1 research outputs found

    Some Application of Switched Current Circuits.

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    A complete digital signal processing system requires analog circuits acting as an interface between the digital system and the outside analog world. Various techniques have been proposed to implement these circuits, but the one compatible with digital technology is switched capacitor (SC) technique. However, there are still some problems with SC circuits which are as follows: (i) The process technology used for these circuits is not compatible with the standard digital process technology due to extra poly-silicon layer, (ii) the performance of these circuits worsens for low voltage operations, because lower supply voltage will tend to increase power consumption for the same dynamic range, and in order to maintain the same dynamic range on a low supply voltage requires a quadratic increase in sampling capacitance to reduce thermal noise. The required increase in bias current to maintain circuit bandwidth results in a net increase in the overall power consumption. To overcome these problems, a new technique called the switched current (SI) technique has been proposed. The technique utilizes the ability of an MOS transistor to maintain its drain current, when its gate is open circuited, through the charge stored on its gate oxide capacitance. In this technique signals are represented by currents instead of voltages and, therefore, the signal swing is only indirectly limited by a reduction of the available voltage range. In a traditional voltage mode circuit, the supply voltage imposes a direct limitation on signal swing. Switched current circuits could therefore be a better for low voltage operation. 5 The application of switched current systems is much same as for switched capacitor systems viz. filters, A/D and D/A converters, general signal processing etc. but the prime aim is that switched current circuits should be implemented using a standard VLSI. In this work, the SI technique has been studied and several reported SI circuits have been simulated for their performance. Specifically, the work was aimed at the study of developing SI technique for the design of high performance circuits such as Integrators, Differentiators, Programmable filters, A/D and D/A converters, Sigma Delta Modulators, Multipliers, Delays etc. All the investigations are based on the PSPICE simulations using model parameters of the BISIM335 MOS transistors. The investigations match the theoretical interpretations and predictions. The entire gamut of this dissertation has been to study the already reported SI circuits and to investigate them for improved accuracy, dynamic range, bandwidth, linearity and low voltage operation