2 research outputs found

    Classification methods for finding articles describing protein-protein interactions in PubMed

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    With the rapid expansion in the number of published papers in the biomedical field, finding relevant articles has become a demanding task for researchers. This has led to increasing interest in the use of text mining tools that help search the literature and identify the most relevant documents or information. One specific topic of interest is related to the identification of articles that might be used for extracting protein-protein interactions. Using the BioCreative III Article Classification Task dataset, composed of PubMed abstracts classified as relevant or non-relevant for describing protein-protein interactions, we compare different classification methods with different sets of features. The best results - area under the interpolated precision-recall curve of 0.654 - indicate that the proposed classification strategy could be incorporated in the database curation workflows in order to prioritize articles for extraction of protein-protein interactions. Furthermore, we also analysed the use of this method for ranking documents resulting from general PubMed queries, and propose that this approach could be useful for general researchers looking for publications describing protein-protein interactions within a particular topic of interest

    Plataforma colaborativa de anotação de literatura biomédica

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaWith the overwhelming amount of biomedical textual information being produced, several manual curation efforts have been set up to extract and store concepts and their relationships into structured resources. Since manual annotation is a very demanding and expensive task, computerized solutions were developed to perform such tasks automatically. Nevertheless, high-end information extraction techniques are still not widely used by biomedical research communities, mainly due to the lack of standards and limitations in usability. Interactive annotation tools intend to fill this gap, taking advantage of automatic techniques and existing knowledge bases to assist expert curators in their daily tasks. This thesis presents Egas, a web-based platform for biomedical text mining and assisted curation with highly usable interfaces for manual and automatic inline annotation of concepts and relations. Furthermore, a comprehensive set of knowledge bases are integrated and indexed to provide straightforward concept normalization features. Additionally, curators can also rely on real-time collaboration and conversation functionalities allowing discussing details of the annotation task as well as providing instant feedback of curators interactions. Egas also provides interfaces for on-demand management of the annotation task settings and guidelines, and supports standard formats and literature services to import and export documents. By taking advantage of Egas, we participated in the BioCreative IV interactive annotation task, targeting the assisted identification of protein-protein interactions described in PubMed abstracts related to neuropathological disorders. Thereby, when evaluated by expert curators, Egas obtained very positive scores in terms of usability, reliability and performance. These results, together with the provided innovative features, place Egas as a state-of-the-art solution for fast and accurate curation of information, facilitating the task of creating and updating knowledge bases in a more consistent way.Com o acréscimo da quantidade de literatura biomédica a ser produzida todos os dias, vários esforços têm sido feitos para tentar extrair e armazenar de forma estruturada os conceitos e as relações nela presentes. Por outro lado, uma vez que a extração manual de conceitos compreende uma tarefa extremamente exigente e exaustiva, algumas soluções de anotação automática foram surgindo. No entanto, mesmo os sistemas de anotação mais completos não têm sido muito bem recebidos no seio das equipas de investigação, em grande parte devido às falhas a nível de usabilidade e de interface standards. Para colmatar esta falha são necessárias ferramentas de anotação interativa, que tirem proveito de sistemas de anotação automática e de bases de dados já existentes, para ajudar os anotadores nas suas tarefas do dia-a-dia. Nesta dissertação iremos apresentar uma plataforma de anotação de literatura biomédica orientada para a usabilidade e que suporta anotação manual e automática. No mesmo sentido, integramos no sistema várias bases de dados, no intuito de facilitar a normalização dos conceitos anotados. Por outro lado, os utilizadores podem também contar com funcionalidades colaborativas em toda a aplicação, estimulando assim a interação entre os anotadores e, desta forma, a produção de melhores resultados. O sistema apresenta ainda funcionalidades para importar e exportar ficheiros, gestão de projetos e diretivas de anotação. Com esta plataforma, Egas, participámos na tarefa de anotação interativa do BioCreative IV (IAT), nomeadamente na identificação de interações proteína-proteína. Depois de avaliado por um conjunto de anotadores, o Egas obteve os melhores resultados entre os sistemas apresentados, relativamente à usabilidade, confiança e desempenho