87 research outputs found

    Clarke subgradients of stratifiable functions

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    We establish the following result: if the graph of a (nonsmooth) real-extended-valued function f:Rn→R∪{+∞}f:\mathbb{R}^{n}\to \mathbb{R}\cup\{+\infty\} is closed and admits a Whitney stratification, then the norm of the gradient of ff at x∈domfx\in{dom}f relative to the stratum containing xx bounds from below all norms of Clarke subgradients of ff at xx. As a consequence, we obtain some Morse-Sard type theorems as well as a nonsmooth Kurdyka-\L ojasiewicz inequality for functions definable in an arbitrary o-minimal structure

    On the first integral conjecture of Rene Thom

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    More that half a century ago R. Thom asserted in an unpublished manuscript that, generically, vector fields on compact connected smooth manifolds without boundary can admit only trivial continuous first integrals. Though somehow unprecise for what concerns the interpretation of the word \textquotedblleft generically\textquotedblright, this statement is ostensibly true and is nowadays commonly accepted. On the other hand, the (few) known formal proofs of Thom's conjecture are all relying to the classical Sard theorem and are thus requiring the technical assumption that first integrals should be of class CkC^{k} with k≥d,k\geq d, where dd is the dimension of the manifold. In this work, using a recent nonsmooth extension of Sard theorem we establish the validity of Thom's conjecture for locally Lipschitz first integrals, interpreting genericity in the C1C^{1} sense

    A family of functional inequalities

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    For displacement convex functionals in the probability space equipped with the Monge-Kantorovich metric we prove the equivalence between the gradient and functional type Lojasiewicz inequalities. In a second part, we specialise these inequalities to some classical geodesically convex functionals. For the Boltzmann entropy, we obtain the equivalence between logarithmic Sobolev and Talagrand's inequalities. On the other hand, the non-linear entropy and the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality provide a Talagrand inequality which seems to be a new equivalence. Our method allows also to recover some results on the asymptotic behaviour of the associated gradient flows
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