning ensemble model. MCUa model consists of several multi-level context aware models to learn the spatial dependency between image patches in a layer-wise fashion. It exploits the high sensitivity to the multi-level contextual information using an uncertainty quantification component to accomplish a novel dynamic ensemble model. MCUa model has achieved a high accuracy of 98.11% on a breast cancer histology image dataset. Experimental results show the superior effectiveness of the proposed solution compared to the state-of-the-art histology classification models

    Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network for Breast Cancer Histology Image Classification

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    This paper explores the problem of breast tissue classification of microscopy images. Based on the predominant cancer type the goal is to classify images into four categories of normal, benign, in situ carcinoma, and invasive carcinoma. Given a suitable training dataset, we utilize deep learning techniques to address the classification problem. Due to the large size of each image in the training dataset, we propose a patch-based technique which consists of two consecutive convolutional neural networks. The first "patch-wise" network acts as an auto-encoder that extracts the most salient features of image patches while the second "image-wise" network performs classification of the whole image. The first network is pre-trained and aimed at extracting local information while the second network obtains global information of an input image. We trained the networks using the ICIAR 2018 grand challenge on BreAst Cancer Histology (BACH) dataset. The proposed method yields 95 % accuracy on the validation set compared to previously reported 77 % accuracy rates in the literature. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/ImagingLab/ICIAR2018Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, ICIAR 2018 conferenc

    Improve the performance of transfer learning without fine-tuning using dissimilarity-based multi-view learning for breast cancer histology images

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    Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and leading cancer-related death causes for women. In the context of ICIAR 2018 Grand Challenge on Breast Cancer Histology Images, we compare one handcrafted feature extractor and five transfer learning feature extractors based on deep learning. We find out that the deep learning networks pretrained on ImageNet have better performance than the popular handcrafted features used for breast cancer histology images. The best feature extractor achieves an average accuracy of 79.30%. To improve the classification performance, a random forest dissimilarity based integration method is used to combine different feature groups together. When the five deep learning feature groups are combined, the average accuracy is improved to 82.90% (best accuracy 85.00%). When handcrafted features are combined with the five deep learning feature groups, the average accuracy is improved to 87.10% (best accuracy 93.00%)

    Improving High Resolution Histology Image Classification with Deep Spatial Fusion Network

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    Histology imaging is an essential diagnosis method to finalize the grade and stage of cancer of different tissues, especially for breast cancer diagnosis. Specialists often disagree on the final diagnosis on biopsy tissue due to the complex morphological variety. Although convolutional neural networks (CNN) have advantages in extracting discriminative features in image classification, directly training a CNN on high resolution histology images is computationally infeasible currently. Besides, inconsistent discriminative features often distribute over the whole histology image, which incurs challenges in patch-based CNN classification method. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture for automatic classification of high resolution histology images. First, an adapted residual network is employed to explore hierarchical features without attenuation. Second, we develop a robust deep fusion network to utilize the spatial relationship between patches and learn to correct the prediction bias generated from inconsistent discriminative feature distribution. The proposed method is evaluated using 10-fold cross-validation on 400 high resolution breast histology images with balanced labels and reports 95% accuracy on 4-class classification and 98.5% accuracy, 99.6% AUC on 2-class classification (carcinoma and non-carcinoma), which substantially outperforms previous methods and close to pathologist performance.Comment: 8 pages, MICCAI workshop preceeding