1,669 research outputs found

    Navigation service with perspectives of digital technology developments in maritime sector

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    Risk assessment, study and management on navigational safety in the Yangtze River during dry season

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    Proposals for the improvement of maritime administration and policy in Vietnam

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    A study on pilotage risk assessment in Jiangsu Section of the Yangtze River

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    This thesis answers the question: What are the core domestic maritime transportation system waterway vulnerabilities for the Carrier Strike Group power projection capabilities of the United States? There is a multitude of threats that the United States Navy faces in todayā€™s world, such as terrorism, great power competition, and contention for freedom of the seas. Some of these originate in the homeland, such as threats to U.S. waterways that are home to surface naval vessels. Vulnerabilities to these waterways in the form of natural disasters, accidents, adversarial attacks, and management issues can potentially disrupt normal maritime operations and the power projection capabilities of the U.S. Navy. Within the continental United States, surface fleet naval bases are located within open civilian waterways, complete with interdependent infrastructure including international trade terminals, bridges, tunnels, and transportation nodes. When operating within the United States maritime transportation system infrastructure, the U.S. Navy operations are vulnerable. This thesis describes and analyzes three regions where carriers are homeported in the United States and assesses the maritime transportation system through risk assessment, reliability engineering, worst-case planning, and surprise adaptation. The assessments are then compared and contrasted to provide recommendations for improving domestic vulnerabilities to aircraft carrier power projection.Lieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    China maritime safety administration in the new millenium : challenges and strategies

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    Using Automatic Identification System Data in Vessel Route Prediction and Seaport Operations

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    In this paper, the authors perform a comprehensive literature review on the use of data obtained from the Automatic Identification System, with an emphasis on vessel route prediction and seaport operations. The usage of Automatic Identification System vesselā€™s position data in the vessel route prediction and seaport operations has been analyzed, to prove that Automatic Identification System data has a large potential to improve the efficiency of maritime transport. The authors concluded that proper vessel route prediction and route planning can improve voyage safety and reduce unnecessary costs. Furthermore, AIS can provide port authorities with early warnings, allowing them to take preemptive action to avoid possible congestions and unnecessary costs

    Improving the function of vessel traffic services in China through costs and benefits analysis

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    Development and implementation of uniform safety standards for inland waterways vessels and non-convention craft in Africa : the case of the Southern African Development Community (SADC)

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    This dissertation focuses on the enhancement of maritime safety and environmental protection in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) through the development and implementation of uniform regional safety standards. The study looks at a multiplicity of issues to be considered to achieve the desired goal. A brief look is taken of the existing legislative framework and institutional arrangements in the region both in the dissertation and annexes. Initiatives being taken both at national level and regional level to address the problems will be analysed with emphasis on those taken at regional level. The study also looks at diverse issues of flag state implementation and Maritime Administration. The roles of the flag states in implementing the Model Regulations are explained. The requirements for establishment of an efficient Maritime Administration to carry out these roles are also determined by analysing the weaknesses in the present institutional arrangements. The best option and process of legislating the Model safety regulations has been determined and solutions to any problems that may arise suggested. A critique of some provisions in the Model Regulations has been done. Several issues pertaining to Safety of navigation have been examined. New projects to enhance safety and environmental protection have been determined. This study goes further to look into how the region can benefit from Technical Cooperation to implement the projects. Recommendations on the need for further investigation on the subject have been mad

    Training of manpower in the marine fishing industry of Nigeria

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    Although specialised agencies of ā€˜\u27the United Nations Organisation have assisted in the development of the Nigerian fishing industry, this assistance has been directed mainly to the organisation and management of traditional fishermen of the riverine villages whilst the less labour intensive and more productive industrial fishing at sea has been left to the exploitation of foreigners. More than 160 trawlers, some being more than 3,500 CRT, currently operate under licence in the exclusive economic zone of Nigeria and not one of them is manned entirely by Nigerians. The subject of manpower development in the sea-fishing industry of Nigeria is therefore one that is in need of urgent attention and so the purposes of this project are to direct attention to it, to the main problems associated with it and to offer some constructive suggestions concerning it. In the achievement of these ends, the author examines the international provisions for training, the relevant laws and regulations of Nigeria, the School of Fisheries already established in Nigeria and the general maritime training in the country. Using his experience of the training systems of some other countries, he then highlights the lessons to be learned and proposes possible solutions to the main problems identified
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